Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Fourth Chakra and Reflexology


The fourth Chakra reflex point is found on the ball of the foot.  This is where we find the  heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland, shoulders.  

Fourth Chakra issues include:

self esteem

personal power




Are you able to express your emotions?

Do you need to protect yourself?

Do you have problems giving and receiving love?

Are you living a divided life?

 Have you created a protective barrier around your heart?

Do you have trouble forgiving people?

Do you fear rejection?

Do you feel vulnerable?

Is it physically/emotionally painful to move forward in life?

Are you hiding your true self from others?

Grief is a fourth Chakra issue.  We know as Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners that grief is housed in the ball of the foot – the heart – the lungs.

The fourth Chakra builds on the lower three Chakras  as our thoughts and dreams take on language, expression.  The fourth Chakra is where the moment of inspiration which took place in the first Chakra, now becomes entire paragraphs, both spoken and written.

The fourth Chakra links the spiritual and physical bodies as well as their issues.  This is because the fourth Chakra is the our energetic center,  working to fuse the physical and spiritual bodies.

When this happens, we are able to touch others as well as allowing them  to touch our lives.  The goal is unconditional love.  A good way to get insight about unconditional love is to pay attention to cats and dogs, 2 creatures which practice unconditional love routinely.

Our heart Chakra  pulls us into relationships involving







Grief is an important fourth Chakra issue.  Grief blocks fourth Chakra energy.   Letting go of grief and wounding opens our hearts.

The state of the fourth Chakra is easily seen in one’s posture.  People suffering with heart Chakra issues may be





Unbalanced fourth Chakras can also been seen in people with heart and respiratory problems.  Heart surgery can have a direct impact on the heart Chakra.

Meditations can be important.  Meditations focusing on:


heart opening


can help balance the fourth Chakra.

When you work with your client partner’s fourth Chakra, you offer the opportunity to help him/her release grief.  It’s in the fourth Chakra that we find

an open heart,

the energy to give,

and a straighter body.

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Thurman Greco

Photo donated by Jennette Nearhood.

Your Allergies and Reflexology for the Spirit, Continued

flowers (639x512)If your client partner’s dog has a long coat, she/he can consider having it trimmed short.  This being said, some breeds should not be trimmed down:  shelties, collies, Labrador retrievers, etc.  Other breeds can be very easily kept trimmed short.  If she/he  take the   dog to a groomer, ask your client partner to make sure the groomer  knows about the  allergies.  a good groomer will have appropriate shampoos on hand and will know special brushing  and hair drying techniques to remove as much hair and dander as possible to keep shedding to a minimum at home.

Some breeds of dogs don’t cause allergic reactions:  poodles, shih tzus, etc.  These breeds have hair, not coats.

Your client partner should work to keep his/her sinus cavities clean.  Frequent washing of curtains, drapes, throw rugs, stuffed animals, human and pet bedding, etc. will help remove allergy triggers in the home.  Maybe some of these things can just be gotten rid of.  The question to be asked is:  “Do I really need these dusty curtains, stuffed animals, etc.?”

Periodically, dust should be removed on everything in the home with a damp cloth.  the idea is not to stir up the dust but get it in the damp cloth.  When everything has been thoroughly dusted, the used damp cloth should be put in a plastic bag, sealed, and discarded.

All carpets and upholstered furniture should be vacuumed frequently.  If central heat or an air purifier is used, the filter should be kept clean.

Eliminating roaches and/or mice is mandatory.  They create problems for allergy sufferers.  However, be careful of the products used to eliminate these pests.  They can offer problems as well.

The subject of Allergies will continue in the next post.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco