Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Envision Balance and Wellness


Envision balance  and wellness,  homeostasis,  or whatever you want.

After including reflexology in your life, the most important thing you  can do to bring about homeostasis is to become aware of the path you are now on..

We’re never going to get where we need to go unless we know:

where we’re going,

how we’re going to get there,

what we’re going to do when we arrive.  .

This may seem like a subject that doesn’t belong in a reflexology text book, but it really does.  If you’re going to help people get to a better place health wise, they need to know where they are going.  Not everyone knows about setting goals.  As you teach them goal setting  they’ll  envision the balance and wellness which  is best for themselves and their health.  And, you, likewise will benefit from setting your own goals.

Learning  the importance of how to envision balance and wellness is a good start.

Sometimes, client partners come to a reflexologist, massage therapist, or whomever. After a few visits they begin to feel better and forget why they came in the beginning.  Then they stop coming.  Without lecturing, teach them that energy follows intent.

Your client partners need to see Reflexology for the Spirit as a process, not a pill.  Keep them (and yourself) focused on  what you find as you reflex their feet.  You do this when you learn, gently, what is happening in their lives and their visits to other healthcare professionals.

Review, periodically, how their feet have changed, and how these changes affect their health in general as they envision balance and wellness.

You can keep your client partners focused on the goal if you know what it is.  So, an important question to ask during the first visit is “Why did you come today?  And, why not 6 months ago?  Or 2 months ago?”

When  you can get the answer to that question, you’ll both be on the way to balance and wellness (homeostasis) through a health goal.

Many healthcare professionals recognize health red flags.  These flags differ from professional to professional.  They can be

test results

client appearance

client remarks.

Red flags for a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner include:


loss of appetite








feeling jumpy or uneasy

coated tongue




stomach ulcers

canker sores



Many of your client partners may have  multiple issues.

Each individual is unique.  But, homeostasis is a goal that all can seek.

When this happens, the body is in a good health balance.

Disease is a sign that the flow toward homeostasis has reversed.  So, the red flag words become markers teaching how far away from homeostasis the body has drifted.

You, as the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner, are concerned with a person as a whole.  You work to create a natural balance that is wellness oriented.

You seek to expand the positive potential for good health in all areas.

Disease prevention is the best medicine.

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Thurman Greco


The Spirituality of the Kidneys


The kidneys are  emotional/spiritual body parts  working to remove impurities and negativity from the body. We have 2 kidneys, one on each side of the body.  This makes them important for balance.  When things are unbalanced, negativity  grows.  Until the balance returns, the tendency is to hold on to the negativity.  Think anger, bitterness, fear, resentment.

Kidneys support the adrenal glands which perch right on top of them.  This close connection to the adrenals emphasizes the spirituality and emotional aspects of the kidneys.  Because of the adrenal/kidney connection, fear plays a major part in imbalances.  Operative words here are anger, grief, loss, panic, stress.

Kidneys respond almost immediately to

difficulties or stress  in relationships.

an overabundance of negative energy which cannot be released

situations when the pressure to conform is overbearing.

When the kidneys are threatened, set aside a few minutes each day in which you speak to them.  (Please note, these exercises may take a few conversations or many conversations. Each situation is different.)

Offer your kidneys encouragement to release all negativity from the body.

Ask your kidneys to work with your adrenals to support your efforts to forgive yourself and those around you for any and all mistakes.  As you do this, you will be encouraging homeostasis, an important component in healthy kidneys.

When you feel you have meditated on these issues enough to be moving in the right emotional/spiritual direction, speak to your inner self about taking responsibility for your life so you can move forward with positive action.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco.

Renee Ruwe donated the photograph for today’s post.


Spirituality of the Eyes

Be Free Heart wings

We perceive our world through our eyes.  This perception is more than just seeing what is around us.  It’s an emotional/spiritual response to what we comprehend, feel, know, sense.  We know our surroundings through what we see.

What we see is influenced by our upbringing, education, religious beliefs,  experiences.  No two people see something the same way.  We all experience  life events with our own biases based on experiences we’ve had throughout our lives.  This includes everything done to us by others and everything we have done to others in both this life and past lives.

We also see our inner selves…our true feelings.  Except when we don’t.  Often, when things are too painful, we develop distorted observations of reality in order to make life more acceptable to ourselves.  Sometimes, we also develop spiritual  vision as well and need glasses.  Inner (spiritual) changes will affect  our vision accordingly.

Distorted vision blocks the intensity, danger, anger, impact, of a situation to make it more acceptable.  Distorted vision allows us to retreat from the harshness of the situation as we move into a more private inner world.

Cataracts are common in the elderly.  Cataracts work wonders for those who want to distance themselves from the details, struggles, and a fearful future.  Cataracts help when we see too much helplessness, sickness, and loneliness.

Glaucoma deals with issues created by unshed tears, blocked and repressed emotions.  Like Cataracts, Glaucoma becomes part of our lives when we fear the changes that the future is bringing to us.  This is especially true if the changes are beyond our control and the future appears bleak.  Glaucoma often deals with past life issues.

Spend a few moments each day focusing on what’s right in your life.

Find a quiet, safe place where you can go for a few minutes each day.  Cover your eyes with a soft cloth or use an eye pillow.  Turn on some quiet, regenerating music as you meditate for a few moments on healing and regenerating your eyes as well as your entire body.  Ask yourself to focus on strength, vitality, flexibility.  Ask the universe for homeostasis – the balance of all your organs.

Ground yourself for a few moments and then begin to release anger, distrust, fear, frustration, irritation, problems, negativity in your life.

Now might be a good time to shed some of the tears which you have been unable to shed in the past.  You may be able to do this if you feel safe enough.

Offer forgiveness as you move forward with positive thoughts into your future.

Your goal is to free yourself of the negativity in your life.

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Peace and food for all.

Michele Garner provided the picture in today’s article.

Thurman Greco



Reflexology for the Spirit and Stroke

The third killer is Stroke.  We are still looking at normalizing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, getting physical exercise regularly, eating the proper foods (avoiding foods high in salt and saturated fats), stopping smoking, limiting weight, and don’t get diabetes if you can help it.

Yoga and regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will help with the stress management.

Know the symptoms of a stroke:

trouble seeing

difficulty speaking


loss of balance

severe, sudden headache

weakness or numbness in a body part such as a leg, arm, or face.

If you feel that you or someone you know is experiencing a stroke, get medical attention immediately.  Time is very important in stroke treatment.  The sooner the stroke victim gets to the hospital, the better the outcome will be.

When offering Reflexology for the Spirit to a person who has had a stroke or who has the risk factors for a stroke, please work all systems including the liver and the solar plexus.  Offer a lot of warm ups and warm downs.  Reiki therapy is appropriate here.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  cistus, clove, helichysum, nutmeg, cypress, grapefruit, juniper, orange.

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Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit and Cancer

This post is part of the series on the Big Five Diseases.

For cancer prevention, the story is pretty much the same as for heart disease.  Get the cholesterol in the healthy range.  Get the exercise program going to shed the excess weight.

Cancer is a group of diseases, actually.  So, when we talk cancer, we talk about more than just one illness.

DIET IS IMPORTANT IN CANCER PREVENTION.  There is a correlation between fat and meat and cancer.  Add fruits and vegetables to your diet and add plenty of fiber.  Avoid excess sun exposure.  Use sunscreen.  Take your vitamins.  Skip the tobacco.

One factor contributing to cancer is extreme stress tolerated over a long period of time.

Other risk factors include secondhand smoke, air pollution, workplace exposure to chemicals, exposure to radon gas, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, overexposure to sun, sedentary lifestyle, age, family history, polyps in the colon, diet low in fiber and antioxidents, and diabetes.

Offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session 48 hours after a client partner has received  chemotherapy will help him/her feel much better.  This person will experience a deep sense of relaxation and an opportunity for the body to return to balance through  encouraging  homeostasis.

When someone you know  suffers with cancer, encourage him/her to continue all treatments the allopathic specialists have to offer.  Your job is to assist your client partner and support him/her in the return to homeostasis through the other treatments s/he receives.

Reflexology for the Spirit does not replace allopathic cancer treatments.  Your sessions with cancer patients can be very effective when combined with Reiki therapy and essential oils.  Reiki therapy can be offered daily.  As a practitioner working with a cancer patient, you’re dealing not only with the physical parts of the disease but also the emotional and spiritual aspects:  fear, anger, rage, helplessness, abandonment.

ESSENTIAL OILS: balsam fir, Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, lemon, myrtle, nutmeg, orange,  patchouli, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian

When using essential oils on a cancer patient, consult with an aromatherapist to choose the proper oil for the particular type of cancer your client has.

Work all body systems including the liver and solar plexus.

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Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit and the Big Five

SEVERAL DISEASES STALK US ALL.   Although it’s difficult to know exactly what causes them, markers exist letting us know where they fit in the overall scheme of things.  Some  things are certain.

Reflexology for the Spirit plays a significant part in promoting overall wellness, disease prevention, and disease management.  These diseases can be prevented and/or managed with some healthy lifestyle habits.  Emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion with Reflexology for the Spirit is important.

Focusing on prevention can decrease disabilities, increase the quality of life for your client partners, and reduce their health care costs.

Changing health damaging habits such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet can have a dramatic effect on your client partners.  These changes can have a ripple effect in their communities.  When you encourage your clients partners to practice disease prevention, you offer them an opportunity for a healthier future.

THESE DISEASES CHALLENGE US IN DIFFERENT WAYS BASED ON OUR AGE.    Being knowledgeable of these challenges and how they present themselves to us offers  valuable tools to prevent the diseases themselves.  The five biggest threats to our health are:

Heart Disease,



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,


Interestingly enough, the risk factors and markers for these diseases are similar (with only a few exceptions).


In the next six posts, I will explore each of these diseases and, finally, offer a summary.

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Thurman Greco


Reflexology Blog – Spiritual/Emotional System


As the journey goes, recognizing one’s spirituality varies from person to person.  The differences aren’t important.  What’s important  is  we understand the value of our spiritual well being relative to the overall health of  the whole body.

Try to understand and respect the spiritual differences in each client partner.  Spiritually, everyone is different with no wrongs or rights.  Make every effort to support the client’s spiritual beliefs to help the client achieve good spiritual health.


We can’t address the question without understanding the cultural, religious, and ethnic differences in our client partners.  These should always be respected and acknowledged when appropriate.

With a client partner from a different culture, please try to learn more about cultural behaviors and communication styles within that culture.

GOOD SPIRITUAL HEALTH INCLUDES A CONNECTEDNESS WITH ONE’S INNER SELF AND WITH OTHERS.  It can include a life with meaning and purpose.  It can include faith, hope, peacefulness, love, forgiveness, and worship.

For many, the most elusive word is forgiveness.  Many health care providers offer forgiveness prayers for their clients.    Some healers feel  healing is impossible without forgiveness.  Your job is to assist your client partner to achieve and maintain spiritual balance and health.

Reflexing the nervous system can be a very spiritual experience for your client partner.  For many, it facilitates a communication flow between the brain and the divine.

RECOGNIZE WHEN A CLIENT IS WORKING THROUGH LOSS AND GRIEF.    Your sessions can assist and support the client in this journey.

The endocrine system is the foundation of the Spiritual/Emotional System.  This is the primary system that Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.

The Endocrine system and the chakras are very closely aligned and influence one another.

Balanced chakras are a necessary component of good spiritual and emotional health. That’s what Reiki therapy does best.  Have you learned Reiki therapy yet?  It’s easy to learn.  It’s fast, incorporated easily into a Reflexology for the Spirit session and brings homeostasis.  As your client reaches and maintains homeostasis, the spirit becomes healthy, too.  Once the chakras are balanced and the spirit begins to achieve good health it will become the driving force in the journey to homeostasis.    You can assist your client partner on this journey without Reiki therapy but it’s easier with it.

The question arises:  What is Reiki therapy?  At its lowest common denominator, Reiki therapy is the laying on of hands.  The practitioner calls in the Reiki energy (universal life force) and offers a light touch to a clothed body as healing is offered.

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Michele Garner participated in writing this article. Jennette Nearhood painted the original picture used at the head of the post.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Ulcers

ULCERS ARE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS WITH STRONG SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE.  Ulcers can develop on the walls of the stomach, on the upper part of the small intestine.  Wherever they develop, they can be quite painful.

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO DISCUSS DIGESTIVE ULCERS WITHOUT DISCUSSING DIET.    People suffering with ulcers should avoid black pepper, chili powder, chocolate, coffee, meat extracts, mustard, and spicy foods for starters.

Ulcers require the attention of a medical professional.  some lifestyle changes, and the realization that the spirit is talking loud and clear.

Lifestyle changes include:

Eat food in moderation.  A stretched stomach with an ulcer can be quite painful.

Choose to eat apples, cranberry juice, onions.

Avoid coffee and alcohol

Quit smoking.  If you haven’t been smoking, now is not the time to begin this habit.

Avoid aspirin and other NSAIDs.

Wash your hands after every bowel movement.

REDUCE THE STRESS IN YOUR LIFE.   People dealing with ulcers are usually very stressed.  They may be under too much pressure and are possibly worried by financial, work, relationship, guilt, or shame problems.  The goal here is to get to the point where it’s not necessary to worry so much.  People dealing with these situations feel a need to be soothed, nurtured somehow.

And, this is where reflexology for the spirit enters the picture offering not only soothing relaxation but homeostasis.

When offering reflexology for the spirit to an ulcer sufferer, begin the sessions by working the solar plexus and diaphragm.

Work the digestive system with emphasis on the stomach  and duodenal reflexes.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the intestinal reflexes focusing on the entire Intestinal tract.

Finish the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Nausea, an unpleasant but  familiar sensation, has been experienced by all of us at one time or another.


Alcohol Binges


Food Poisoning

Gallbladder Disorders

High Fever

Intestinal Blockages

Migraine Headache

Motion Sickness



Viral Infection

Spiritually, a person suffers with nausea when s/he is in a situation without sufficient coping skills.  Fear looms large here.

There are some things that will help nausea:

Ginger tea, powdered ginger, or candied ginger is known to help with motion sickness.  Pregnant women should not take ginger in any form without speaking with the physician first.

Slowly drinking clear or ice-cold liquids such as juices, sweetened beverages often helps.  Dehydration must be avoided..

Plain crackers are important to women suffering with morning sickness.

Slowly eat smaller, more frequent meals.

If possible, rest lying propped up sometimes helps.

Reflexology helps.  Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the nervous system and focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the ear reflexes.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the stomach and intestinal reflexes.

Reiki therapy is entirely appropriate here for nausea.

If the person is still nauseated after 24 hours, it’s time to call a professional healthcare specialist.

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Thurman Greco




Reflexology Blog – Heartburn

Heartburn usually is brought on by eating too quickly or eating too much at a meal.


People  at risk of heartburn attacks include  smokers who are also overweight.  There Things  can be done to alleviate the discomfort:

Give up large meals.  Instead of three large meals, switch to four to six smaller ones.

Avoid fatty, high calorie foods.  Dietary fat has a tendency to make people more sensitive to heartburn.

Steer clear of foods which may cause heartburn:  carbonated drinks, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, mint (spearmint and peppermint), onions, oranges, tomatoes.

Include walking in your daily activities.

Wear more comfortable clothing.

And, often silently, hiatal hernias play a part in the heartburn story somehow.  Many of us, maybe even half of us, have hiatal hernias.   We are often unaware that we have one.  However, if your heartburn is persistent, ask your healthcare provider it this might be contributing to your problems..

Spiritually, heartburn sufferers find life too bitter to bear.  They can no longer stomach the situation.

Reflexology helps with the anxiety and stress of everyday life which often contribute to heartburn.

When offering reflexology to a person suffering with heartburn, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the entire endocrine system.

Work the entire digestive system as you focus on the stomach reflexes.

Work the entire nervous system.

End the session by focusing on the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco