Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What is Healthy?

What is healthy, anyway?  We’re all concerned about our health on some level.  We try to eat better, exercise more, sleep more.  There are many components to good health, but, at it’s basic level, what is healthy, anyway?

For starters, a leaner body is healthy.  But, losing weight and keeping it lost can seem like chasing the Fountain of Youth.

And, of course, there is the old story about Ponce de Leon finding it.  The Fountain of Youth headquarters is in St. Augustine, Florida.  You can go there and visit it in a park setting.  But, you don’t need to travel all the way to St. Augustine  to visit the Fountain of Youth.  Branches are right in your own community, maybe even in your neighborhood.  Every fitness center around is a branch of the fountain of youth.  All you have to do is join up and use a fitness center.   The sidewalk in front of your home or office is also a branch of the fountain of youth.  All you have to do is get out there and walk briskly for thirty minutes or so every day.

Using your fitness center regularly or walking briskly for a half hour each day will decrease your risk of developing diabetes.    This will keep you on the path toward good health.  And, while you exercise to protect yourself against diabetes, skipping sugary soft drinks and juices will help.  And, if you have diabetes, find out from your health care professional how much exercise you need every day to strengthen your body as you work with this disease.

Trips to a fitness center and/or the healthy walks will help you develop a healthier heart and will help you reduce your risk of heart disease.

What is healthy?  Visiting your local fitness center or walking helps you feel, look, and act better.  It will also reduce your cholesterol levels.  Add some dietary tips when you want to be healthy and you’re thinking of cholesterol.  Use olive oil more often when you substitute it for less healthy oils, for example.

A brisk daily walk will strengthen your bones.  You can also garden.  Actually, the more things you can think of that will get you off your seat and on your feet, the better.  And, while you’re getting off your seat, try walking a little faster on the sidewalk and running a little faster on the treadmill.  A more intense workout will help you feel better.

What is healthy?  Lowering your stress level is one way to improve your health.  Hug your pet.  And, if you don’t have a pet, can you hug a neighbor’s pet?  Can you go to your local pound and walk a dog there?  If you go to your pound and walk a dog briskly for a half hour, you’ll be doing two beneficial things at once!

And, what about your memory?  Blueberries help.  So do crosswords, scrabble, your local newspaper.

And, finally, what is healthy?  Connection is healthy.  Humans like to be connected to one another.  This can mean different things to different people.  Taking a class in something will help.  Meeting the other people at the fitness center will strengthen your connection to your community.  There are a million ways to get connected.  A church, synagogue, or temple is there waiting for you.  The important thing is to share yourself.

So, here are a few ways to help you define what is healthy for yourself.  Find something you like and share yourself.

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Thurman Greco

The second edition of this book is on the way! Thanks to all of you who are using this book.





In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon went exploring for the fountain of youth in what is now Florida.  He found it and it exists.  A branch of it is probably at a fitness center in your community.  I found one in my community.  It’s called the Fitness Connection and is on Albany Avenue in Kingston, New York.

There is a branch of the Fountain of Youth within reach of you.  Can you name one?  Do you use one?  Regularly?

Being tuned into the Fountain of Youth is important.  Don’t ever mistake this.  But, it’s also important to be healed.  The quality of your life will be much better when you can forgive those who injured you in some way.  Forgiveness opens the door to healing.

Without forgiveness, we go through our daily life carrying  anger, blame, fear, guilt, hurt, regret, resentment, revenge, sadness.

Getting rid of  negative baggage can change your life for the better.

Begin to release this negative baggage by listing the people in your life who you need to forgive.  Include yourself in this list if you blame your self for things as well. (Don’t we all?)

Now, spend some time each day  forgiving those who need forgiveness.  You are forgiving people for yourself…nothing more.  You know that when you offer forgiveness, miracles can occur.

Don’t worry about the person anymore.  You are releasing this person’s energy into the universe.  You are releasing this person’s karmic connection to yourself.  You are cutting the cords which have been binding you together.

Healing you never expected will  take place.

How does forgiveness  happen?  How can you make this work for you?

Sit for a few minutes  in a quiet place and offer forgiveness to each person individually:

“I offer forgiveness to …………………………..  I forgive you for …………………………………..

Now, I  am free and you are free, too.  I release you to your divine plan of life.  Everything between us is cleared up, now and forever.”

When you have forgiven everyone you can remember, go into your past lives and offer forgiveness to those  who need it:

“I offer forgiveness to everyone in my past life who has damaged me in some way.  I forgive everyone for whatever he/she did.  Now, I am free and you are free, too.  I release you now.  Everything between us is cleared up, now and forever.”

These forgiveness meditations may take more than a day.  Actually, they may take several weeks or even months.  Don’t worry about this.  Take whatever time is necessary.  Forgive a  person or few persons each day when you have a few moments.

As you do this, notice how you feel when this happens.  Notice how much better you feel with each meditation.  Notice how much better you look.  Notice how much younger you act.  Notice how much excess weight you are losing.

You may not observe any changes immediately.  However, you will begin to see yourself, your environment, and your world improved, healed, more beautiful.

As you forgive people and release them to their divine plans…

You will feel better.

Your vocabulary will change.

Your thoughts will be positive.

You will feel free.

You will feel light.

Replace the negativity with love.

Bring love alive in your life.

Eat, sleep, and breathe love.


Thank you for reading this article.  Please share this blog post with your favorite social media network.

Spread the word about “A Healer’s Handbook”!  Thank you to everyone who has purchased this book.  Thank you to everyone who will purchase this book in the future.

Thank you to Michele Garner for contributing her heart art at the top of this blog.

Thank you to Sangi van den Nouweland for contributing the cover art on “A Healer’s Handbook.”

The information about the Fountain of Youth came from the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park in Saint Augustine, Florida.

Thurman Greco



The Fountain of Youth



On April 12, 1513, Ponce de Leon landed on what is now Florida.  He is believed by many nowadays to have been seeking the Fountain of Youth.

Whether he was  seeking a magic potion or not is irrelevant  because he never reported discovering such a Fountain of Youth.  And, today, it’s pretty well agreed by all leaders in the health field that a Fountain of Youth does indeed exist.  However, we don’t drink it.

The Fountain of Youth is called Exercise.

Are  you interested in being healthy?

Do you want your body to last a long time?

Do you want to have an active daily life?

Exercise daily!

Begin your journey to wellness and longevity and homeostasis by choosing an activity you’ll enjoy doing.

Walking is a good first choice.  It costs very little to walk.  Walk a few minutes each day.   Begin by walking about 10 minutes the first day and then increase both the speed and the length of each  walk  until you get to a brisk  30-minute session each day.

When you walk you experience a mild detox and you heal on some level.

Organizing a walking group is a good way for you as a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner to motivate client partners, neighbors, friends, to become healthier.  Walking is a social event as you see the same people on your walk every day.  It’s fun to see how everyone’s doing on your walking route.

There are literally hundreds of exercising options:   gym, cycling, running, swimming.  It really doesn’t matter what you choose – the fountain of youth can be found in pretty much any activity that you’ll like well enough to do  at least 3 times every week.  What matters is that you move.  Whatever your age, the state of your health, moving helps.

It’ll be even better if you can do your favorite activity in short bursts throughout the day if you are sedentary.

Yoga is a good choice  because  you compete only against yourself.  It keeps you well stretched.  Many people “grow” an inch or 2 when they take up yoga.

Whatever activity you choose, when you move, you get the blood circulating.  The brain and nervous system become more active.  It’s harder for muscles to go into atrophy.  The immune system gets a boost.

Regular exercise helps you feel better about yourself, increases your energy level.

Some forms of exercise, if they are “right” for you, can be very grounding.  This is important for a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner.  Encourage not only yourself, but your client partners to find that activity which is physically challenging as well as spiritually uplifting – this is the fountain of youth!

Guideline:  Move – partake of the fountain of youth!

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Fountain of Youth

The Fitness Connection