Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Reflexology Spa Treatment to Boost Spiritual Health

Angel 1


Occasionally your client partners need a bit of special attention.  Life events create a need for a spiritual affirmation.  A Reflexology Spa Treatment for the Spirit can be just what is needed.   This session honors the part of the body  beyond the bones and muscles.

Begin this session plan by selecting the essential oil you’ll use.  My preferred essential oils for a Spiritual Spa Session include:


clary sage





Roman chamomile

Once the oil has been selected, you’ll be guided to choose the music.  the decor.  When you book this Spiritual appointment, discuss and choose the oil.

Whatever oil and music you choose, make your selections  both  powerful and healing.  Have the music  playing when your client partner enters your healing space.

For this spiritual session make your client partner comfortable on your healing table and then wash his/her  feet using warm, wet towels.  Once your client partner’s feet are washed, wrap them in warm dry towels.

Anoint your client partner with the selected essential oil.  Apply several drops of the chosen oil to both your client partner’s hands.  Encourage your client partner to rub his/her  palms together and then wipe them over the face, head, halo, aura.

Move to your client partner’s head and bring in Reiki.  Offer three Reiki holds to the head.

Now, move to your client partner’s feet.  Anoint your client partner’s feet with a lotion to which you’ve added a small amount of the selected essential oil.

Now, offer five minutes of delicious warm ups to your client partner’s first foot.  While you do this, leave the other foot wrapped in the warm towel.

Follow this with twenty  minutes of specific reflexology offered to reflex points chosen to encourage spiritual therapy.  Work the reflex points in the following order:

1.   solar plexus

2.   pituitary gland

3.  pineal gland

4. thymus

5.  adrenal glands

6. ovary/ testicle

7.  heart

8.  spine

9.   intestines

10.  Chakras

11.  Now, finish this part of the session by returning to the solar plexus and liver.

Offer five minutes of warm downs as you complete the work on the first foot.

Now, cover the first foot with the warm towel and move to the other foot where you will offer five minutes of warm ups,  and twenty minutes of spiritual focus on the second food.

Now, offer five minutes of gentle warm downs on the second  foot as you complete the reflexology part of this session.

It is now time to offer three Reiki therapy holds to both feet and then close the Reiki part of the session.

This has been a deep session.  Your client partner needs a few moments to return to “now”.  Gently cover both feet with warm towels, leave him/her alone for a moment as you prepare a glass of water and offer it to your client partner.

Quietly visit with your client partner as you end the session.  This  may take a few extra moments for your client partner prepares  to return to “now”.

Thank you for practicing reflexology and thank you for offering this spa session to your client partners.

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Thurman Greco

Art work created by Jennette Nearhood.




The Fourth Chakra and Reflexology


The fourth Chakra reflex point is found on the ball of the foot.  This is where we find the  heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland, shoulders.  

Fourth Chakra issues include:

self esteem

personal power




Are you able to express your emotions?

Do you need to protect yourself?

Do you have problems giving and receiving love?

Are you living a divided life?

 Have you created a protective barrier around your heart?

Do you have trouble forgiving people?

Do you fear rejection?

Do you feel vulnerable?

Is it physically/emotionally painful to move forward in life?

Are you hiding your true self from others?

Grief is a fourth Chakra issue.  We know as Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners that grief is housed in the ball of the foot – the heart – the lungs.

The fourth Chakra builds on the lower three Chakras  as our thoughts and dreams take on language, expression.  The fourth Chakra is where the moment of inspiration which took place in the first Chakra, now becomes entire paragraphs, both spoken and written.

The fourth Chakra links the spiritual and physical bodies as well as their issues.  This is because the fourth Chakra is the our energetic center,  working to fuse the physical and spiritual bodies.

When this happens, we are able to touch others as well as allowing them  to touch our lives.  The goal is unconditional love.  A good way to get insight about unconditional love is to pay attention to cats and dogs, 2 creatures which practice unconditional love routinely.

Our heart Chakra  pulls us into relationships involving







Grief is an important fourth Chakra issue.  Grief blocks fourth Chakra energy.   Letting go of grief and wounding opens our hearts.

The state of the fourth Chakra is easily seen in one’s posture.  People suffering with heart Chakra issues may be





Unbalanced fourth Chakras can also been seen in people with heart and respiratory problems.  Heart surgery can have a direct impact on the heart Chakra.

Meditations can be important.  Meditations focusing on:


heart opening


can help balance the fourth Chakra.

When you work with your client partner’s fourth Chakra, you offer the opportunity to help him/her release grief.  It’s in the fourth Chakra that we find

an open heart,

the energy to give,

and a straighter body.

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Thurman Greco

Photo donated by Jennette Nearhood.

2 Ways the Heart Reflex is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session


Circulatory SystemThe Heart is the strongest muscle in the body.  It has very specific functions.  It pumps oxygen depleted blood from the veins to the lungs.  It pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the arteries.  These functions control circulation.  The heart is the only part of the circulatory system which is charted.

The heart is located between the lungs behind the breastbone.

When the heart reflex is worked, several things happen:

The heart pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the brain and other organs.

The cardiovascular action pumps blood throughout the body.

The heart reflex is located on the sole of the left foot in the area of the diaphragm line.  It is down from the third toe and covers most of the ball of the left foot.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco