Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The First Step in a Reflexology Session – Part 3

This is the last part of the section on greeting and assessing your client partner.  In the previous  post, we discussed how the different colors on the feet reflect spiritual issues in a person’s life.

As you study this blogged book  further, you’ll learn that each of the things noted in the past two posts has a meaning for you not only for what the observation is but where it is found.

Notice where the feet point when your client partner is on the table.  Do the feet point up?  Does one foot point out to the side?  Do they both point out to the side?  Do they both point in the same direction?  Do they point inward?  Are they crossed at the ankles?

Generally, when a person walks into your healing space with the toes pointed out or inward, s/he has back problems.

On the table, if the toes are pointing outward, the person is pretty open.  Some people point their toes inward, and some even cross their feet.  If this is the case, the person probably has strong protection issues.

If a person comes to your table with feet that are unpleasant to look at and smell, clean them off with a warm, wet wash cloth.  Feel free to spritz them with a cleansing spray.

If a person comes to your table with sweaty, smelly feet, you also have the option of offering hand or ear reflexology.  Or, you can even wear gloves.  Whatever you do, please remember that a person with smelly, sweaty feet is suffering terribly and is probably in a fight or flight situation of some kind because sweating feet are generally caused by the nervous system working overtime.  The operative words here are anxiety, anger, nervousness, etc.

Don’t be afraid to address this situation with your client.  The person needs to get a diagnosis from a primary healthcare provider.  Smelly, sweaty feet often need medical attention that you as a reflexologist cannot provide.  Fungus on the feet needs to be treated by a podiatrist or other professional.

However, don’t worry about a person coming to your table with unpleasant feet.  For the most part, this just doesn’t happen.  Most people arrive with gorgeous feet.  Often, when a person has received a gift certificate, s/he will go to the nail salon before coming for the Reflexology for the Spirit session.

In our next post, we’ll discuss important information you need to know as a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner or as a regular reflexologist, for that matter.

I hope you found these last three posts helpful.  Please leave comments below if you have any questions, etc.

Thanks again for joining me on this journey.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Eczema is an Itchy, Red Skin Irritation which Itches Before the Redness Appears

The eczema skin irritation first appears in itchy patches.

Several factors bring about eczema:  stress, immune system overload, and allergies, all of which will respond positively to regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  However, your client partner needs to identify what triggers the outbreaks and to adopt self-care strategies to control the problem.

Many eczema sufferers also have asthma.

Often, an eczema sufferer struggles with negative attitudes toward events in his/her life.  When these occur, you see an eczema outbreak.

Typical things which set off an eczema bout include certain foods, drugs, animal dander, some metals, fragrances, cleaning products.  Emotional stress, anger, poor circulation, and weather changes can compound the problem.

A little sun daily (10 minutes or so) can be helpful.

As with all immune system disorders, a clean environment is critical.  This includes the home, car, air, water, body, workplace.  Once a person begins to clean out the toxins, the body will have a chance to improve.  Cleaning out involves discarding all the toxic cleansers and cosmetics in the home and replacing them with non-toxic cleansers and cosmetics which aren’t going to exacerbate the eczema.

Your client partner will be embarking on a journey of clean living which includes a diet free of toxins, chemicals, etc.

Since real health begins and ends in the colon, the next step is a colon cleanse.

Once the environment is cleaned up and the body is cleaned out, it will be easier to cope with stressful issues.

A hypoallergenic moisturizer is essential.

AREAS TO WORK:   immune system, liver, lymphatics, digestive system, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  lavender, frankincense

Thank you for reading this blog which is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY

Tomorrow, we’ll begin to cover the topic of fatigue.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Calluses and Corns Can Be Troublesome and Represent Spiritual Challenges

The impact  calluses and corns have on your client partner depends on where they’re located on the foot or toes.

For many, they’re protective armor and a defense mechanism representing the soul crying out for protection from unbearable outside events.  For example, a callus in the heart area of the foot deals with protection from problems of the heart that have become difficult.  Calluses and/or corns on the throat area of the foot represent problems relating to communication.  And, calluses on the heel area connect with core beliefs.

There’s a relevant place for Reflexology for the Spirit when dealing with these spiritual issues.  If you have a client partner coming to you regularly with calluses and/or corns, please refer him/her to a podiatrist to treat the medical aspects.  People shouldn’t self treat these conditions because they can end up with worse problems than they began with.  And, if your client partner is diabetic, it’s even more important to seek medical help.

Several trips to the chiropractor are in order here if your client partner’s gait is being impacted upon.  A properly aligned spinal column helps overall health.

After that, it’s up to you, the practitioner to facilitate the spiritual and emotional healing which accompanies regular sessions.

Your client partner should be able to move forward as issues resolve.


ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, lavender, Roman or German chamomile.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please contact me with whatever questions you may have.

Our next post addresses  an issue experienced by many people:  Constipation.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Acne and Reflexology for the Spirit

Both adolescents and adults under stress can be especially bothered with Acne.  regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions scheduled about a week to 10 days apart will help, especially if used in conjunction with antibiotics, exercise, appropriate diet and a good skin cleansing program.  Encourage your client partners suffering with acne to see a dermatologist because this disease also requires a medical specialist.

People at risk for acne include teenagers and adults who are under stress and who are also taking certain types of medications.  Adolescent and adult women who experience hormonal surges monthly before menstruation also get acne.  Acne sufferers are dealing with two difficult problems.

Often there is a dissatisfaction of self.  They are under tremendous pressure from someone or some situation in their environment.  This pressure is the type that just never “gives an inch”.  Anger may also be an issue with acne sufferers.

People suffering from acne need to do everything the dermatologist tells them to do and, they need to schedule regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  An occasional visit isn’t going to do a lot.

AREAS TO WORK:  immune system, nervous system, solar plexus, endocrine system, digestive system, urinary system, liver, face, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, geranium, vetiver, lavender, patchouli, German or Roman chamomile, rosewood, cedarwood, orange, clove

The next posts will cover issues presented with Allergies.

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco