Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Meditation for You – A Safe Place With An Angel

Page0002 (2)Begin by developing a pattern of even breathing. Inhale and exhale slowly and comfortably, breathing in and out of your body. Release tension with each exhale. Do this several times.
Now, find yourself walking down a path. As you walk along this path, you look around you and notice the trees. Notice the shrubs and bushes, flowers and other undergrowth. What do you smell? What is the path like that you’re walking on? How does it feel underneath your feet? Pick up some treasures you find as you walk along: a leaf, a conifer needle, pine cones, stones, maybe a feather, maybe a crystal.
Breathe in a long, slow, deep breath. Smell the air. Is the air around you cold or warm?
After walking along for a while, you come to a clearing. As you look around and take notice of your surroundings, you notice a structure. Do you see a building, a cabin, a small cottage, a cave, or other natural structure? What does it look like? How does it invite you? You know within yourself that it’
s a safe place. Look for openings as you investigate this safe place. Get to know this safe space through your senses. What do you smell? What do you hear? Do you hear leaves rustling as a breeze blows through? Do you hear birds? Do you hear squirrels, chipmunks, or other small creatures?
Pause for a moment and absorb all that you are experiencing.
This structure is calling to you. Slowly you enter. Look around the interior. What furnishings do you encounter? Are there any pictures on the wall? Do you notice any unusual objects?
You feel very safe in this space. You realize you are secure here. Safe and secure. You notice a bench on a nearby wall. You walk over to the bench and sit down.
Immediately an angel comes over to communicate with you. As this angel comes over to you and sits down by you, you realize that this special angel is coming to offer you security.
You know this angel is here for you to offer security and answer any questions you may have at this time.
Look at this angel. How does your special angel appear? What colors do you see? Do you smell anything special? Pay attention to the details of your special angel so you will remember them. What exactly does your special angel look like?
Ask this angel any questions you may have now. Be silent for a few moments now to allow this special angel to answer your questions.
These answers may come to you in several ways. You may hear answers now. You may see a picture of the answer rather than hearing the spoken words. You may experience feelings which give you the answer you seek. You may hear music which convey the answers you seek.
Over the next few days you may also receive answers in the form of people, books, songs, or thoughts.
Send a message of gratitude and thanksgiving to your special angel.
It’s time to return to your body now. Gently focus your awareness on your breathing. Return to this room on the path. Slowly allow your consciousness to return you to reality.
Remember, this special angel came here today just for you to offer you safety and security. You can contact this angel with questions anytime you need.
Be sure to thank your special angel each time you receive these special blessings of safety and security.