Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Depression can be both physical and Spiritual and definitely affects the Respiratory System

Depression occurs when a person undergoes stress and tension manifested as anxiety, fear.  Factors contributing to depression include death of a close friend or relative, moving to a new location, buying and selling a home, changing employment, financial worries, divorce, feeling that a situation is hopeless.

Depression becomes monumental to its sufferers.  Depression can become a huge weight carried around by its sufferers.  Just the words associated with depression carry weight:  overwhelmed, failure, anger, helplessness, misguided, fatigue, melancholy, anger.

No one should suffer through depression without medical help.  A competent medical professional should guide a depressed person through the situation by searching the person’s health and background to discover:

underlying diseases and preexisting medical conditions

proper specific nutritional guidelines

prescription drugs which may be contributing to the depression

what sleep disturbances may be contributing to the situation

what environmental toxins may be contributing to the worsening of the situation

what lifestyle factors may be involved,

what allergies, if any are contributing to the situation.

Throughout  all this, the person needs counseling, an exercise coach, and regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions as well as a support system of health care professionals.

When working with a depressed client partner, you may be offering different sessions at different times depending on the person’s journey to health. A good beginning protocol includes working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes, then moving on to the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid glad reflexes.  Then, work the respiratory system with focus on the lung reflexes.  The urinary tract should be worked with emphasis on the kidney reflexes.  End with the spine reflexes.  The goal here is homeostasis.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


No Section Covering the Nervous System is Complete Without a Post Focusing on Fear

Fear is very definitely an emotion impacting the nervous system. People fear the future based on their past experiences and, for some, this includes past life experiences.
Fear is an emotion locking a person into negativity.
Fear prevents us from moving forward.
Fear is a component in issues involving our first and second chakras.
Fear prohibits trust.
Fear is a component in the saboteur archtype.
Fear does not permit a person to love.
Everyone experiences fear.
Many people visiting a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner are suffering with fear. It manifests itself in illnesses such as back pain, insomnia, sciatica, ulcers.
So, what do we as practitioners do when we recognize fear on our table?
We do five things:
We encourage the person to seek competent medical care to treat the physical condition.
We work to make the person feel safe while on the table. When the person feels safe, homeostasis will begin to occur.
We offer guided meditations in addition to the reflexology.
We offer Reiki therapy.
As the person achieves homeostasis and begins to feel less fearful, we encourage them to keep coming to our tables – a safe haven.
Eventually the person is going to realize where the fear is coming from. Eventually the person will be ready to overcome fear.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco