Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit and Stroke

The third killer is Stroke.  We are still looking at normalizing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, getting physical exercise regularly, eating the proper foods (avoiding foods high in salt and saturated fats), stopping smoking, limiting weight, and don’t get diabetes if you can help it.

Yoga and regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will help with the stress management.

Know the symptoms of a stroke:

trouble seeing

difficulty speaking


loss of balance

severe, sudden headache

weakness or numbness in a body part such as a leg, arm, or face.

If you feel that you or someone you know is experiencing a stroke, get medical attention immediately.  Time is very important in stroke treatment.  The sooner the stroke victim gets to the hospital, the better the outcome will be.

When offering Reflexology for the Spirit to a person who has had a stroke or who has the risk factors for a stroke, please work all systems including the liver and the solar plexus.  Offer a lot of warm ups and warm downs.  Reiki therapy is appropriate here.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  cistus, clove, helichysum, nutmeg, cypress, grapefruit, juniper, orange.

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Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit and Cancer

This post is part of the series on the Big Five Diseases.

For cancer prevention, the story is pretty much the same as for heart disease.  Get the cholesterol in the healthy range.  Get the exercise program going to shed the excess weight.

Cancer is a group of diseases, actually.  So, when we talk cancer, we talk about more than just one illness.

DIET IS IMPORTANT IN CANCER PREVENTION.  There is a correlation between fat and meat and cancer.  Add fruits and vegetables to your diet and add plenty of fiber.  Avoid excess sun exposure.  Use sunscreen.  Take your vitamins.  Skip the tobacco.

One factor contributing to cancer is extreme stress tolerated over a long period of time.

Other risk factors include secondhand smoke, air pollution, workplace exposure to chemicals, exposure to radon gas, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, overexposure to sun, sedentary lifestyle, age, family history, polyps in the colon, diet low in fiber and antioxidents, and diabetes.

Offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session 48 hours after a client partner has received  chemotherapy will help him/her feel much better.  This person will experience a deep sense of relaxation and an opportunity for the body to return to balance through  encouraging  homeostasis.

When someone you know  suffers with cancer, encourage him/her to continue all treatments the allopathic specialists have to offer.  Your job is to assist your client partner and support him/her in the return to homeostasis through the other treatments s/he receives.

Reflexology for the Spirit does not replace allopathic cancer treatments.  Your sessions with cancer patients can be very effective when combined with Reiki therapy and essential oils.  Reiki therapy can be offered daily.  As a practitioner working with a cancer patient, you’re dealing not only with the physical parts of the disease but also the emotional and spiritual aspects:  fear, anger, rage, helplessness, abandonment.

ESSENTIAL OILS: balsam fir, Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, lemon, myrtle, nutmeg, orange,  patchouli, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian

When using essential oils on a cancer patient, consult with an aromatherapist to choose the proper oil for the particular type of cancer your client has.

Work all body systems including the liver and solar plexus.

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Thurman Greco


Nausea, an unpleasant but  familiar sensation, has been experienced by all of us at one time or another.


Alcohol Binges


Food Poisoning

Gallbladder Disorders

High Fever

Intestinal Blockages

Migraine Headache

Motion Sickness



Viral Infection

Spiritually, a person suffers with nausea when s/he is in a situation without sufficient coping skills.  Fear looms large here.

There are some things that will help nausea:

Ginger tea, powdered ginger, or candied ginger is known to help with motion sickness.  Pregnant women should not take ginger in any form without speaking with the physician first.

Slowly drinking clear or ice-cold liquids such as juices, sweetened beverages often helps.  Dehydration must be avoided..

Plain crackers are important to women suffering with morning sickness.

Slowly eat smaller, more frequent meals.

If possible, rest lying propped up sometimes helps.

Reflexology helps.  Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the nervous system and focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the ear reflexes.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the stomach and intestinal reflexes.

Reiki therapy is entirely appropriate here for nausea.

If the person is still nauseated after 24 hours, it’s time to call a professional healthcare specialist.

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Thurman Greco




Muscular System Bottom Line, 12 Essential Oils, 24 Foods That Nourish The Muscular System and 3 Improvements to be Expected from Sessions to the Muscular System


Maintaining the muscular system with Reflexology for the Spirit sessions helps improve both the circulatory and skeletal systems.  The ability of muscles to function directly impacts the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life of a person.

One’s emotional and spiritual health directly impacts how the muscles function, the ability to maintain a proper body weight, and to maintain muscle tone, especially as one ages.  Exercise is recommended to release endorphins that interact with the receptors in the brain to promote positive feelings, and when a client decides to start working out this will be a boon to you.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM INCLUDE basil, fennel, geranium, German chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen

FOODS  WHICH NOURISH THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM INCLUDE beans, caffeine, Brazil nuts, cherries, chicken, dairy, dried plums, eggs, figs, legumes, liver, meat, nuts, oily fish, oysters, peanuts, raisins, rose hip tea, soy, turkey, water, wheat germ, whole grains, yeast.

Of the foods on the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth:

beans,  caffeine, Brazil nuts, eggs, figs, liver(calf’s liver), milk(raw), nuts, oysters, peanuts/peanut butter, raisins, yogurt.

So, you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the muscular system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This gets a little complicated but is worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have problems with the information and how it’s listed.


Working the muscular system in a session can relax the whole body as well as specific places in the body.

Muscular aches and pains are relieved and muscular stress and tension can be reduced.

As the body relaxes with repeated, regular sessions, homeostasis offers balance to the body and the spirit.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco





Circulatory System – Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, 54 Foods that Nourish the Circulatory System, and 2 Improvements to be Expected from Regular Sessions to the Circulatory System.


A healthy circulatory system is important to a person’s overall well being, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Our blood represents our life force.  A key word here is happiness.  High blood pressure, for example,  can represent an emotional or spiritual issue in one’s life.  And, while this may be a situation with  emotional origins, it’s not an opportunity to ignore a warning sign.

A healthy circulatory system is necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  A high cholesterol level interferes with open channels necessary for accepting happiness.  High or low blood pressure represents longstanding unresolved emotional issues.  And, of course, callouses on the heart area of the foot are important to the practitioner.

As you work the circulatory system, you have an opportunity to distribute love and healing feelings – improving a client partner’s sense of self worth and balancing blood flow.  A person with a healthy heart is more likely to be happy.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM  INCLUDE cistus, clove, cypress, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, valerian, wintergreen.

FOODS NOURISHING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE almonds, apples, artichokes, avocadoes, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, butter, cabbage, carrots, cashews, celery, chocolate, coconut, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, legumes, mushrooms, mussels, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, olives, onions, peanuts, pecans, peppers, persimmons, pineapple, pistachios, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin, raspberries, sesame seeds, sesame oil, spinach, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, walnuts, water, whey, protein, yogurt.

Of the foods on the above list, the following items are also on Johnny Bowden PH.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest foods on earth:  almonds/almond butter, almond oil, apples, artichokes, avocados, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, butter, cabbage, cashews, celery, chocolate (dark), coconut/coconut oil, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseeds/flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, mushrooms, mussels, oatmeal, olive oil(extra virgin), olives, onions, peanuts/peanut butter, pecans, peppers, pineapple, pistachio nuts, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin/pumpkin seeds, raspberries, sesame seeds/sesame butter, tahini/sesame oil, sunflower seeds, walnuts, water, yogurt.

So you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the circulatory system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden, Ph .D.’s list.  In the case of the circulatory system list, the majority of the foods are on both lists.  This gets a little complicated but worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have trouble with the information and how it is listed.

IMPROVEMENTS TO BE EXPECTED FROM SESSIONS TO THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE the fact that regular sessions will improve the circulation of the body and help normalize blood pressure if this is called for.  There is a definite spiritual aspect to the circulatory system which Reflexology for the Spirit sessions address.

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Urinary System – Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, 35 Foods that Nourish the Urinary System, and 6 Improvements to be Expected from Sessions.

Although the urinary system is not complicated, it is a very important part of the body.  Infections and other issues should not be ignored.

Essential Oils to Use When Working the Urinary System include blue fennel, cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, melaleuca alternifolia, mountain savory, orange, oregano, rosemary, thyme

Foods which Nourish the Urinary System include apples, bananas, bing cherries, blueberries, carrots, cider vinegar, cranberry juice cocktail, decaffeinated coffee, fish, fruits, garlic, grapefruit, hazelnuts, herbal teas, legumes, lemon juice, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, mackeral, non-fat cheese, nuts, onions, orange juice, pomegranate juice, potatoes, rice, salmon, soy, tofu, Swiss chard, vegetables, water, watermelon, whole grain breads and cereals.

Of the foods in the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: apples, bananas, blueberries, cranberry juice, coffee, garlic, grapefruit, hazelnuts, herbal teas, lemon, low fat milk, low-fat yogurt, mackeral, non-fat cheese, onions, pomegranate juice, salmon (wild Alaskan), Swiss chard, water

So, you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the urinary system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This gets a little complicated but is worth knowing.  Please let me know if you’re having problems with the information and how it’s listed.

Improvements to be Expected from Sessions to the Urinary System:

When a practitioner works the pelvic cavity, the blood supply to the urinary system helps detoxify the body.

Sessions offer deep relaxation which, in turn, offer relief to the kidneys and aid healing.

Fluid retention is relieved with regular sessions which offer an opportunity to “unclog” spiritual issues which appear to be stuck.

Urinary tract infections are helped with regular sessions, thus assisting the drugs taken to cure the infections.

The relaxation qualities of Reflexology for the Spirit sessions encourage the stressed bladder to return to a more normal function, thus facilitating homeostasis.  This is important because anger is a contributing factor in Urinary Tract issues.

Regular sessions encourage homeostasis, an important component of a healing urinary system.

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Thurman Greco



Searching for the Fountain of Youth? Eat Foods and use Essential Oils High in Antioxidents.

So, what are antioxidents anyway?  Antioxidents are chemicals in food which fight free radicals.  A popular theory is that we age because of the free radicals which cause oxidation.  In other words, we rust.

This oxidation process damages our cells and tissues, allowing diseases such as heart disease, alzheimers, cancer to invade our bodies.  It’s possible to take antioxident pills but studies show that eating the foods high in antioxidents is more effective.

If your health interests include a longer, healthier life go for the food.  Choose foods with a high Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC).

Try to eat five servings daily of foods high in antioxidents:  alfalfa sprouts, avocado, baked beans, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cherries, cranberries, garlic, kale, kiwi, onions,  oranges, plums, prunes, raisins,  raspberries, red peppers, spinach, strawberries, white grapes.

Some essential oils also have significant to high ORAC counts.  If you use essential oils, you might as well choose those with  ORAC counts:  Anise,  Basil, Black Pepper,  Blue Cypress, Blue Tansy, Cardamom,  Cassia, Cedarwood, Celery Seed,  Canadian  Cinnamon Bark, Cistus, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Cypress, Dill, Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Eucalyptus Globulus, Fennel, Fleabane, Frankincense (Boswellia carteri), Galbanum, German Chamomile, Ginger, Goldenrod, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Hyssop, Idaho Balsam Fir, Juniper, Kaffir Lime,  Laurus Nobilis, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Manuka, Marjoram, Melaleuca Cajeput, Melaleuca Ericifolia, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Melissa, Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Orange, Oregano, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile,  Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sage, Spearmint, Spikenard, Thyme, Tsuga, Vetiver, White Fir, Wintergreen, Yarrow.

While you are doing this, please don’t forget that weekly reflexology sessions encourage homeostasis which is extremely important for continued good health.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Respiratory System: Bottom Line Information, Essential Oils, Foods that Nourish the Respiratory System and Improvements to be Expected from Regular Sessions.

The respiratory system has highly emotional and spiritual facets to it.  People dealing with chronic respiratory issues are often grieving.  While it’s not necessary for you to know what’s causing the grief, it’s helpful to be aware of the grief process and the part it may be playing in your client partner’s health issues.

Essential Oils Nourishing the Respiratory System Include:  eucalyptus radiata, frankincense, German chamomile, lavender, lemon, peppermint, ravensara, Roman chamomile, rose, thyme, and wintergreen.

Foods Nourishing the Respiratory System Include: almonds, apples, apricots, beans, cantaloupe, carrots, chicken soup, crab, decaffeinated coffee, eggs, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, hot peppers, lamb, leafy greens, legumes, lemons, low-fat milk, non-fat cheeses, nuts, onions, oysters, papaya, pineapple, pumpkin, salmon, soy, spinach, sweet potatoes, tea, tofu, tomatoes, water, wheat germ, watercress, whole grains, yogurt.

Of the foods in the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden Ph.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth:    amonds, apples, apricots, beans, cantaloupe, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, lamb, lentils,   lemons, low-fat milk, non-fat cheese, onions, oysters, peppers (hot),  pineapple, pumpkin, salmon (wild Alaska),  sweet potatoes, tea, watercress, yogurt.

So,  you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the respiratory system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This is a little complicated but worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have a problems with the information and how it’s listed.

Improvements to be Expected from Sessions to the Respiratory System: 

Congestion and inflammation should be cleared.  Asthma can be improved.  Breathing should improve when it becomes regulated, slower and deeper.  On a spiritual level, this will assist the client partner to live life more fully.  Inflammation should be alleviated.  Regular sessions help expel mucus.

On a spiritual level, working the respiratory system not only addresses the physical issues, but assists in dealing with the associated processes.  People with respiratory issues who are willing to face whatever fears are preventing them from living life to the fullest will be able to benefit more fully from the physical improvements to the respiratory system offered by Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

Recovery from colds, coughs can be improved.

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Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – 18 Essental Oils, 45 Foods Boosting the Sense Organs

ESSENTIAL OILS that benefit the sense organs include cedarwood, clove, frankincense, geranium, German chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, orange, patchouli, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme, vetiver, wintergreen.

FOODS that nourish the sense organs include almonds, avocados, beans, bell peppers, black tea, blueberries, Brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, citrus fruit, collard greens eggs, fish, flaxseed, garlic, grapes, green beans, hot peppers, kale, leafy greens, leeks, lemons, melons, onions, oranges, oysters, peaches, peppers, pineapple, poultry, pumpkin, raisins, raspberries, salmon, seafood, spinach, squash, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, water, watercress.
Of those 45 foods, the following list is those foods which are also included in Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 healthiest foods on earth.
almonds, avocadoes, beans, blueberries, Brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, collard greens, eggs, fish, flaxseed, garlic, grapes, green beans, kale, leeks, lemons, onions, oranges, oysters, peaches, peppers, pineapple, poultry, pumpkin, raisins, raspberries, salmon, squash, strawberries, sweet potatoes, turnips, water, watercress.
These are really two lists. I hope this is not too confusing.

IMPROVEMENTS to be expected from sessions to the sense organs:
Regular sessions focusing on the diseased or distressed sense organs can improve the body on both a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Our eyes are the mirrors of our souls. Working the eye reflexes has a direct impct on spiritual issues that are troubling you.
Skin diseases and issues reflect problems in all aspects of our lives. Repeated, regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions assist in the resolution of many of these problems.
Because the ears deal with balance, regular sessions can help a person experiencing problems in this area. This is significant because people suffering with balance issues begin to lack confidence in the body’s ability to return to “normal” (homeostasis). Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer the return of confidence.
Skin and hair condition are improved with regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog on the Skeletal System – Bottom Line Information and Essential Oils You Can Use

“There is an intimate and dynamic relationship between what is going on in your life, with your feelings and thoughts, and what happens in your body.” – Deb Shapiro
The bones in the body are interconnected. If one of them is injured the others will be affected. If a client has back, neck or shoulder pain, work all of the skeletal reflexes.
Back injuries and illnesses are strongly connected to spiritual and emotional events.
Broken bones are often highly spiritual events in the life of a person. This is especially true of broken feet, ankles, hands, wrists, etc. It’s our hands, wrists, feet, and ankles, that move us forward in life. when a person is having trouble moving forward in life or is having problems resolving a destiny issue, the result is often a broken or sprained ankle or wrist. This event allows the person a “time out” to rest, reflect, rejuvenate, before getting on with the task at hand.
Essential oils to use with the skeletal system include basil, clove, copaiba, cypress, frankincense, Idaho balsam fir, marjoram, myrrh, nutmeg, peppermint, pine, rosemary, spruce, thyme, wintergreen.
For the spiritual issues connected with skeletal injuries, diseases, Idaho balsam fir, frankincense, myrrh, and pine are good choices.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco