Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

7 Self-Care Tips to Boost your Diet

This post gives you a week’s worth of life-changing tools to help you boost your diet.   Try them if they attract you in some way.   If something feels good to you, then it probably is good for you.

The timing has to be right.  Maybe you’ve tried one or two (or even all) of them in the past and they didn’t seem to work for you.  That was then and this is now.  Don’t go for them unless they attract you  for some reason.

These tools  will boost your energy, calm your mind,  and help prevent or minimize some health problems.


Go for homeostasis!  This means reiki or reflexology.

Include one or both of these modalities in your schedule this week…and every week.   I suggest distance reiki.  Self-reflexology is a good option.

Hand reflexology is easy to use.  Does the thought of hand reflexology seem challenging to you? Your library should have hand reflexology books on its shelves.

To simplify  your hand reflexology journey,  I’ll send you a hand chart and detailed instructions for reflexing your own hands.

Just send me  your mailing address to and I’ll return them to you.   There is no charge  or obligation  for this chart and instruction list.


Eat whole, fresh, locally-grown food.

Whatever diet plan you’ve  chosen, this is a good tip for you and your diet.  When you say “Yes!” to fresh foods,  you minimize  processed, packaged, shipped products.

When you eat fresh, your food will taste better.  Your calories will not be so empty.  Your food will be authentic.

You’ll find  authentic food on the outer perimeter of your local food store or at a nearby farmers market.


Don’t skip your breakfast.

This meal can be anything from a serving of yogurt to a platter of eggs,  bacon, and a hearty whole grain bagel.

Whatever you choose for your breakfast,  include powerful berries.  Their  antioxidents can’t be overemphasized.  Let a banana  give you the potassium you need.


Skip the sugar.  This doesn’t have to be a shock to your system.  Begin sugar avoidance by skipping it one day a week.  On this day, instead of sugar,  include a sugar substitute on any food or in any beverage you would ordinarily use sugar.

There are many brands available.  Try several until you find one you like.

If you feel weird without sugar, snack on some chocolate.


Water! Water! Water!

I know.  My message is stuck when it comes to water.  But, I mean it.  Water gives you energy, moves toxins out, and makes your skin look younger.  It also has 0 calories.

What more can we ask for?

If you’re not accustomed to water, I suggest this:

When you feel tired, drink a glass of water.  No, don’t drink a glass of water.  Instead, chug it right down.  Now, wait a few minutes to see if you feel better.

When your lips feel dry, drink a glass of water.

What about your urine?  What color is it?  Concentrated urine has a murky color you don’t need.  Drinking more water will get rid of the murky color.


Go Nuts

Daytime snacks are an essential taste treat between meals.  They boost your energy midmorning and midafternoon.  They are a welcome break from the day’s activities.

One snack which is good for your diet boost is nuts.

Walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts  give you energy, satisfy your appetite,  and are high in anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

They do lots of other  things too.  Each nut is different and unique.  Take a moment to read about all the  wonderful things they do .

Instead of reaching for a sugary food, go for the nuts.


Thanks for reading this  article, the first of several to help you boost your diet.

To get your free hand reflexology chart and instruction sheet, please email your mailing address to

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thurman Greco

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.  And please send it along to a friend.

Thanks again for reading this article.

Reiki: When Your Diet Changes Your Destiny – a Reader Request Article

A Reiki  moment surfaced several years ago when a co-worker embarked on a diet.  100+ pounds overweight,  when she told her husband her plans, he didn’t hesitate :


My co-worker was rewriting her destiny and he simply didn’t  want to share her experience.

It was time for Reiki.

Diets are all about  weight loss and spiritual offloading.

As your diet progresses,  you first become more conscious of yourself and others.

Second, you become responsible for your own healing.

Third,  you make changes to support  your wellbeing.

Many times, when you release your past, you understand how it connects with   your present  situation.

Do you want to make necessary changes in your life?  This moment offers three paths.

First, this  moment sometimes stops the diet completely.  Second, your weight loss may pause for several days.  Or, third, the weight loss continues on.

Whatever happens, this is a good time to add regular Reiki sessions to your schedule.

When it comes to Reiki therapy, most of us never give it a second thought  – until we need it.

Why do you need Reiki?  What can it do for you?  Again, the situation offers three options:

Do you know  about Reiki?  Have you received Reiki in the past?  Do you receive sessions now?

Jump right in!  Take a Reiki 1 class.  Then a Reiki 2 class.

That’s how I learned Reiki.  I knew I needed it but didn’t even really know what it was.  I looked around for a teacher and scheduled an introductory (Reiki 1) class from Mary Ruth Van Landingham at Terra Christa in Vienna, Virginia.

For starters,  Reiki offered me a spiritual support system when I needed it.  Neither religion nor cult, Reiki is a destiny tool  giving  me much when I was open to its light touch.

Second, I found Reiki when it was time to change my old patterns and declare freedom from some baggage I’d been dragging around for years.  I wanted to  see beyond a limited reality.

It worked.  I saw  an expanded one, filled with light.

When I became a  Reiki practitioner, I sent the light.

Third, you won’t read much about Reiki in diet books, but it’s there for you.  It works well and smooths the transition to your new life when you rewrite your destiny.

What more can you ask for?

Thank you for reading this article.

Please forward it to your preferred social media network.

Please share this blog post with your friends.

Thurman Greco

P.S. This post was a special request.  If you have a reader request, please contact me at

The Sixth Chakra and Reflexology


The sixth Chakra reflex point is located on the lower parts of the toe pads.  This is where the pituitary gland, eyes, and ears are located.

Sixth Chakra issues include






psychic abilities


Am I able to see the bigger picture?

Can I see when my ego is in charge?

How can my life be better?

Can I make this happen?

Can I set aside time for self-reflection?

Do I know myself?

Am I blocking my creative ideas?

Are those around me blocking my creative thoughts?

Am I holding onto emotions which I should be releasing?

Am I gaining insight into myself?

Am I working to increase intuition?

Does my heart agree  with my mind?

Am I working to make life better?

Can I see the “bigger picture”?

Am I able to encourage intuitive dreams?

Am I able to encourage and manifest realities from visions?

Tuning into the conscious and subconscious mind is a sixth  Chakra issue.  There is a balance which needs to be achieved.    At one end of the line, we have a person whose mind functions on the rational level only.  When this happens, the person has difficulty visualizing things mentally and subtle communication is difficult to   understand.   This person also has trouble seeing opportunities offered by dreams or intuitive thoughts. The other end of the line is a person who lives in a fantasy and may be delusional.  When the sixth Chakra is is healthy, the person is able to balance the rational and the intuitive.

A balanced sixth Chakra is in tune with our senses as well as both the conscious and subconscious mind.  The sixth Chakra is then able to regulate the energy channels of the other Chakras.

As with the other Chakras, Reflexology for the Spirit Sessions offer homeostasis which balance all of the body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.  People with 6th Chakra issues respond positively to distant healing Reiki therapy sessions.

To help balance your sixth Chakra, take time to meditate on the ocean.  As you do this, you will be able to calm an overactive mind.  This encourages





It will also encourage insight.  As people gain insight into themselves, they invite spiritual growth and development.

It’s easy to tell how centered the 6th Chakra is by observing a person’s eyes and ears.  Sight and hearing issues are related to 6th Chakra imbalances.  Other issues related to 6th Chakra imbalances include

insomnia and other sleep problems

frequent nightmares

feelings of despair


When you work with your client partner’s 6th Chakra, you offer the opporunity to help him/her clear out past issues and problems to make way for the new life which is waiting.

Thank you for reading this blog.   I am now accepting new reflexology students.  Please email for information.

The posts in this blog are being published less frequently for the next few weeks as I work to finish the reflexology book.  This book is a resource guide for  reflexologists.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco