Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Finding Time

My schedule is packed.  It’s jammed.

But, that’s okay. It’s an uptown problem.

Each day, I know I’m going to find some real jewels throughout my schedule.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is this:  When my schedule is totally out of control, the universe will deal with the situation.  Someone will cancel or something quirky will happen which will result in a beautiful hole.

Finding time is like finding a wonderful, shiny object.

It’s not so important to worry about what or when or how much time you’re going to find..

Those are details.

What’s important is to be prepared…

Know what you’re going to do when you find a few extra 5 or 6 minutes or maybe even a whole hour.  These are perfect moments in your day that can be used however you want.  Make your “found time” list.

Get lost in a book.

Go for a quick stroll.

Sip a tea.




Stare out the window – even if you’re not in front of a window.


Switch off.

Whatever you do with these “found” moments, the important thing is to carve out these pockets of time for yourself.

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“Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

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But, whatever happens, get reflexology into your schedule.



Spa Treatments for Your Reflexology Practice


Angel 1Everyone needs pampering.  Never miss an opportunity to lavish attention and special healing on your clients.  Birthdays, anniversaries, the arrival of Spring.  This blog post begins  a  series of articles  offering  ways to pamper and heal your client partners.

These spa treatments will  not only offer attention, healing, and variety to your practice.  They can also  bring in new clients if you market gift certificates as well.

They will also offer a new service to your clients.

Spa treatments have four elements:

1.  ENVIRONMENT – It’s important to change the healing space environment in some way so that clients will feel like they are in a different energy environment.  This can be as simple as adding a small arrangement of fresh flowers or a ceremonial throw for your healing table or chair.  Or, it can be as elaborate as painting the walls, adding special furniture and  accents.

2.  WATER – is a  basic element in spa treatments.  This is easier than you might think.  A foot bath is all that’s necessary.  If that doesn’t   resonate with you, a couple of small towels, wrung out with scented water and heated in the microwave for a couple of moments can offer warmth and caring to a special client partner’s feet.   A cup of tea at the end of the session or a glass of sparkling mineral water is always popular.

3.  MUSIC – Coordinate the music with the theme with the session focus with the essential oils.

4.  ESSENTIAL OILS –  Select oils which support the session.

When you decide to expand your healing services to include spa treatments, you’re going to need several things:

1.  You  need a plan.  Depending upon your situation, you can offer spa treatments one week a month and transform the whole place or a short period of time.  Another option is to have a periodic spa day at your healing space.  A final option is to offer a menu of spa sessions which can be incorporated into your day at your client partner’s request.

2.  Design each spa session with a focused theme.

3.  After each of these sessions, remember to add a few extra minutes for your client partner to return to “now”.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.  The next several  posts will feature spa reflexology sessions incorporating Reiki therapy, music, essential oils, water treatments.  Each one will be different.  Hopefully  these suggestions will inspire you to create your own unique spa sessions.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.


Thurman Greco