Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Third Chakra and Reflexology

Be Free Heart wings

The reflex point for the third Chakra is the upper half of the instep, below the ball of the foot.  This  reflex point is found on both feet.  Third Chakra issues include




self esteem


How important is doubt in your life?

Can you make decisions?

How important is fear in your life?

Are you able to carry through decisions and plans to fruition?

Do you have to be right in every decision?

Do you always have to be the center of attention?

Do you lack willpower?

Do other people control your life?

Do you think for yourself?

Do you act on your own?

Can you survive on your own initiative?

Anger is a third Chakra issue because that’s where much anger is stored.    Depending on how the Chakra is balanced,  anger can range from no energy to excessive energy.  Third Chakra anger focuses on self-esteem because the third Chakra governs our power.

We can feel this anger and need for power in our solar plexus, the home of the third Chakra in the body.  This Chakra is where we feel  “butterflies” when we are nervous as we develop our personal will.

The third Chakra is closely connected to Chakras one and two as energy moves up the spine from the base.  As the energy reaches the third Chakra, it begins to take on a shape and a vocabulary as it finds its voice.   The third Chakra is where we develop our own personal truth,  formulate our own personal authority, and integrate personal power into our lives.

The third Chakra is the result of the development of the first and second Chakras.  This is where we give voice to our truths.

Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer homeostasis,  the balance of all body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.

Meditation is important to a balanced third Chakra.  An unbalanced third Chakra creates a person unable to manage power.

An unbalanced third Chakra affects one’s posture, body language, and spinal alignment.  It’s difficult to separate the physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties in this area.  Yoga helps.

Physically, the third Chakra governs:





Gall Bladder

The third Chakra is a major power point.  When you work with your client partner’s third Chakra, you offer an opportunity for the person to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Thurman Greco

Spirituality of the Gall Bladder

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The  gall bladder,  a small bag behind the liver,  processes the bile manufactured in the liver.  The gall bladder releases this liquid into the intestines.  When digestion is slow, the gall is not released  quickly enough and it congeals, creating stones.

The gall bladder may go along for years  without causing  problems.  Then, one day, without any warning, it begins to scream and the pain can be quite intense.  A trip to a physician is then necessary.   Don’t try to deal with gallstones without professional help.

Spiritually, the issues contributing to gall bladder problems include anger, resentment, depression, irritation, and bitterness that have been building for years, decades even.

If you feel  your gall bladder needs positive support, find a quiet, safe place and begin breathing deeply.

Breathe in grounding energy as you inhale.

Focus on your gall bladder as you speak to it.

Ask your gall bladder:

what the discomfort looks like.

how long  it has been distressed.

what color it is.  When you understand what color it is, find out what color surrounds the area of the gall bladder.

Now, listen quietly to your gall bladder.  You may hear a sound related to this discomfort.

Then, ask your gall bladder what  negative issues are impacting it.  When you learn what they are, take several deep breaths and then exhale deeply as you release those negative issues.  Encourage them  to dissolve and then evaporate…never to return.

Now, quietly hold your hands over your gall bladder.  Visualize it releasing any  toxins that may be stuck.  See them leaving your body as well as your life as you successfully remove them from your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional being.

Drink ample liquids throughout  the day to support your body’s effort to release toxins created by negative issues in your life.

Repeat this exercise daily for several days.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco