Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Sacred Second Chakra Meditation: Inner Peace, Security, and Self-Acceptance

This meditation is ideal for relaxation because it supports inner peace, security, and self-acceptance.

Relax and get comfortable in a calm location where you will not be disturbed for a few moments.

Take several slow, deep breaths.

With each inhale, imagine your breath energizing the area two inches below your navel.  Gently massage this point with two fingers.

With each exhale, imagine a small orange ball carrying fears, stress, and pain away.

Now, inhale deeply twice.  Breathe into a point about two inches below your navel.  Release this breath through your mouth.

Imagine you are lying on a beautiful, quiet boat which is just big enough for you.  There is no room for anyone or anything but yourself.

While you are lying on this boat in the middle of a beautiful pond, things are still and peaceful.  The pond has many flowers along the beach.   As you focus on them, you see they are various shades of orange,  and coral.

Let your body become heavy and relaxed as you get more comfortable on this tiny boat.

You feel the space, the peace, stillness.  Breathe into the stillness and the abundance of the flowers and the water in the pond.

The overhead sky has a warm, glowing light allowing you to feel beauty, peace, energy.

A gentle breeze moves your small boat along the edge of the pond into a gently flowing stream.. As you look above, you see billowing clouds with a faint orange and gold tint. They move lazily overhead.

The flowers and clouds protect you so you feel safe.

You feel warm and at peace.

Breathe into the peace and gentle energy of just being yourself.  Drifting down the stream, you relax even more and appreciate  the energy, the peace, the flowers and the clouds.

You realize you don’t have to do anything, just breathe and enjoy yourself.  As your boat gently drifts along, you feel warm.  This warmth is healing.  You feel quiet, peaceful.  You breathe in peace, health, relaxation.

As you breathe out, exhale anything you want to release.

It’s time to return to your body and become conscious of yourself.  Gently you move your fingers and toes to become more aware of returning to your location.

When you open your eyes, you remember the peace and energy you felt in the orange flowers and the orange-tinged clouds.

You know you can return to this place any time you want.

When you are ready, continue on with your activities.

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There are other meditations throughout this blog.

More information about healing is available in “Healer’s Handbook”.  Get your copy of the book at


Guided Meditations: 3 Ways They Change Your LIfe – Awaken, Transform, and Heal

Guided meditations  awaken, transform, heal.  Guided meditations are change agents.

But, whether a meditation awakens, transforms, or heals, it points you inward to your own strength.  This is a direction which benefits us all.  Many people focus outward for strength.  They search for persons, actions, or objects when the goal they seek is right at home, within themselves.

I’ve used guided meditations to begin reflexology, Reiki therapy, chakra healing, massage sessions.  I’ve also used them to end sessions.  They are effective when you need action.

Guided meditations  help classroom situations.  If I feel my students are nervous or out-of-sorts in some way, I use a guided meditation.

Guided meditations are essential for Reiki attunements,  and for any situation  when a person needs to listen, rest, be still, and learn new ways to be and do.

I think we’re going to do many new things in the near future.  Listening, resting, and being still  are all  prerequisites to  embracing a new life.

Guided meditations help a person understand  a new reality more deeply.  For me, this pandemic offers each  of us a new reality.  A door is opening for us.

Guided meditations are good with grieving and overcoming fear.  And thanks giving.  And loving.

By now, you know  I turn to guided meditations at every opportunity.

Guided meditation open doors of higher consciousness  leaving the past behind.  These open doors awaken us  to answers which our inner spirits hold.

When we wake our higher consciousness, we  transform our lives, improve the quality of our lives and tap more deeply into the higher self.

Transformation facilitates change.  Put plainly and simply,  transformation encourages calm, serenity, grounding.

The transformation provided by a guided meditation  helps reduce stress, headaches, chronic pain.

A guided meditation focusing on healing can be a form of prayer.  It taps into what your unlimited higher self  can offer.

In the midst of this pandemic, a guided meditation can help you release tension, anger, fear, anxiety, and other illness-causing emotions.

A guided meditation focusing on healing will lead you to your inner strength.  It will encourage you to become more comfortable with the new reality this pandemic may produce for you.

Current events throughout our planet convince me we are all on the brink of everything.  The future awaits.   A guided meditation focusing on healing will allow you to let go and enjoy the goodness to come.

A guided meditation can allow your to love yourself.  When this happens, you will have a powerful healing tool.  This can encourage your fearlessness.


The next post will focus on how to create your own guided meditations to use in whatever situation you need.

Thank you for reading this post.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco





A Heart Message Meditation From an Angel

Page0002 (2)Begin this meditation as you make yourself comfortable, either sitting in a comfortable position or lying in a comfortable place.

Turn on some soft, soothing music.

Focus on your breathing now.  As you inhale, breathe relaxation in through your nose.  Visualize a happy and expanded heart.  Inhale through your nose.

Exhale through your mouth as you breathe out stress and anxiety.

Inhale relaxation through your nose as you visualize your heart in unconditional love.  Breathe in.

Exhale through your mouth as you release disappointment.  Breathe out.

As you relax even more – breathe in relaxation through your nose, focusing on joy and happiness.

Breathe out heaviness and stagnation through your mouth as you exhale.

As you breathe in relaxation through your nose, listen to your heart.

Now, breathe out anger and bitterness as you exhale through your mouth.

You are calm and centered now.  You look around you and notice your surroundings have changed.  You find yourself sitting on a bench in a quiet meadow.  You realize this whole area is enfolded and surrounded by a rose colored light.

You look around  and see an angel on the bench beside you.  This angel is dressed in rose colored garments.  You pause and take notice of exactly how the angel looks as well as how everything around you appears.

You know immediately that this angel is with you to help you listen to your heart’s wisdom and guidance.

You sit by this angel for a moment as you ask the angel to help you heal and regenerate your heart.

You also ask the angel to listen with you to your heart’s healing wisdom and guidance.

The two of you together listen to your heart’s message.  You take the time to receive this message which the angel is sharing with you.

You realize that this message is important for you and you also realize that you want to remain open to other messages which may come your way over the next few days.

You then realize it’s time to return to your space.

You thank the angel for visiting you.  You thank the angel for sharing wisdom and healing with you.

As you prepare to return to your space, you know that you can return to this  area with its beautiful bench and angel at any time you want.

You are now totally relaxed, grounded, and calm.  You feel loved.  You are ready to return to your activities of the day.

Peace and food for all.

Thank you for reading this guided meditation.

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Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – A Guided Meditation

Find a comfortable place and begin to relax. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing as you inhale slowly and deeply. Count slowly to 4 as you breathe in. Then, exhale slowly and deeply. Count again slowly to 4. Now, at the end of the deep exhale, count to 2 as you rest between breaths. Repeat this breathing pattern. Inhale slowly and deeply. Count slowly to 4 as you inhale. Now, exhale slowly and deeply as you again count to 4. At the end of the exhale, count to 2. Repeat this pattern of breathing for a few moments as your body becomes more quiet.
You are slowing down and relaxing. Allow any thoughts entering your mind now to pass by without focusing on them or analyzing them in any way. Just let them go.
You feel fully relaxed and comfortable. You see an angel moving toward you. Notice how this angel appears to you. How large is this angel? What colors surround this angel?
You know without asking that this angel has come to bring you a gift – a healing flower. You accept this beautiful flower with gratitude. As you hold it  in your hands, you notice  you are feeling warmer and even more comfortable. You feel love surrounding this flower. What color is it? What does it look like? How big is it? Are there leaves surrounding it? Without even asking, you know that this gift, this flower being given to you by this special angel is a healing gift.
As you hold this healing flower,  you feel its warmth. You begin to be aware of the vibrations being shared with you through petals of this flower. You are also receiving energy from this magical flower.
You glance around you and realize you are in a very special bubble of protection for this healing gift. Your angel has surrounded you and the healing flower with a bubble so that nothing can disturb as you receive this special healing energy.
You begin to feel this beautiful healing energy circulate throughout your entire body. The energy feels warm and comforting. As this energy circulates throughout your body, you feel the healing rays. You are happy to be in this healing bubble as the warmth and healing energy engulf you. You feel safe.
You relax even more. This happens as you feel more and more protected and safe.
You begin to focus on the flower. You notice different colors in this flower and how they offer healing energy just for you. You are aware of a healing light in your bubble and you feel very safe and loved in this space which the angel has created. You feel your angel  enfolding you and offering you healing energy and safety. You know you are in a space which is very good for you.
For a few moments, you just rest comfortably in this special healing sanctuary.   This is your moment to absorb the positive, warm, enfolding energy.
You forget about time passing. You are able to just “be in the moment.” You absorb the peace of the moment and cherish the experience.
Slowly, you return to the world. You offer gratitude and love to your special angel who created this space just for you. You return to your body. You feel comfortable as you become aware of the room once again.
You thank the angel again. You are grateful for the blessings you received and for the healing energy that was the special gift from your angel. You feel that the goodness received from your angel has expanded your being.
Thank you for reading this meditation.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco