Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog: Sciatica is an Inflammation With a Spiritual Foundation.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve caused by injury, constipation, cold temperatures, arthritis.
There is a spiritual component to sciatica. There are safety issues involved here as there are in all lower back afflictions. Persons suffering with sciatica have a fear of moving forward into the future. Core beliefs are also in question.
Persons suffering with sciatica often have a tendency to impose limitations on themselves. And, of course, money is involved. Sciatica is often slow to repair.
Your client partner may need to also visit a physician, physical therapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, or other health care professional. Sometimes healing takes time in addition to everything else tried. Homeostasis works on its own clock…even with reflexology for the spirit. But don’t give up.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING SCIATICA: Endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal gland reflexes, digestive system with emphasis on the intestinal reflexes, the spine reflexes, hip, thigh, and leg reflexes, and the sciatic nerve reflexes. Finish the session with the liver and solar plexus.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
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Peace and food for all.