Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Guided Meditation – An Angel Invites You In

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If you want, turn on some quiet meditation music.

Get comfortable, either seated or lying flat, face up.  Make sure your spine is straight and your hands are relaxed.

Focus on your breathing as you relax with each inhalation.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out any tension you feel.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.

Gently and slowly, scan your body as you check for any place where you may be holding tension.  Head, face, neck, shoulders.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Continue to scan your body for places where you may be holding tension.  Check your chest, abdomen, back, arms, hands, fingers.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Now scan your hips, legs, feet, and toes.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your tension.

Now, check how your entire body feels.  Breathe in more relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your fatigue.

Make your eyes soft now.  Look around you.  You find yourself walking on a path.

As you walk along, you see an angel seated on a bench beside this path.  As you approach the bench, the angel stands up and joins you on your walk.

You feel immediately comforted by this angel.  You notice what this angel looks like.  How does this angel to you?  You notice every detail so you’ll be able to remember this moment better.

You know, within yourself,  this angel is here for you.  And, you know  this angel has a gift for you.

The two of you walk along this path.  You are relaxed, peaceful, content.  You feel comfortable within yourself.  The temperature around you is just right for the moment.  You are enjoying being in this natural setting and you are enjoying being with the angel.

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.  You notice a slight breeze.  You hear the gentle sounds of wildlife as you walk along the path.

As the two of you walk along, you see a house ahead on the path.  Now you know why the angel has joined you today.

You notice the details of this house just as you noticed the details of the angel.  You take note of the size of the house.  You observe the windows, the doors, the siding.

You pay close attention to the landscaping.  You see all of the details of the yard…the flowers…the trees.  The house, the yard, everything is perfect.

The angels walks over to the front door and opens it for you.  You step inside and immediately notice every detail.

You are filled with gratitude, knowing withing yourself that this house is yours.  It’s a gift from the angel.

You explore the house now, noticing colors, textures, furnishings, objects.

Then, you select a relaxing activity to enjoy in your house.   You are in this house to relax and enjoy yourself.

Finally, you and the angel know it’s time to return to your path.  The angel urges you to remember all the details of your house.  You know the house belongs to you and is waiting for you anytime you need it.

You and the angel go to the door now, open it, walk outside, and then close it.  The two of you walk down the path.  After a few steps you look back at the house and know you will return whenever you need.

Then, you thank the angel for this gift which you can cherish and use whenever you need.  The two of you come to the bench.  The angel sits down on the bench and waves goodbye to you as you walk down the path again.

You turn and offer a heartfelt “thank you” and continue on.  You are relaxed, at peace.  Your breathing continues to be easy and deep.

Once again you are aware of your surroundings as you return to the space where you began your meditation.  You remember the angel and you remember the house with gratitude.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Kidney Stones can be extremely painful.

Our kidneys are filters, removing  toxins from the blood and disposing of them in the  urine.  Stones form when the toxins are too concentrated and they begin to crystallize.  There are few things more painful than a kidney stone on the move.

There are a number of things a person can do to prevent kidney stones.

The first thing a person can do to reduce stones is to stay hydrated.  This means drinking fluids…fluids of any kind.  Water is a preferred fluid because it dilutes the urine.  If you don’t like the flavor of water, try adding some lemon juice.

Don’t gain weight.  Obesity contributes to kidney stones.

Reduce fructose and sucrose.  The higher the consumption of sugar, the higher the risk of stones.

Eat more whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.  The higher your consumption of foods rich in phylates, the lower the risk of kidney stones.

Lastly, eat more foods rich in magnesium:  spinach, chard, mustard greens.  The more magnesium rich foods you eat, the lower your risk of kidney stones.  Taking 200 to 400 milligrams daily of magnesium is a good idea.

On a spiritual level, kidney stones accompany hardness, negativity, fear, regrets, rigidity.  People carrying painful memories and living in past seem to suffer with kidney stones.  I see some past life issues with kidney issues.  Sadness and fear  traveling from lifetime to lifetime accompany stones and other kidney issues.

And, finally, don’t forget regular reflexology sessions.

Begin by working the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflexes, thyroid reflexes, parathyroid reflexes, and adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the urinary  system emphasizing the kidney reflexes, bladder, ureter, and urethra reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


We All Suffer From Fatigue at One Time or Another

Some people are so tired all the time they just ignore it.   This is a total mistake.  It’s often the first symptom of many, many illnesses including flu, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid problems, cancer, anemia, allergies, sinus infection, sleep deprivation, depression.

Fatigue can be one of the most important symptoms we experience warning us of disease.  It can also be the symptom of a person whose emotional, physical, and spiritual reserves are empty.

Encourage your client partner to visit a primary healthcare provider who’s going to pay attention to his/her symptoms and try to find the cause.  Whether the cause is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, your Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will support your client in the quest for a life with more positive energy.

When you offer regular sessions to fatigue sufferers, you offer an opportunity to find deep relaxation and homeostasis.

Visits to a nutritionist to balance their diet and vitamin intake will help.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:  Until the healthcare provider offers a diagnosis, work the immune system, skeletal system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, liver, and solar plexus.  After a diagnosis is offered, work the systems necessary for dealing with these issues.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  Until you receive a proper diagnosis from a healthcare provider, choose from peppermint, nutmeg, lemongrass, juniper, basil, lemon, rosemary, black pepper, thyme.

Thank you for reading this post.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY

Bunions are Definitely Spiritual Afflictions

They’ve been around for generations and generations.  Because of their location on the foot, bunions are a way of dealing with love (the loss thereof).  People suffering with bunions lack a sense of carefree acceptance of anything.

Professionals don’t totally agree on what causes them:  flat feet, ill fitting shoes, congenital disposition toward bunions, etc.  This much is certain:  getting surgery to repair bunions is becoming more popular.  Having bunions recur after surgery is also a reality.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners can help both before and after surgery.

Wearing proper footwear is important.  You can be a real help to your client if you notice what kind of shoes s/he is wearing and either approve or suggest shoes that you think might be more appropriate.  The wrong kind of footwear can be very destructive to your client partner’s foot health as well as his/her overall spinal alignment.  Bunion sufferers should wear shoes that are well-fitting, non-binding, and have a generous toe box.  They shouldn’t have a heel  higher than 2 inches.  Sandals can offer relief.

If the bunion sufferer also has arch problems, a trip to a professional who can properly fit an arch support is also important.

AREAS TO WORK:  Apply rotations to the solar plexus.  Work the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, neck area (with neck rotations on the toes), and the circulatory system.  And, always work the bunion area and all the toes.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine, helichrysum, sandalwood, Roman chamomile.

The next post will focus on Callouses and Corns

Thank you for reading this post.  Please comment with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

Arthritis and Reflexology for the Spirit, Continued

treeWhen an arthritis sufferer uses all the health care professionals available to him/her, the results are better.  Fewer drugs will be consumed.  That’s an important result.

A Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner deals with the problems presented by arthritis over the long haul.    When working with an arthritis sufferer, you need to learn about all the things s/he can do in the self help arena.  Try to learn all the things that the rheumatologist recommends.  When you know these things,  you can work with them.  Know about recommended exercise therapy. How does acupuncture fit into the overall picture?  What does the nutritionist recommend?

Optimum improvement depends on repeated, regular visits to the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner’s table.  The other specialists will “come and go” as needed in the client partner’s life.  You, on the other hand, owill be seeing this person weekly.

Arthritis sufferers often postpone getting needed treatment necessary for  relief.  This is not a good approach.  The sooner your client partner begins to aggressively combat arthritis, the better off s/he will be – even years down the line.

When working with an arthritis sufferer, regardless of the type, keep in mind that you are dealing with a person who cannot help being overly critical both of self and others.  Many arthritis sufferers appear to harbor resentment and blame in many areas of life.  This is a huge statement considering the number of people suffering with arthritis.

AREAS TO WORK:  solar plexus, entire endocrine system, urinary system, immune system, nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, liver, solar plexus and individual joints the client partner is suffering with.

ESSENTIAL OILS:   wintergreen, peppermint, nutmeg, German chamomile, clove, copaiba, helichrysum, Idaho balsam fir, white fir, pine, eucalyptus globulus, frankincense, and myrrh are popular with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Violet Flame Reiki therapy is appropriate for arthritis sufferers.

The next post will cover bunions.

Thank you for reading this blog.  Please contact me with any questions you have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

Anxiety and Reflexology for the Spirit

modernAnxiety sufferers are often adults who feel they experienced emotional neglect and trauma as children.  Anxiety can also “run in families”.  Sometimes, people on certain long term prescriptive drugs exhibit anxiety symptoms.  Anxiety is present when a chemical imbalance exists in the brain.  It’s diagnosed by symptoms.  And, some experts feel that anxiety affects more women than men.

Offer your anxiety sufferers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and Reiki therapy in addition to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

AREAS  TO WORK:  solar plexus, nervous system, digestive system, urinary system, endocrine system, adrenals, liver and solar plexus.

Always offer a few moments with a solar plexus hold if you feel a person is suffering with anxiety.  Reflexing the solar plexus offers the body an opportunity to achieve deep relaxation and grounding.  If your client partner is taking prescriptive drugs,  herbs, or other medications for a medical condition, please work the body systems that apply.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  orange, Roman chamomile, ylang, ylang, lavender

Thanks again for reading this blog.  Please leave a comment if you have a comment or question.

The next two or so posts will deal with arthritis.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Some Key Facts You May Not Find Elsewhere

Tapestry 2Reflexology for the spirit does so much for a person without asking for a lot in return.

Thjere’s no need to remove clothing except for shoes and socks.  If necessary, Reflexology for the Spirit can be offered to a person in a very crowded room.  Very little special furniture is needed.  A person can hang his/her feet off the end of a sofa or prop them up on a stool.  And, for many,  the results can be very dramatic.

Twenty years ago if you mentioned reflexology to most physicians they would give you a funny look.  Things have changed.  Interest in, and appreciation for, this revered and ancient healing modality has exploded in the last two decades.  It’s now being offered in tandem with sports medicine, physical therapy, cosmetic surgery, and cancer treatment.  And, in the ever-widening sphere of complimentary and integrative medicine, reflexology has found a welcome home.

In the next post, I’m going to continue offering info that you may not find elsewhere.

Peace and food for all.