Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Spirituality of the Pancreas

Brain Physical system

Spiritually, the pancreas is all about giving and receiving love.  It is also about learning to love the self.  It’s important to learn to balance the gives and the takes in life.

Although the pancreas is  about love, it is also about learning to digest different situations in life.  It is significant that diabetes, a disease of the pancreas is becoming more and more prevalent in our society.

It’s also significant that diseases of the pancreas affect our overall health.  When a person suffers with diabetes, s/he may also suffer with heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, as well as other complications.

Balance in life is important.  People suffering with diabetes need to learn to control weight, get exercise, and generally keep all lifestyle activities in balance.  “Everything in moderation” is important here.

Take a few moments to find a quiet place so you can breathe deeply and ground yourself.  Take several grounding breaths as you breathe in and out deeply.

Allow yourself to release feelings of bitterness, confusion, and low self-esteem.

Bring attention now to your pancreas.  Explore for a moment how your pancreas supports you and what it does for you as you digest your food.  Reflect on how it helps you relate to love and balance.

Offer your pancreas a loving thank you.

Continue now to reflect for a moment on how you can bring balance to your life.

End this meditation with feelings of gratitude for all things your body does for you.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Jennette Nearhood donated the artwork for today’s post.

Anxiety and Reflexology for the Spirit

modernAnxiety sufferers are often adults who feel they experienced emotional neglect and trauma as children.  Anxiety can also “run in families”.  Sometimes, people on certain long term prescriptive drugs exhibit anxiety symptoms.  Anxiety is present when a chemical imbalance exists in the brain.  It’s diagnosed by symptoms.  And, some experts feel that anxiety affects more women than men.

Offer your anxiety sufferers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and Reiki therapy in addition to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

AREAS  TO WORK:  solar plexus, nervous system, digestive system, urinary system, endocrine system, adrenals, liver and solar plexus.

Always offer a few moments with a solar plexus hold if you feel a person is suffering with anxiety.  Reflexing the solar plexus offers the body an opportunity to achieve deep relaxation and grounding.  If your client partner is taking prescriptive drugs,  herbs, or other medications for a medical condition, please work the body systems that apply.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  orange, Roman chamomile, ylang, ylang, lavender

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The next two or so posts will deal with arthritis.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco