Sleep…Blessed Sleep
People seek out reflexologists when they have sleep issues. And, visiting a reflexologist regularly to encourage quality sleep is a good thing to do. Very few people receiving regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions have problems sleeping.
Regular sessions encourage homeostasis. It’s impossible to achieve homeostasis and have sleep issues at the same time.
Your body systems know immediately if you are sleeping properly. This is the rule:
The better you sleep, the better your immune system functions.
Your immune system needs to be calm and relaxed to function properly. This won’t happen if you’re not sleeping properly. Your immune system needs your body to receive not only enough sleep but the quality must be good as well.
Your body repairs itself as you sleep. Your immune system maintains itself. In order for this to happen, stress levels must be turned down. This happens during sleep.
Except when it doesn’t. There are sleep situations where the stress levels are not diminished. Examples include insomnia and sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder. One symptom of sleep apnea is snoring. Snoring can, in some instances, be dangerous because if it is untreated, it can activate the immune system.
Insomnia is also a threat to a healthy immune system. Insomnia has several different causes. Insomnia is created when people burn the candle at both ends. Anxiety and/or depression also cause mood disorders in addition to insomnia.
Good quality sleep:
promotes a healthy immune system.
encourages overall good health.
helps slow down aging.
People sleeping well also look better. Several things can be done to promote healthy sleep habits:
Establish a bedtime and stick to it. Go to bed at the same time every night.
Create a peaceful sleep environment without
Make sure your bed has a
restful mattress
soft sheets
cozy blankets
comfortable pillows.
Establish a sleep ritual which prepares your body, your brain, and your immune system for a good night’s sleep. Adopt sleep-encouraging techniques such as meditation or self Reiki therapy.
If you have a partner, taking a few reflexology lessons can be a real boost to healthy sleep for you both. You can then offer a reflexology exchange in the evenings before you sleep.
Self Reiki is a wonderful sleeping potion. Easy to learn and use, it encourages sleep.
Use essential oils to encourage sleep. Put a few drops of a favorite oil on a tissue and place it inside your pillowcase or in a pocket.
And, finally, don’t become obsessive about sleep. Sleep will come. You can learn to sleep.
Lotus Heart Healing with Tom Rigler
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Thurman Greco
Renee Ruwe offered the photo used into today’s post.