Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology

Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy.  So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity.  Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.

Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.

Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.

Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.

Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.

Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,

The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys.  Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.

Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy.  The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing.  An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.

Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis.  This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.

When our bodies are balanced, things work better:

stress is relieved

the immune system improves

there is relief from pain

circulation improves

bowel movements improve

toxins  clear

relaxation is better

In short, the body works better!

Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally.  It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.

On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  I am here as a conduit for your healing.

“Healer’s Handbook” is available  as an ebook or paperback at

I thank you for reading this blog post.

If you have friends or relatives who  might enjoy this article, please share it with them.

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For more info, check out my books on

To learn more about reflexology, download this video.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.

I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco.  These videos are free.

Thank you for your interest.

How About a New Year Detox?

This year, my daughter and I gave my spouse an iPad for a holiday gift.  We were all excited.  Barry is now going to get to enjoy connecting with the world while sitting in his recliner with his feet up.

This piece of modern technology is a win for all of us.  He’s enjoying the world and I’m enjoying seeing his feet elevated!

Technology makes so much of his daily experience:  he is constantly on the phone, checking emails and social media pages, typing reports and filling out forms.

He is also continually absorbing electromagnetic waves from his electronic equipment.

Now, by the end of the day, he appears bleary-eyed.  His skin looks pale.  I’m willing to bet that his mind is on overload also.   From the looks of things, his new iPad has a down side as well as an upside.

We finally all agreed with him that things were not necessarily what we hoped for.  Having his feet elevated while entertaining himself was a goal but he was paying a price for all this fun.

He finally decided to schedule periodic brakes and time-outs.  He scheduled detox brakes.

So, now, at a certain point in the day, he turns off his phone, iPad, laptop and all other electronic equipment.  He removes his equipment from his area.

Now, instead, he takes time to visit with us, review his day, or reads a book or the New York Times.

This break refreshes him.  He feels that he’s grounded and he realizes that there is more to his life than the contents of a screen or speaker.

A periodic digital detox works for us all in different ways.  For example, if you’re working from home, it’s important to take detox breaks throughout the day to maintain your work production.

Actually, whatever project you may have going throughout the day will benefit from a digital detox break.  If nothing else, leave your project for a few minutes and have a glass of water.  Water has energizing effects which we all need throughout the day.

Beginning and ending your activities with a 10-minute Reiki or reflexology session will improve your project results.  Even a short break is good to promote homeostasis, something our bodies all need.

Reflexology sessions relax, balance, and heal the whole body.

Everything always goes better with reflexology!

If you want to learn more about reflexology, check out our downloadable video “Reflexology for the Spirit”.

Download this reflexology video for a small donation.  ENJOY!

Thanks for reading this article!  My intention is that this blog post can be a  conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

Please share this post to friends and relatives.  Forward it to your favorite social media network.

If you want to communicate with me, you can reach me at

There are both reflexology and reiki segments on the YouTube channel.

This download is available for a donation.  ENJOY!


If you haven’t read “Healer’s Handbook”, this may be a good opportunity for you to order a copy of either the 2nd or 3rd edition (Wellness for All).