Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Spiritually, your back is your support for life.

Spiritually, your back gives you strength.  It honors you.  Your spine contains your central system and your central blood supply.  You register every experience, feeling, impression, and thought in your spine.

Your lower back holds financial support and your core beliefs.

Your middle back supports your move forward in life as you release the past.  Your middle back holds love.

Your upper back deals with your emotional support of others and self.  It deals with guilt, shame, fear, anger, resentment.

Back aches are spiritual events.  What may offer relief for one person may not work for another.  In spite of all the modern, 21st century techniques, cures, and therapies available for back injuries and health injuries, you may respond positively to reflexology, Reiki therapy, and Chakra healing.

Lifestyle changes will help if you discover physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual causes of your discomfort.  When that happens, you can make adjustments to get rid of the pain.  Then, you can figure out what you need to do to keep the pain and discomfort from returning.

These changes may include things like developing a posture encouraging spinal alignment.  You may learn specific exercises offering you relief.

Several times throughout your day, talk to your back.  Is it in pain?  Does stretching help?  Are your shoulders scrunched up against your neck?

As time passes, you’ll find you are learning the language of your spine.  Once you learn this, you can listen to what your spine says to you and follow its instructions.

To avoid back pain, respect your spine and don’t overwork it.  The three basic rules of respect include proper lifting techniques, exercises to build strong back muscles, and proper fitting low heeled shoes.  Following these three guidelines, you’ll prevent accidents and reduce spinal alignment stress.

When you consult with a physician about your back pain, select a person who gives you confidence.  If you seek a massage therapist, acupuncturist, physical therapist, schedule your appointments so they’re 24 to 48 hours of one another to take advantage of synchronicity.

Yoga helps.  I’m fortunate that there are many yoga teachers in my area.  Through the years, I’ve found two teachers who know about spinal health and focus their classes on this specialty.  Carolyn Abedor teaches Iyengar Yoga when she focuses on therapeutic spine health.  Kathy Karey teaches yoga and focuses on repairing injured spines.

Massage and physical therapy are beneficial for chronic pain.  Chiropractors work to improve your condition without adding more strain to the spine.

If you don’t know a yoga teacher, massage therapist, chiropractor or physical therapist, this is a good time to look for one.


Lower back pain focuses on the first chakra.  Middle back issues focus on second and third chakras.  Your upper back deals with fourth and fifth chakras.


nervous system, muscular system, urinary system, skeletal system, sciatic nerve, liver and solar plexus


basil, clove, cypress,  eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, peppermint, ravinsara, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spearmint, thyme, vetiver


Throughout your day, check your posture, your seating positions, and the height and angle of your work surfaces.

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Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

10 More Wellness Tips for Better Health

One of the most important wellness tips a person can use is the suggestion to take a few minutes out of every day to relax.  A break every day for a few minutes will lower blood pressure, encourage good health and healing, and promote balance.     Go Breaks!

Parsley is a popular garnish.  Well, I eat the garnish!  Parsley is both delicious and nutritious.  So, I just can’t bear to throw it out.  Join me in this habit.

Cut down on the salt.  Add a few drops of lemon juice or substitute other herbs and spices.  This can be one of your most important wellness tips!

Add avocado to your sandwiches and salads.  Avocado is both delicious and nutritious.  It’s high in nutrition and low in calories so that makes it a real bonus in your meal, and a practical wellness tip.

Read the Yogurt label because not all yogurts are created equal.  If you want flavored yogurt, add your own.  You’ll be eating fewer additives when you include fruits instead of purchasing the yogurt already filled with high sugary jams.  Choose a yogurt with no artificial colors, artificial flavors, or no artificial anything.

Steam your veggies instead of boiling them.  You’ll end up serving food which tastes better and has more vitamins and minerals.

Want to serve fruit with your cereal?  Add your own!  Many fruit containing cereals have little or no fruit in them.  (This wellness tip is almost too easy!)

Avoid commercial dips.  Your homemade dips will taste better and will have fewer additives.  They will have fewer calories and fat, too.

Plain popcorn has fewer calories  and fat than potato chips.

Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

Thank you for reading these wellness tips!  Hopefully you’ll be able to use some or all of them.  Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Thanks again for reading this article!

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York





The Spirituality of the Brain


The brain is, of course, very spiritual.

The brain is like a computer with a lot of  storage.  Now, about the mind:  no one really knows how the mind works…certainly not I.  A question often asked is this:  do thoughts come from within or without?  I think thoughts come from both within and without.

There’s a strong connection between what happens in our spiritual lives, our emotional lives and our bodies.  The roles played by our brain and mind are extremely important to our overall health.  The connection between what happens in our daily lives and our bodies is intimate, strong.  These parts (mind, body, brain, spirit, emotion) all respond to one another.

Our spiritual lives and our emotional lives offer information to our brains and bodies.   This information subsequently becomes reality.  Thoughts  and feelings have their own energy.

When I write about the brain, it’s impossible to omit the abdominal brain.  The brain receives more messages from the intestines then it sends to the intestines.  For me, this increases the importance of the abdominal brain.  (I will be expanding on abdominal brain information in future posts.)

Negative thoughts, worries, anger, feelings, stress are mental static.  Sit quietly in a private space and bring up  negativity, worries, stress.  Tune them out.  Focus on eliminating  all negative events and activities from your life.

After this exercise, get yourself a glass jar with a lid, a piece of paper, and a pencil or pen.  List all negative worries, stresses, depressing events/thoughts, boredom, patterns, memories on the paper.  Remove the lid from the glass jar and put the paper in the jar.  Replace the lid on the jar and screw it closed.  Put the jar in the trash.  Discard the trash.

In the next day or so, return to this quiet, private space and focus on healing and regeneration of  self.  Encourage your body to build health, vitality.  Begin incorporating the following words in your vocabulary:




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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Photo provided by Renee Ruwee