Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What to do When it all Gets to be Too Much: Switch Off The Day

The times are overwhelming.  It’s as if everyone is “always on”.  I find that when I’m always connected, things can quit working.  When I’m always connected, I find myself staring at screens, answering every door bell and phone ring.

When things quit working, one of the most effective  things I do is switch everything off.  This includes me.  I switch off – both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I turn off electronic devices.  The phone goes off.  The computer shuts down.  The TV is off.  I turn off all the lights.

And, you know what?  almost everything works better after I’ve unplugged it for a few minutes.  And, that includes me.

And, then, I get in my most comfortable chair and  give myself a Reiki therapy session.

I begin the session with the symbols and three hand positions to my head.  My intention is to relax so that I won’t be so fatigued and overwhelmed.

Now…I know that switching everything off can be difficult.  In some cases, it’s impossible. I also know that there comes a time when saying “no” is not selfish.

An important lesson I had to learn as an adult is that when everybody is getting oxygen masks, we sometimes each need to get our own oxygen mask first so we can make sure everyone else is being properly cared for.

So, becoming comfortable with “no” and “off” is something that I had to learn in life.

A life lesson I had to learn was that some people stress me out.  Learning to recognize  stressor people and situations was (is) important.  Once stressors are are recognized, it is easy to avoid them.

Life is more pleasant, less complicated,  and easier when stressors are recognized and minimized.

Reiki sessions help.  Both Reiki and reflexology promote relaxation and a more positive outlook.

Emergency Reiki sessions are a dramatic improvement.  They work even better when they are a supplement to regularly scheduled Reiki therapy sessions.

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If you who have friends and relatives who might enjoy this post, please share  it to your  favorite social media network and to your friends and relatives.

For more info, check out my books at  every title is available in hard copy and ebook with the exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”   This book is available as an ebook only until December.

PLEASE don’t forget to schedule regular Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on Tuesdays.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

2023 – Appreciate the Good!


We’re entering another new year!  2023 is an opportunity to create a better world.  Let us all join together energetically as we focus in the coming weeks on ways we can expand and grow this opportunity.

Begin by sending Reiki into your future.

If you don’t know Reiki, send a meditation message to 2023.


Take this spot on the calendar to celebrate the new year by sending blessings to friends, family, and coworkers.  Send love and kindness to everyone.  Send blessings to the world!


Begin your transition into 2023 with a gratitude list.  This list offers endless benefits. When you work on a gratitude list, you’re not going to have room in your heart and mind for things like fear and worry.  Instead, you’ll find yourself surrounded with abundance, love, grace, awe, and appreciation.


Dwell for a few moments on things you are not happy about and then – release them to the universe.  Spiritual housecleaning is a good new year activity.  Let go of thoughts, dreams, beliefs, or habits which you know are not positive and do not fit in with your goals for success.

Make a list.  Write it out.  If you need help, ask the universe for guidance and support.

When you release negativity into the universe, you make space for goodness and love and all things positive.


With this question, you bring positivity into your life.  Write down:  What do you need?  What do you really want?  What does your soul need?  What positive situations and resources do you need to attract?  Why do you want these things?

Now, write out your answers.  Write out the things with the most meaning for you.  Use as much detail as you want.  There are no wrong answers when you write what feels good to you and is practical. You are attracting things in your life which will bring about the greatest good for the universe.


Using all of your senses, envision your dreams coming to life.  Spend a few (3-5) minutes meditating on them.  Begin your visualization with cleansing breaths.  You may even want to include some calming meditation music.

This step may not come easy to you at first.  Don’t worry.  You’ll get better at your visualizations as time passes.  Practice will improve your sessions.


Take an action each week that moves you toward your goal.  This can be something either big or small.  The important thing is that it is moving you on your path toward achievement.


Compose a power statement which is going to keep you focused on your goal.  You want an affirmation to keep you pointed in the right direction and moving along.

Examples include:

I trust my inner guidance.

I rely on my inner wisdom.

I have abundant health.

I speak my truth.

When you have chosen an appropriate affirmation, you can rely on it daily.  Reciting your affirmation regularly will keep you focused while it quiets negative thoughts.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please share it with your friends and relatives.

Forward it to your preferred social media network.

Connect with me on facebook:  Thurman Greco

If you are interested in more information about this article, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.  You can find it at

You can also find more information in older blog posts.

Two related books which include manifesting, goal setting, and focused action are:

“I Don’t Hang Out in Churches Anymore” and

“Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles”.

These two books are about the spiritual journey of hunger as illustrated by the shoppers in the food pantry line.

Find out more about me at

10 Steps to Inner Fitness and a Life That Unsticks Itself.

We’ve all got a lot on our plates these days.  All of us.

We’re at a point where it’s time to return to normal.

The question is this:  What is normal anyway?

Certainly it’s not what we had before.  It’s time to make way for a better life..

Whether we’re interested or not, our spiritual centers need encouragement, support, and protection.  Inner fitness smoothes out the bumps in our travels through life.

I don’t know if I speak for everyone, or even anyone, but I find myself embracing this new normal while experiencing grief.

With a grounded inner core,  a new normal is easier to find and recognize.  Essential requirements for inner fitness include encouragement, support, safety, and self-confidence.

There are things you can do:

Think Positively.  

Positive thoughts are essential – even before you get out of bed.  When you wake, ask yourself “How can I be happy today?”

Happiness is the great equalizer.  You are never too young or too old for happiness.  Happiness doesn’t need education.  Happiness doesn’t need good health.  Happiness is the only thing I know that is available to everyone.

All happiness needs is for you to “be happy.”

Listen to Your Body.  

When you listen, your body will talk to you.  It will never lie to you as healing  begins.  Inner fitness is real.

Are you trying to adjust to your new reality?  Do you want to change your life?  Is something wrong, and are you trying to find out what?

Tune in to your body several times a day.  Do you have pain anywhere?  Is your spine aligned?  What is your energy level?  Are you hungry?  Thirsty?  Tired?  Joyful?

Good Health is a Priority.

When you value your good health, you become a valuable person.  You love yourself.  When you expect excellent health, your thinking changes.  Life unsticks itself.

Claim your wellness!

Respect Your Emotional Self 

Your feelings are opportunities to grow.  Emotions are messages from your body which will help set you free.  Your emotions can help you understand pain, extra weight, sorrow, fear.

When you remove these feelings, you make way for joyful health, peace, grounding.

A better life emerges.

Connect with Your Community.

Get a part time job.

Or a full time job.

Read a newspaper.

Use your library.

Volunteer at a food pantry.

Join your local church or synagogue.

Teach someone to read.

Include Exercise Every Day

In 1513, Ponce de Leon discovered the Fountain of Youth in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.  The Fountain of Youth still exists and keeps people everywhere healthy.  There is at least one branch of it in your neighborhood, located on a sidewalk or roadside where you can walk every day.

If that’s not convenient for you, another nearby branch is in your local fitness center.  You’ll be healthier when you visit it regularly.

Take a Grounding Break

Try meditation, walking your dog, giving your cat a massage, or staring out the window into nothingness.

The activity isn’t so important.  What’s important is that, when you complete this small task, you’ll have given yourself a refreshing, grounding break.

You’ll continue with your day feeling more positive, relaxed.  Your fresh new take on the day will ripple out to those around you.

Review Your Situation

Now might be a good time to write about important moments in your life.  You don’t  have to focus on what happened in your life.  Focus, instead, on what you did about what happened to you.

Write short stories, essays, poems, or keep a journal.

Whatever you choose, if you need help, you may find it at your library.

Reflexology and Reiki

Do not overlook a weekly session.  Both these modalities bring homeostasis which is crucial these days.  Both these modalities are adaptable to many different situations.

Do you practice Reiki?  No?  Find a teacher.  If you do…have you thought about a Reiki circle for your area?

We all need more Reiki.  We all need more reflexology.

When I think about Reiki and reflexology, my heart sings!

Thank you for reading this article. Please share it on your favorite social media network.

Please send it to a friend.

Thurman Greco











Dieting? Water Works to the Rescue! – 5 Tips and 2 Secrets .



So, what does that mean?

Finding the best beverages to  support your weight loss  is crucial.   Like everything else you eat or drink or do, there are a few pointers: Water works!

  1. Stop drinking anything with calories.

2. Get sodas and diet sodas out of your life today!

But, it’s one thing to read Do Not Drink Sodas or Diet Sodas.  It’s another thing altogether to replace this habit with something better.

3. Begin by drinking water, infused water, and/or strained, homemade broth.

The truth is that you have more options than you thought.  All those different brands of water on the shelf have different flavors.  Check them out.  Find the one you like best.

Beyond that, stevia drops can enhance your water choices.

Try out decaffeinated herbal tea and broths prepared without MSG.

When I lived in the Washington, D.C., metro area, several friends of mine were patients of a weight-loss physician.  He guided them through a successful diet program.

His secret?  Drink 50 glasses of water a day, every day.  Can’t go his guideline?

4. Drink at least 80 ounces of fluids daily.

So what does that mean?  Water works!

It means you carry a water bottle and drink from it all day.

5.  Skip beverages during meals  because liquids can move your food out of your stomach too fast.  When this happens, you have a smaller opportunity to feel full from your meal.

6.  Does food make you thirsty?  Wait 20-30 minutes  after your meal and then enjoy your water to your heart’s content.


Begin every meal well-hydrated.  You feel less hungry when you are thirsty.  Water Works!

Begin each meal with a reiki therapy or reflexology session.  It doesn’t have to be an hour long, or even a half hour long.  A 10-15 minute session,  or even a 5 minutes session can be enough to calm your mealtimeCalm meals encourage a more successful diet.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

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Thurman Greco