Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Guided Meditation: An Angel Points the Way to a Digestive System in Perfect Health

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SEEK OUT A COMFORTABLE PLACE WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED.    Turn on some quiet music if you like.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.    Feel your body as it becomes comfortable in this place you have chosen.

TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS.   Now, take a few relaxing breaths.  As you breathe in, feel the healing air you are bringing into your body.  As you inhale now, feel the pure healing air as it  enters your nose, throat, and lungs.  Each time you inhale, allow your body to breathe in more healing air into your lungs and then into every artery, and finally every vein in your body.

With each exhale, you release toxins, stress, negativity which have collected throughout your digestive system.  Your exhales are gently  detoxing your system.

As you are breathing in this healing air, you become aware of a  a special healing light accompanying these inhales.  As you inhale, feel  the healing light wash over your body.  Feel this healing light as it bathes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being.

Now, notice that this light is focusing on your digestive system, washing toxins and any issues away.  This healing light  gives health to your digestive system beginning with the mouth and traveling down through the esophagus, stomach, liver, small and large intestines, rectum and anal canal.  This healing light brings health to every organ down to the cellular level.

Breathe deeply and naturally now for a few moments as you receive the nurturing energy from this light.  Allow your digestive system to melt into this healing moment.  Allow your digestive system to absorb this purity and perfection.  Relax a bit more and listen for the sounds of the forest which is enfolding you.

You find yourself on a path in the forest.   As you move down the path, you feel the air on your skin.  You smell the soil, the leaves.   You hear the forest sounds:  the birds, rustling leaves, small animals skittering.  The healing light you breathed in a few moments ago is allowing you to become one with the forest.


You look down the path and see an angel ahead.  You notice everything about this angel who is welcoming you.  You will want to remember this angel and this place when you return for  visits.  Notice the colors, the textures, the sounds, the smells.

This angel is here to help you focus on the health of your digestive system.

You feel that this angel is here to help you be healthy and stay healthy.

Your angel begins to share with you how your body is now working as it properly should.  You pause a few moments and receive the  wisdom this angel has for you.

You begin to gain insight about what blocks need to be released, what organs need more nourishment, how to channel stress and negative emotions into positive life experiences.

AS YOU GAIN INSIGHT, YOU BEGIN TO HAVE YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.  You know this angel has the answers for you.  You know  that if the answers do not come immediately, there is no need for concern.  You know from the angel’s presence that the answers will come in another time or at another place.

It’s time for you to go now.  It’s time for you to return to your room and your safe, comfortable place where you began this meditation.     As you leave the forest and return to the comfortable place in the room, you feel the healing light stay with you.

You return to the moment relaxed, refreshed, knowing you can visit this forest and this  angel whenever you want.

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Nausea, an unpleasant but  familiar sensation, has been experienced by all of us at one time or another.


Alcohol Binges


Food Poisoning

Gallbladder Disorders

High Fever

Intestinal Blockages

Migraine Headache

Motion Sickness



Viral Infection

Spiritually, a person suffers with nausea when s/he is in a situation without sufficient coping skills.  Fear looms large here.

There are some things that will help nausea:

Ginger tea, powdered ginger, or candied ginger is known to help with motion sickness.  Pregnant women should not take ginger in any form without speaking with the physician first.

Slowly drinking clear or ice-cold liquids such as juices, sweetened beverages often helps.  Dehydration must be avoided..

Plain crackers are important to women suffering with morning sickness.

Slowly eat smaller, more frequent meals.

If possible, rest lying propped up sometimes helps.

Reflexology helps.  Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the nervous system and focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the ear reflexes.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the stomach and intestinal reflexes.

Reiki therapy is entirely appropriate here for nausea.

If the person is still nauseated after 24 hours, it’s time to call a professional healthcare specialist.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




Reflexology Blog – Heartburn

Heartburn usually is brought on by eating too quickly or eating too much at a meal.


People  at risk of heartburn attacks include  smokers who are also overweight.  There Things  can be done to alleviate the discomfort:

Give up large meals.  Instead of three large meals, switch to four to six smaller ones.

Avoid fatty, high calorie foods.  Dietary fat has a tendency to make people more sensitive to heartburn.

Steer clear of foods which may cause heartburn:  carbonated drinks, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, mint (spearmint and peppermint), onions, oranges, tomatoes.

Include walking in your daily activities.

Wear more comfortable clothing.

And, often silently, hiatal hernias play a part in the heartburn story somehow.  Many of us, maybe even half of us, have hiatal hernias.   We are often unaware that we have one.  However, if your heartburn is persistent, ask your healthcare provider it this might be contributing to your problems..

Spiritually, heartburn sufferers find life too bitter to bear.  They can no longer stomach the situation.

Reflexology helps with the anxiety and stress of everyday life which often contribute to heartburn.

When offering reflexology to a person suffering with heartburn, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the entire endocrine system.

Work the entire digestive system as you focus on the stomach reflexes.

Work the entire nervous system.

End the session by focusing on the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Prostate Disorders

Prostate problems are common in men over fifty.  The most common disorders are prostatitis, benign enlargement, and cancer.  Over half of men over 50 suffer from prostate problems.  By far, the most popular is enlarged prostate.

Causes of prostate problems are nutritional, hormonal, and spiritual.

Nutritional causes include low levels of nutrients – selenium, zinc.  If you have prostate issues, now is a good time to have a nutritional analysis.   As always, I recommend you  contact Liz at Village Apothecary – 845-679-0790.

Hormonal issues suggest a trip to a medical professional.

Spiritual issues call for regular reflexology visits.

This is also a time to examine how you feel about your self and your life.  What words come to mind?

Feeling:  ashamed, helpless, inferior, resentful, stuck.

Allow yourself to express your feelings as opposed to suppressing them.

Focus on the positive aspects of your life.

When addressing prostate issues begin the session by working the endocrine system by working the pituitary reflexes,  testicle reflexes, and the prostate reflexes..

Work the nervous system as you focus on the spinal cord reflexes.

Work the  lymphatic system.

End the session by focusing for a few moments on the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco





Guided Meditation – An Angel Brings Forgiveness


Page0002 (2)Begin this guided meditation by putting on some soft music.

Now, get in a comfortable place.  Sit in a comfortable chair, or lay face up on a sofa or sit back in a recliner.  The important thing here is comfort.

Begin this meditation by breathing slowly.  Breathe in relaxation as you take deep breaths.  Breathe out stress, negativity.

Allow yourself to sigh, and yawn.  Stretch if you feel like it.

Pay attention to your body.  Feel your body relax as you breathe in fresh, cleansing air.

Feel your body let go of negativity as you exhale.  Releasing  negativity allows your body to feel a little lighter.  It allows you to relax even more.

Every breath allows you to become more relaxed and to let go of the buildup of negativity.  You begin to feel the warmth of comfort and safety.

As your breathing continues, you find yourself in a meadow…a meadow created just for you.  Your breathing allows you to relax even more in the warmth of the sun.  Your breathing allows you to become one with the meadow.  You become aware of the sights, sounds, fragrances, wildlife, of  the meadow.

This meadow offers you peace.  This meadow offers you an opportunity to let go of negativity.

You look around and see an angel.  This angel  stands beside you in a beautiful clearing with  butterflies, flowers, birds, grasses, trees.

As you see this angel, you realize that now is a time for you to give up past negativity.  This is an opportunity for you to let go of feelings of negativity, being stuck, inferiority, shame, confusion, disappointment.

You turn to the angel.

You see you are being given an opportunity to travel down the different paths of your life.

You are being given an opportunity to safely explore lessons learned through past experiences.

You are being given an opportunity to acknowledge that you no longer need to hold onto negativity, disappointment.

With the angel beside you, you feel empowered – safe.

With the angel beside you, you are ready to offer forgiveness as you grow beyond this negativity that has been holding you back.

With the angel beside you, you are in a space where your heart can open and receive positive energy in the place that once held negativity.

With the angel beside you, you are able to spontaneously accept  giving up negativity of all kinds.  This negativity is replaced by forgiveness not only for  other persons and events but also for yourself.

With the angel beside you, you  are instantly moving forward in life as you embrace new energy and a new life force.

With the angel beside you, you know  all is forgiven…forever.

You turn to the angel and look deeply at this glorious being shrouded in green who has accompanied you on this  journey.  As you examine this angel deeply, you know  you have received an incredible gift…the gift of forgiveness.

You thank the angel for such a generous, life changing gift.

Now you return to the room knowing that the angel  in green is waiting for you any time you want to journey down the path of forgiveness again.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




Reflexology Blog – Headaches Always Have a Muscular Component


Headaches have many causes:



Emotional Stress

Excessive Noise

Food Allergies

Glaring Light

Poor Diet

Tension in the Neck

Tension in the Shoulder Muscles

Vision Problems

On a spiritual level, the causes are just as numerous:

Feeling out of control




Over thinking

Self Critical


A good first step in dealing with headaches is to figure out what is happening in your life just before a headache begins.  This investigation may require  a headache diary.

Begin by keeping track of everything you are eating.  You want to find out if a food can be the cause of your headaches.  Marge D’Urso always said that two biggest causes of headaches are wheat and dairy.  She recommended that a good first step in dealing with headaches is to give these items up for six weeks.

Keep track of your environment and how it’s affecting you.  Describe your feelings. You’re looking for  evidence of repetitive behavior and/or attitudes which may affect your headaches.

Record your headaches:  location, duration, severity.

There’s a muscular component to all headaches.  Addressing this component involves regular visits to a reflexology for the spirit practitioner.  Regular sessions relieve stress,  encourage homeostasis, improve day-to-day functioning.

Record your sleep patterns.  Is insomnia a factor?

Thyroid and adrenal hormone imbalances can cause headaches.  Visit an endocrinologist.

NOTE:  If you discover that the headaches recur regularly, you need to visit a medical professional.

When offering a reflexology session to a headache sufferer, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the respiratory system as you focus on the sinuses.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the pancreas.

Work the sense organs as you focus on the ears and the eyes.

Work the muscular system as you focus on the arm, shoulder, and neck muscle reflexes.

Work the spinal reflexes.

End the session as you spend a few moments on the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the pancreas.


Reflexology Blog – Muscular System

Muscular System

OUR BODIES CONTAIN OVER 600 MUSCLES, AND THEY ARE IN EVERY BODY PART, GLAND, AND ORGAN.    Muscles work in tandem with the bones in our skeletal system to enable a body to move, circulate blood, help maintain posture, and produce heat and energy.  They are controlled by that command center referred to in the Nervous System.

There are three types of muscles:  cardiac, smooth, or skeletal.

CARDIAC MUSCLES EXIST ONLY IN THE HEART  where they form the heart walls.  The cardiac muscle works alone and is autonomous.  Smooth muscles are involuntary and are found in the walls of internal organs like as the stomach and blood vessels.  Both the cardiac muscle and smooth muscle tissues do their work involuntarily with no help from us.  They are activated through the autonomic nervous system as well as hormonal action.

THE MAJORITY OF THE BODY’S MUSCLES ARE SKELETAL.   The system includes the tendons that attach muscles to bone and the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles.  Skeletal muscles move voluntarily and are used for every kind of motion – walking, speaking, running.  These are the muscles which move us forward in life.

SEDENTARY PEOPLE WHO DON’T STIMULATE THEIR MUSCLES TO WORK FIND THEIR MUSCLES ATROPHY.   Statistics prove that a sedentary life style leads to depression and emotional and spiritual malaise.  Reflexology supports the activation of muscle function through exercise resulting in more positive and alive feelings.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Migraine Headaches: severe throbbing pain beginning on one side of the head which can last from 4 hours to 3 days

Migraine headaches are both very painful and very common.  They can be hereditary.

They have very definite emotional and spiritual causes.  People suffering with migraines are experiencing fear of failure for one thing.  The person is in a situation where it’s necessary to heavily control feelings as well as environment.  These controls may be coming from outside as opposed from inside oneself.  Parent?  Boss?  Spouse?

The sufferer may be in a situation in life where feelings must be repressed.  The person is actually emotionally/spiritually hiding.

Words that describe the migraine sufferer’s situation include conflict, punishment, control, overcommitment, guilt, fear, anxiety.

Events triggering a migraine headache include our old friend stress, bright lights, allergies, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, oral contraceptives, foods:  cheese, smoked fish, red wine, chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, bananas.

Getting  rid of migraine headaches takes some real focus.  It’s important to examine all the underlying problems including nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and endocrine system imbalances.

Reflexology for the Spirit can be a real help but it’s best to work from a prevention standpoint.  In other words, a migraine sufferer needs to include a weekly reflexology session in his/her schedule – not just for awhile but as a lifestyle activity.   This commitment is necessary to keep the stress down and to address the underlying causes.  Having a reflexology session only when the migraine headache occurs is not the answer to the problem.

Nutritional issues can be addressed by consultations with a nutritionist  knowledgeable of  migraines.  Then, after the consultations, the migraine sufferer needs to omit the necessary foods and add the necessary supplements and herbs.  This amounts to a lifestyle change.  Any diet and supplement changes will take at least six weeks to have any real impact.

Whoever you consult with will probably recommend magnesium, fish oil, B vitamins.  If you are already taking these supplements, consider that you may be using a product which  isn’t suitable for you.  That’s why it’s necessary to consult with a nutritionist.  As we all know by now, I use Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock:  845-679-0970.

Eliminating food triggers is important.  Some suggested triggers include wheat, oranges, eggs, tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, cheese, beef, corn, sugar, yeast.  Here again, the migraine sufferer needs to work with a knowledgeable professional.

My Reflexology teacher, Marge D’Urso always told us that the first thing a person should do is eliminate wheat and dairy from the diet.  She felt those two foods were the cause of many of our health problems.

When offering a reflexology session to a migraine sufferer, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system by focusing on the pituitary gland reflexes and the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus n the brain reflexes.

Work the circulatory system as you focus  the heart reflex.

Work the urinary system as you focus  the kidney reflexes.

End the session by working  the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco










High Blood Pressure and What You Can Do About It.

modernHigh blood pressure happens when the heart is forced to pump harder to maintain circulatory functions.  Often people have high blood pressure and aren’t aware of the situation.  High blood pressure can damage arterial walls and puts  strain on the heart.

If you have high blood pressure, you are at risk of heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and congestive heart failure.

High blood pressure is often a lifestyle disease because factors affecting your blood pressure include smoking, overweight, inactivity, prediabetes and diabetes, and, finally, our old friend stress.

High blood pressure is also often a spiritual disease because factors affecting your blood pressure include pushing yourself beyond your limits, feeling too much pressure and too many demands in your daily life, holding onto anger and hurt.

If you want to control your hypertension,  take the medication and make some lifestyle changes so  the dose will be the absolute lowest possible.  Often, the lifestyle changes will allow you to discontinue the medication.

Changing your diet can really help.  Work on losing weight.  This means cutting out the junk foods in addition to eating low calorie vegetables, fruits, beans.  Cut out caffeine, alcoholic drinks and any beverage with calories.  Diet is seriously important here…especially if you don’t want to take  pills.

Some specific vitamins and minerals recommended for persons dealing with hypertension include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Garlic, Flaxseed oil.  Therefore, I advise that you find a nutritionist or call Liz at Village Apothecary in Woodstock (845-679-0790).  She knows the vitamins and minerals you need and she knows what diet is going to work the best for your situation.  You want to make sure that you are taking the right supplement and the right amount of the supplement to do the most good for you.

Exercise is important.  Find something you like to do and then do it every day.  Increase the amount of time you exercise a little each day.  Until you come up with a better exercise, try walking.

Receiving Reflexology for the Spirit sessions regularly can definitely help to stabilize hypertension.  Homeostasis to the rescue!

When offering a session to a person suffering with hypertension, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the circulatory system with an emphasis on the heart reflex.

Work the urinary system as you focus on the kidney reflexes.

End the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




Fatigue is a very important component of disease.

Fatigue is an important symptom and is best not ignored…although many people try.  The five  reasons why people feel tired are:

Insufficient Sleep:   The first step toward overcoming fatigue is to begin to sleep more.  Sleep is extremely important.

We repair our bodies and souls as  we sleep.

We maintain our mental and emotional systems as we sleep.

We use the  subconscious mind as  we  asleep.

Try for nine hours of sleep each night.  If you’re sleeping nine hours each night and still feel tired, you need to look further into your causes of fatigue.    If you’re unable to sleep over eight hours each night and you’re trying to get that amount of sleep, you need to have your sleep habits evaluated at a sleep clinic.  Sleeping pills are not the answer.

There is a correlation between insufficient sleep and some diseases.  People with poor sleeping habits  can  suffer from type 2 diabetes, depression,  fibromyalgia, heartburn, heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, menopause problems, memory loss, and obesity more often than their counterparts with good sleeping habits.

I’m going to put in a plug for reflexology now.  People who receive regular reflexology sessions report that they sleep significantly better.

Hormonal Imbalances:   Often, if a person is sleeping eight hours or more each night and still feels tired, it’s time to go to an Endocrinologist and get the thyroid and adrenal glands tested.  When the Endocrine system gets your body back on track you’ll feel like a new person.

Proper Nutrition:  Most people think they eat properly.  Most people don’t.  Some basics for a good diet include eliminating things:  flour, sugar, processed foods.   Stay away from foods with  label listings you can’t understand.  If you read a word on the ingredient list that you don’t understand, don’t buy the product and don’t eat it.  Much of what we buy in grocery stores today is not food.  It is a collection of chemicals that have been manufactured and combined for consumption but it’s not food.

If you are serious about maintaining good health and overcoming fatigue, it’s important to get the proper vitamins and minerals.  I use Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock.  Either contact her at 845-679-0790, or try to find your own nutritionist to guide you in the selection of vitamins and minerals you need to have the healthiest body possible.  Just purchasing your vitamins and minerals randomly based on the color of the label or what might be on sale will not always result in you getting the best product for your needs.

Inactivity:  The message here is easy.  Keep moving.  If you feel tired, try moving around.  Walk on your lunch hour.  Go for a hike instead of going to the movies or sitting down in front of the TV.

Depression:  Fatigue and depression go hand in hand.  And, the cause of the fatigue sometimes leaves clues in the kinds of depression experienced.  For example, the depression caused by a low thyroid is very different from the depression created by too much sugar is very different from the depression caused by inactivity.  If you find yourself depressed, think about how it is manifesting itself.  What can be the cause?

Disease:  There are at least 65 diseases for which fatigue is a symptom.  This statement alone tells you how important fatigue is to diagnosing, and ultimately overcoming many diseases.  Some diseases affecting the circulatory system that have fatigue as a symptom include Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Myocarditis, Valvular heart disease.

When treating fatigue with Reflexology for the Spirit sessions, begin by working the brain reflexes.

Then work the respiratory system as you focus on the lung reflexes.

Follow the work on the lung reflexes by working the circulatory system with the emphasis on the heart reflex.

Next, work on the digestive system with a focus on the liver reflex.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal gland reflexes and the thyroid reflexes.

Finish the session by working the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco