Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Depression: How Reflexology for the Spirit Can Help.

“Being depressed is the most unsung source of suffering in the world. It is a disease of the soul and chemicals alone cannot heal it.” – Deb Shapiro
Depression has many causes: anger, confusion, death of a loved one, exhaustion, failure, hormone imbalance, hurt, loneliness, old age, rage, stress, trauma, unresolved feelings.
Depression becomes an overwhelming problem as a person struggles to survive and make ends meet in an increasingly complex society.
Depression can be an underlying cause of many other diseases: respiratory diseases affecting the chest and lungs, alcoholism, compulsive eating, and many other ailments.
It depresses the body as well as the mind. So it’s important to move…arms, legs, joints. Keeping the body moving when suffering with depression is important.
Incidents can trigger depression such as loss of a job, divorce, death in the family, having to move, financial worries.
A person suffering with depression needs to go to a therapist for regular visits. S/he needs to get a physical to determine what underlying causes might be involved. S/he needs to have the diet carefully scrutinized to learn what nutritional imbalances exist.
Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions can definitely help. Reflexology sessions work to return the body to homeostasis
When offering reflexology to a person suffering with depression, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes. Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid reflexes. Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the lung reflexes. Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidney reflexes. Finally, work the spinal reflexes.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Bursitis Has a Strong Spiritual Component.

Bursitis is a painful inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs surrounding joints. Joints affected by bursitis include elbows, shoulders, knees, hips, and ankles. Think tennis elbow.
Reflexology for the Spirit can offer relief.
When addressing bursitis, work the following reflexes: work the endocrine system with a focus on the adrenal gland reflexes. Work the urinary system focusing on the kidney reflexes. And work the affected joint reflexes: hip, thigh, leg, arm, shoulder. Finish up the session with a focus on the liver and solar plexus.
Bursitis has a strong spiritual component because the joints affected are the same ones that move us forward in life. When a person has a bursitis issue, questions arise:
What events in your life are making you feel stuck?
Are you having difficulty moving beyond your comfort zone?
Do you feel powerless?
Are you experiencing a loss of direction?
How overwhelming is the fear that you are experiencing?
Do you feel that you are not appreciated?
Do you need a time out?
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

What is the Practical Application? – Part 2

As you begin the warm ups, what do you find?  How cold are the feet?  How easily do the ankles rotate?  Ankles are important.  They move us forward through life.

If you encounter stiff ankles, the person is not moving forward easily.  If the feet and ankles are swollen, the person is suffering through a stressful situation.

Begin the actual session at the toes.  Rotating the toes is important because this is where most of the stress is located.

When you observe hammertoes, work on them early in the session.

The solar plexus is very important.   Offering rotations to the solar plexus is the single most important thing you can do for your client partner.

Work the nervous system early in the session.  It’s a booster system and should always be used when you are trying to resolve a health issue.  The nervous system becomes important to you as you facilitate homeostasis.

Your next step is to work the immune system.  Working the immune system in conjunction with the nervous system can offer significant changes.

Follow this with attention to the digestive system including a focus on the intestinal tract.  Because good health begins in the intestinal tract, work the intestinal tract as often as you can in your sessions whether or not the person has voiced complaints.

Then, work the systems you feel need attention.  If you have time and don’t feel drawn to a particular system or foot area, go for the endocrine system.  This is the system that is, really, the most responsive to spiritual work.

With any time remaining, give attention to the areas of discoloration, puffiness, mushiness, cold, etc.

Offer warm downs for about 5 minutes to return the client to the present.  Most people receiving regular work from a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner go into a deep state encouraging healing and homeostasis.  This most often happens when the person does not engage in any conversation during the session.

There are many reactions which a client can exhibit during and after sessions.  Don’t elaborate on them because a certain percentage of people will experience reactions simply because you talked about them.

Let them occur naturally…if they are going to happen.

Thank you for reading this post.  This ends the section of practical application tips.

Tomorrow’s post will offer a guided meditation to use for yourself or read to someone else.

Peace and food for all



There are at Least 13 Benefits of a Reflexology for the Spirit Session

Reflexology for the Spirit provides instant relief to tired, swollen, itching feet.

It boosts the lymphatic system as it helps the body detox naturally as the practitioner works the lymphatic system.

Reflexology for the Spirit increases blood flow and can be used to improve circulation.  It helps the body to balance blood pressure.

It relieves tension, overall stress, and brings about a deep sense of relaxation to the entire body.

The benefits derived from receiving regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer an opportunity to observe physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes which create an ongoing atmosphere of body awareness, and a sense of healing. 

A strong feeling of well-being is created with regular sessions.

Reflexology for the Spirit deepens sleep and reduces insomnia when it is received over time in regular sessions.

Reflexology for the Spirit eases aches and pains as it relaxes the muscles.

Joint mobility is improved.

Women suffering from PMS, menopause, or other reproductive issues are offered relief.

Sufferers of indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive disorders can find relief through regular sessions.

Reflexology helps urinary problems such as cystitis.

Reflexology helps adjust emotional imbalances and increases nerve energy.

 So there you have them…13 benefits all lined up.

Thank you for reading this book/blog.  Our next post will focus on reactions.  Please contact me with any comments/questions you may have.

Hopefully you’ll be able to read tomorrow’s post as well.  As always, it will come to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Sweaty Feet can be very “trying” for a Reflexologist.

For starters, the natural inclination is to just not touch the feet.  Don’t worry.  Use an antibacterial spray on the feet to clean them off.  Wear gloves if you are worried that you’re going to “catch” something.

Remember this:  A person with sweaty feet is a person whose Adrenal glands are in serious passing gear.

There are several things your client partner can do.  We can’t prescribe these things but it’s nice to know what they are:  soak the feet in salt water to change the bacteria, rub the feet with alcohol and let it dry, change shoes and socks often, and spritz with cleansing spray whenever possible.

Suggest a visit to a podiatrist to make certain there are no infections, etc.  Whatever the condition, you still have a person with serious spiritual conditions needing your attention regularly.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:  adrenals,  nervous system, immune system, urinary system, digestive system with emphasis on the liver and the solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  bergamot, Roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, wintergreen, myrrh, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, ylang ylang, and spruce.

Thanks again for reading the blog.  Our next post will focus on Swollen Ankles and Feet.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

When You Consider the Pace and Demands of Life in the 21st Century, it’s no Wonder that Stress is a Huge Factor and Issue in our Health Care Dilemma

The causes are overwhelming and include lifestyle situations, medications, time management, relationship issues, which produce biological responses, any or all of which can contribute to making a person somewhat, or even very, ill.  Many people live with stressed adrenal glands.

Prolonged stressful situations can have effects lasting an entire lifetime.  In some cases, children growing up in stressful or abusive situations maintain a stress alert throughout adulthood so they never seem unstressed.  This can contribute to disease even decades later.

Stress weakens the immune system and, because of this, becomes a factor in diseases such as angina, anorexia, anxiety disorders, autoimmune disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, colds, depression, Type II Diabetes, digestive diseases, fibromyalgia, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, immune suppression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual irregularities, PMS, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, ulcerative colitis, ulcers.

“Flare ups” because of an event or problem can trigger outbreaks of acne, arthritis, asthma, heartburn, Multiple Sclerosis.

It’s important for your client partners to develop positive coping habits to manage stress.  These include yoga, meditation, tai chi, regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

A healthy diet is essential for stress management.  People suffering from the effects of stress should restrict or eliminate caffeine, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates.  Meals should be eaten in a relaxed atmosphere.

Reflexology for the Spirit facilitates homeostasis.  It can also be used to calm the adrenal glands.  This is essential when dealing with stress.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:  thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary reflexes as well as the lung, kidney, spinal reflexes and the solar plexus.  Include extra warm ups and warm downs.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  lavender, Roman chamomile, blue tansy, cedarwood, marjoram, rose, sandalwood, and frankincense.

Thanks for reading this blog.  We are approaching the end of this section.  There are three posts  remaining:  Sweaty Feet,  Swollen Ankles, and Thickened Nails.  After those posts,  we’ll explore some spiritual and non-spiritual treatments for different medical issues.

As always, this post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Multiple Sclerosis , an Extremely Spiritual Chronic Disease, Affects the Nervous and Immune Systems.

A person often has MS for several months or years before anyone diagnoses it properly.  Its cause, and cure, is unknown.  Multiple Sclerosis affects more women than men.Treatment focuses on the symptoms and efforts to modify the attacks.

Reflexology for the Spirit offers MS sufferers a method of encouraging the return to balance (Homeostasis).  This is especially important for MS sufferers because stress seems to make the symptoms worse.  And, Reflexology for the Spirit is a wonderful stress reducer.  Regular sessions can also help sufferers cope  with numbness, dizziness, tremors, fatigue, pain management, etc.  Encourage weekly sessions.


MS sufferers are dealing with fear and a strong, inflexible personality.  Think steel here.  Tough.  Inflexible.

In addition to regular sessions, there are a couple of things MS sufferers can try.  The first is to try to take part in a medical trial.  The second:  Don’t ignore the pain.  It’s a very real symptom of MS and affects the quality of an MS sufferer’s life.  Avoid fevers if at all possible.  This means an annual flu shot as well as staying away from people who might have a contagious disease.  Finally, avoid stress as much as possible.

AREAS TO WORK:  immune system, liver, solar plexus.  Include Reiki therapy also.

ESSENTIAL OILS:   juniper, wintergreen, frankincense, rosemary, basil, helichrysum, peppermint, thyme, marjoram.

Thanks for reading this blog.

This post comes to you, as always, from my healing space in Woodstock, New York.

Peace and food for all.


When You Work Hammertoes, You May See a Real Change in the Person Extending Beyond the Feet.

Regular sessions can offer relief for persons suffering with hammertoes.  This spiritual affliction is caused when a person is in a long tern situation where independent thought is being stifled.  The person creates a protective shell with the curling toes.  Hammertoes are sometimes seen with bunions.  When you observe hammertoes, please work them early in the session.

When a person comes to you with hammertoes, you have a situation with the person’s feet and, indeed, life, that is probably not going to be cleared up in a week.  It may take several weeks (at least) or months before any permanent change occurs.  Your regular sessions during this time will offer the needed encouragement and support so that change will occur.

AREAS TO WORK:  Work the toes so they are encouraged, and allowed to straighten.  This translates to working the neck areas, the brain, the sinuses, and doing a lot of warm ups and warm downs focusing on the toes and the neck ridge.  This carries an extra importance because hammertoes can sometimes be caused by a chronic lack of oxygen.  Include the nervous system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatics, digestive system, liver and solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  Idaho balsam fir, douglas fir, cypress, vetiver, Frankincense, lavender, geranium, palo santo, myrrh, patchouli, pine, rosewood, sage, or white fir.

The next post will focus on heel spurs.

The list of spiritual afflictions which respond to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions is very, very long.  If you want to see a particular issue highlighted in this section of the blog, please contact me and I’ll add that one to the list.

When  we complete the section of the book covering how to work spiritual afflictions, we’ll go on to cover a variety of subjects dealing with all aspects of your practice as a Reflexology for the Spirit  practitioner.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  It is being written in my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Acne and Reflexology for the Spirit

Both adolescents and adults under stress can be especially bothered with Acne.  regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions scheduled about a week to 10 days apart will help, especially if used in conjunction with antibiotics, exercise, appropriate diet and a good skin cleansing program.  Encourage your client partners suffering with acne to see a dermatologist because this disease also requires a medical specialist.

People at risk for acne include teenagers and adults who are under stress and who are also taking certain types of medications.  Adolescent and adult women who experience hormonal surges monthly before menstruation also get acne.  Acne sufferers are dealing with two difficult problems.

Often there is a dissatisfaction of self.  They are under tremendous pressure from someone or some situation in their environment.  This pressure is the type that just never “gives an inch”.  Anger may also be an issue with acne sufferers.

People suffering from acne need to do everything the dermatologist tells them to do and, they need to schedule regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  An occasional visit isn’t going to do a lot.

AREAS TO WORK:  immune system, nervous system, solar plexus, endocrine system, digestive system, urinary system, liver, face, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, geranium, vetiver, lavender, patchouli, German or Roman chamomile, rosewood, cedarwood, orange, clove

The next posts will cover issues presented with Allergies.

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

What is Reflexology for the Spirit?

Page0004 (1)Reflexology for the Spirit works with reflex points (nerve endings) in the hands, feet, and ears corresponding to specific areas throughout the body.  This book deals with the feet only, but the reflex points are also in the hands and ears (we leave these for the subject of another book).  It’s a system which, when applied, may help many existing health conditions.

These reflex points offer a map which is both easy to read and use.  The left side of the body is reflected in the left foot and the right side of the body is reflected in the right foot.

Reflexology for the Spirit is a natural whole body modality, so many people find they have an aptitude for this hands-on work.

We’re dealing with the energy links and systems of which our bodies are made.  Students are often surprised at how logical the reflexology system is:  the brain is read as a reflection in the toes, the lower spine is in the heel.  The internal organs are in the spaces in between.  This is exciting stuff.

The first place a disease or imbalance can be detected and subsequently treated is in the feet.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners  often detect ailments, problems, and diseases before they manifest symptoms anywhere else in the body.  These are described as crystals, resistance, mushiness, emptiness, hollows, etc.  They also can be felt through the sensations the client partner experiences.

The next post will complete the opening portion of this chapter.  After that, we’ll be discussing specific health issues:  allergies, anxieties, MS, stress, to name only a few.

Thanks for reading this post.  Please use the comment section for any questions you may have.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco