Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What Your Feet Reveal!


Your feet reveal the state of your health.  They reveal physical problems in other parts of your body.

Often, the problems we experience with our feet relate to problems in other parts of the body.

Our feet reflect our lives:  what we eat, what we drink,   how we exercise, how well we sleep.

Tense feet may reflect tension in other parts of your body.

Limp feet indicate poor muscle tone.

Cold, blue, or red feet indicate poor circulation.

Sweaty feet suggest hormonal problems.

Swollen feet suggest a trip to a physician is in order.

Corns, blisters, and ingrown toenails will affect posture.

Bunions should be looked at by a podiatrist.

Hammertoes can benefit from reflexology sessions.

Toenails are a reflection of the diet.

When you don’t have time to look after your feet, you may experience corns, blisters, ingrown toenails, and bunions.  These problems affect your posture and metabolism.

Regular reflexology sessions bring about homeostasis.  People receiving regular reflexology sessions feel better and have fewer foot issues.

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Thurman Greco

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Thurman Greco

Create a space in your life for regular reflexology sessions.  They really help!



Chakras, Insight and Reflexology for the Spirit

heart with wings

heart with wings

We know from our basic reflexology classes that the organs of the body, the skeletal system, the endocrine system, etc., are mirrored on the feet.  The same is true of the chakras.  Each chakra has a specific place on the foot.

Once we factor in the chakras with reflexology, we come to the heart of the Reflexology for the Spirit concept.

This offers us  another layer/healing tool  important both to us and our client partners.  How does this work?

Let’s say  you’re working a person’s feet and you find a hollow.   It’s located on the bottom of the foot immediately below  the little toe.  This hollow is also red.  If we were to pinpoint this hollow on the reflexology map, it would be the shoulder.

Looking at the chakras on the reflexology map, we know this is the 4th chakra.  So, we know that we have a shoulder issue and a 4th chakra issue.

This is an  over simplification of what’s happening with the chakras and reflexology but it gives you an idea of how this is going to work.

The next few posts will focus on the chakras and how they impact our work as reflexologists.  Many of you will be well acquainted with how chakra work.  Others will be in new waters.

It doesn’t really matter what your experience level is here.  What matters is that we, as reflexologists realize that a hollow on the 4th chakra level will have an extra meaning for you and your client.  So will a corn on the 3rd toe.

We will not only see what:





athlete’s foot,


yellow skin

and anything else found on the foot reflects.  But, finally, we will gain specific insight into what areas of your client partner’s life the crystals, hollows, corns, warts, athlete’s foot, redness, yellow skin  actually affect.

A callus on the heel, for example, is a 1st chakra event.  This callus  will impact the core beliefs of your client partner.

You will know when you find hollows or crystals or mushiness (or anything else) in the kidney area of the food, that you also have a second chakra event.

Chakras  form the total energetic makeup of a person.  When working a person’s feet, it’s important to know what each chakra means, how it affects the person’s day-to-day life.  Insight into a person’s deeper layers helps them recognize things about themselves which they

may have forgotten,

didn’t feel were important,

or didn’t care about.


The chakras are all interconnected.  They build on one another.  What this means is that if one chakra is not balanced, all of them will be affected.  The entire body will be affected.    When you have a cut on the bottom of your foot, it may result in painful walking which will result in a spine thrown off balance which will affect the health of the entire body. There is a ripple effect.

This also works for the chakras.  When the first chakra is unbalanced a person may feel ungrounded which will affect how the  person deals with depression  (a second chakra issue), which will no doubt affect one’s digestion (a third chakra issue). and on and on.

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Artwork donated by Jennette Nearhood.

Thurman Greco



Calluses and Corns Can Be Troublesome and Represent Spiritual Challenges

The impact  calluses and corns have on your client partner depends on where they’re located on the foot or toes.

For many, they’re protective armor and a defense mechanism representing the soul crying out for protection from unbearable outside events.  For example, a callus in the heart area of the foot deals with protection from problems of the heart that have become difficult.  Calluses and/or corns on the throat area of the foot represent problems relating to communication.  And, calluses on the heel area connect with core beliefs.

There’s a relevant place for Reflexology for the Spirit when dealing with these spiritual issues.  If you have a client partner coming to you regularly with calluses and/or corns, please refer him/her to a podiatrist to treat the medical aspects.  People shouldn’t self treat these conditions because they can end up with worse problems than they began with.  And, if your client partner is diabetic, it’s even more important to seek medical help.

Several trips to the chiropractor are in order here if your client partner’s gait is being impacted upon.  A properly aligned spinal column helps overall health.

After that, it’s up to you, the practitioner to facilitate the spiritual and emotional healing which accompanies regular sessions.

Your client partner should be able to move forward as issues resolve.


ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, lavender, Roman or German chamomile.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please contact me with whatever questions you may have.

Our next post addresses  an issue experienced by many people:  Constipation.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


More About What is Reflexology for the Spirit

Page0001What is Reflexology for the Spirit?  In this post, we will offer more information about Reflexology for the Spirit,  This  should give you an in depth understanding of what  Reflexology for the Spirit is all about.

Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners include  spiritual observations as they manifest in the feet.  They’re found:

in the different colors seen on the feet,

the locations of corns,



broken bones, etc.

What is Reflexology for the Spirit?    Although the results of a reflexology session can be felt throughout the body, it’s not massage.  Instead, practitioners manipulate the tissues of the hands, feet, and/or ears only.

An important goal of Reflexology for the spirit is Homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the return to balance of the entire body.

Encourage your client partners to schedule appointments within 1-2 days of other treatments they are receiving.

For example:   if your client partner has a visit to the chiropractor,

physical therapist,


massage therapist,

or a yoga class,

please try to have him/her schedule an appointment with you within 24-48 hours before or after.    This is the way to get the most value for your health care dollars.  With Reflexology for the Spirit, 1 + 1 = 3.

Beginning with the next posts, we will highlight some:

specific conditions,


 and treatments.

We will explain how Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners address the whole person.  The next posts will be your tool box,  Refer to them often.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Sanghi