Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome is a collection of many uncomfortable symptoms  accompanying women’s menstrual cycles.

PMS causes the following symptoms:

negative  moods


food cravings

fluid retention

decreased energy


emotional imbalance

weight gain

water retention



And, that’s not the whole list.  It’s just the symptoms that came to mind first.

PMS is on the rise.  It’s a situation  made worse  by stressful situations in women’s lives as well as increased toxicity caused by artificial hormones now found in increasing quantities in our food, water, and environment in general.

On the spiritual level,  PMS flourishes in situations where women suffer with anger, confusion, fear, frustration, inferiority, rejection, self-doubt.  PMS accompanies situations where women feel a need to hold on to past hurts they’ve received from men.  Women suffering with PMS experience a need for more strength and power.

Dietary changes can often help:

Eat more  fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy,  vegetables, whole grains.

Eat less dairy, fat meat, and sugar.

Eating organic foods is important because they have fewer environmental estrogens.

Detoxing the intestinal tract and liver will help.

It will be helpful to take probiotics.  In order to be sure you’re not wasting your money, consult with Liz at Village Vitality (Woodstock Apothecary ) 845-679-0790.  Liz will also work with you to determine if you are getting enough of the proper vitamins and minerals for your situation.

Overcoming the negative aspects of PMS will probably not happen overnight but the situation will improve over time…especially if you include regular reflexology sessions to encourage homeostasis.

When offering reflexology for the spirit to a client-partner suffering with PMS, begin by working the endocrine system.  Focus on the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, ovary, and uterus reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the urinary system as you focus on the kidney reflexes.

Finish the session by working the solar plexus and liver.

If cramps are involved, use the following protocol:

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system and focus on the thyroid,  parathyroid gland reflexes and the uterus reflexes.

Finish the session by focusing on the spine and spinal cord reflexes.

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Thurman Greco

Infertility and Reflexology

EXPERIENCING INFERTILITY CAN BE DEVASTATING TO A COUPLE.    People  feel they’ve been victimized.  Life sometimes ceases to have meaning for some.  They become depressed, jealous.  Marriages sometimes fall apart.  People feel rejected, abandoned, inadequate, sad.

INFERTILITY HAS MANY CAUSES  – both physical, and emotional:  environmental, hormonal, genetic.  Drug usage, stress, blocked fallopian tubes or testicles, unconscious fears, childhood abuse, can all contribute to infertility.

In this country, people don’t often think of reflexology to help with infertility issues.  In other parts of the world, people trying to overcome infertility issues use the services of a reflexologist  successfully.

If you’re offering reflexology to a couple  dealing with infertility, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the entire endocrine system and then focus on the pituitary gland reflexes, the ovary and testicle reflexes, and finally, the uterus and prostate reflexes.

Finish the session by returning to the solar plexus and then the liver reflexes.


AND, I OFFER A FINAL SUGGESTION.   There are many reasons for infertility. Some are spiritual.  This may be a time for you to review what may be your life path and goals.  There are many, many children and other animals in dire need at this time on our planet.  At the risk of totally upsetting everyone who reads this blog, I submit to you that possibly your path includes embracing one or more of these precious beings into your life instead of bringing a new life into embodiment.

IS THE UNIVERSE TELLING YOU SOMETHING?   Listen carefully.  There are many ways to use your caring,  nurturing, and creative energy for the benefit of all mankind.  There are many creatures in need of the  love you have to offer.

On behalf of the many needy beings on this planet, I thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Endocrine System – very important for both physical and spiritual health

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF GLANDS INCLUDING SEVERAL GLANDS WHICH WORK TOGETHER TO MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS.  They include the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries/testes.  In addition to working to maintain homeostasis, the glands of the endocrine system work together to regulate our metabolism, growth, reproduction, and body chemistry.

Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.  They work with other body systems and are important to the overall function of a person in everyday life.  It’s important that the different Endocrine glands work well.

THE HYPOTHALAMUS, PITUITARY, AND PINEAL GLANDS ARE LOCATED IN THE BRAIN IN THE AREA BEHIND THE EYES.   They all three interact with the nervous system.  It’s believed that the hypothalamus controls the “mother” gland because it’s believed to coordinate the functions of the other endocrine glands in addition to regulating growth, blood pressure, and sexual development.

When a person is stressed emotionally and spiritually, the pituitary reflex becomes sensitive.  Sometimes it’s so sensitive to the reflexologist’s touch that it can’t be worked.  When this happens, go to the pituitary gland reflex on the hands and work there.

The pineal gland produces melatonin which is responsible for sleep patterns.  Many people believe the pineal gland functions as our “third eye” and works with our spiritual and psychic development.

THE THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDS ARE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE THROAT.   They’re attached to the wind pipe with the thyroid in front and the parathyroids in back.  The parathyroids are believed to control calcium and bone metabolism.  The thyroid, a very important gland, coordinates how everything in our body works.  The thyroid is to the body what the gas pedal is to a car.  People with thyroid imbalances often experience anger.

The thymus is a gland located a couple of inches below the thyroid and parathyroids.  This gland offers support to the immune system.  Our thymus is a certain size when we are born and does not get much larger as we grow up and age.  This leads some professionals to believe the thymus is more important in infanthood and childhood than in adulthood.  Here again, we have a spiritual gland.  The thymus works better when we feel more positive about ourselves.

The pancreas is partially an endocrine gland which works in close conjunction with the digestive system.  The pancreas has two parts:  endocrine and exocrine.  The endocrine part of the pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.  This is where insulin is produced.

THE ADRENALS ARE LOCATED ABOVE THE KIDNEYS.  They work closely with the nervous system to maintain fluid and mineral balance.  The adrenals are easily felt because we experience them as “butterflies” in our stomach when we are suddenly nervous.  Prolonged stress overload has a negative effect on the adrenals.  When the adrenals get overstressed it takes time and effort by the practitioner to return them to balance.

THE OVARIES IN THE FEMALE AND THE TESTES IN THE MALE ARE ENDOCRINE GLANDS.  This is a point of creativity in the body.  They are managed by the pituitary gland.

KEEPING THE VARIOUS ENDOCRINE GLANDS BALANCED IS IMPORTANT TO US ALL.  Sometimes, when an endocrine gland is not balanced, our whole (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) reflects this imbalance and is affected negatively by it.  Reflexology for the Spirit sessions help balance our endocrine system.

AN EXAMPLE OF A NICE SESSION IS TO FOCUS THE ENTIRE SESSION ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.    The importance of endocrine balance cannot be overestimated.  One effective way to focus on the endocrine system is to offer rotations (about 10 rotations per point) to each of the endocrine glands in the following order:  solar plexus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries/testes.  Then, finally, return to the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco






Muscular System Bottom Line, 12 Essential Oils, 24 Foods That Nourish The Muscular System and 3 Improvements to be Expected from Sessions to the Muscular System


Maintaining the muscular system with Reflexology for the Spirit sessions helps improve both the circulatory and skeletal systems.  The ability of muscles to function directly impacts the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life of a person.

One’s emotional and spiritual health directly impacts how the muscles function, the ability to maintain a proper body weight, and to maintain muscle tone, especially as one ages.  Exercise is recommended to release endorphins that interact with the receptors in the brain to promote positive feelings, and when a client decides to start working out this will be a boon to you.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM INCLUDE basil, fennel, geranium, German chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen

FOODS  WHICH NOURISH THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM INCLUDE beans, caffeine, Brazil nuts, cherries, chicken, dairy, dried plums, eggs, figs, legumes, liver, meat, nuts, oily fish, oysters, peanuts, raisins, rose hip tea, soy, turkey, water, wheat germ, whole grains, yeast.

Of the foods on the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth:

beans,  caffeine, Brazil nuts, eggs, figs, liver(calf’s liver), milk(raw), nuts, oysters, peanuts/peanut butter, raisins, yogurt.

So, you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the muscular system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This gets a little complicated but is worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have problems with the information and how it’s listed.


Working the muscular system in a session can relax the whole body as well as specific places in the body.

Muscular aches and pains are relieved and muscular stress and tension can be reduced.

As the body relaxes with repeated, regular sessions, homeostasis offers balance to the body and the spirit.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco





When you work the Digestive System, you Help the Intestinal Trct Normalize Itself

Constipation is common in people seeking the services of Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioners.  The good news is that the condition seldom continues as regularly scheduled Reflexology for the Spirit sessions progress.  This is true of both children and adults.

Risk factors for constipation include a sedentary lifestyle, eating a low-fiber, high-fat diet, not getting enough liquids and, in my opinion, not getting enough vitamin C.

It’s difficult for the human body to achieve optimum health without a clean intestinal tract.  Many conditions throughout the body can be improved as the intestinal tract begins to function properly.

Often, when you have a client partner coming for regular session to deal with constipation, you  will begin to see a person who feels better, looks better, develops better eating habits, has more energy, and has a more generous outlook on life.

Although sessions offer a gentle detox, a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse will improve things immensely.

In normalizing colon function, dry brushing after bathing, lymphatic cleansing with exercise, weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions and regular use of a mini trampoline in addition to the cleanse will help.

AREAS TO WORK:   digestive system, immune system, lymphatics, urinary system, liver and solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:   anise, peppermint, ginger, fennel, tarragon

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

Arthritis and Reflexology for the Spirit, Continued

treeWhen an arthritis sufferer uses all the health care professionals available to him/her, the results are better.  Fewer drugs will be consumed.  That’s an important result.

A Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner deals with the problems presented by arthritis over the long haul.    When working with an arthritis sufferer, you need to learn about all the things s/he can do in the self help arena.  Try to learn all the things that the rheumatologist recommends.  When you know these things,  you can work with them.  Know about recommended exercise therapy. How does acupuncture fit into the overall picture?  What does the nutritionist recommend?

Optimum improvement depends on repeated, regular visits to the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner’s table.  The other specialists will “come and go” as needed in the client partner’s life.  You, on the other hand, owill be seeing this person weekly.

Arthritis sufferers often postpone getting needed treatment necessary for  relief.  This is not a good approach.  The sooner your client partner begins to aggressively combat arthritis, the better off s/he will be – even years down the line.

When working with an arthritis sufferer, regardless of the type, keep in mind that you are dealing with a person who cannot help being overly critical both of self and others.  Many arthritis sufferers appear to harbor resentment and blame in many areas of life.  This is a huge statement considering the number of people suffering with arthritis.

AREAS TO WORK:  solar plexus, entire endocrine system, urinary system, immune system, nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, liver, solar plexus and individual joints the client partner is suffering with.

ESSENTIAL OILS:   wintergreen, peppermint, nutmeg, German chamomile, clove, copaiba, helichrysum, Idaho balsam fir, white fir, pine, eucalyptus globulus, frankincense, and myrrh are popular with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Violet Flame Reiki therapy is appropriate for arthritis sufferers.

The next post will cover bunions.

Thank you for reading this blog.  Please contact me with any questions you have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

Anxiety and Reflexology for the Spirit

modernAnxiety sufferers are often adults who feel they experienced emotional neglect and trauma as children.  Anxiety can also “run in families”.  Sometimes, people on certain long term prescriptive drugs exhibit anxiety symptoms.  Anxiety is present when a chemical imbalance exists in the brain.  It’s diagnosed by symptoms.  And, some experts feel that anxiety affects more women than men.

Offer your anxiety sufferers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and Reiki therapy in addition to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

AREAS  TO WORK:  solar plexus, nervous system, digestive system, urinary system, endocrine system, adrenals, liver and solar plexus.

Always offer a few moments with a solar plexus hold if you feel a person is suffering with anxiety.  Reflexing the solar plexus offers the body an opportunity to achieve deep relaxation and grounding.  If your client partner is taking prescriptive drugs,  herbs, or other medications for a medical condition, please work the body systems that apply.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  orange, Roman chamomile, ylang, ylang, lavender

Thanks again for reading this blog.  Please leave a comment if you have a comment or question.

The next two or so posts will deal with arthritis.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Important Info You May Not Find Elsewhere

CCI06242014Reflexology is one of the world’s most enduring and non-invasive therapies.  Reflexology sessions offer a method of reflexing energy points in the feet (or hands).  These sessions bring healing results to many parts of the body at the same time.  And, these sessions usually take no more than an hour.

The principle behind reflexology is that the entire body is mapped out on the feet.  Important information for us:  points on the feet relate to every area with a corresponding part in the body.  Reflexing these points opens up pathways for healing to begin.

The spiritual aspect relates to the deeper component where the client’s emotions are found.  They  are  the basis of medical issues or illness.  They are also  a manifestation of them.  They can be liberated by this work.  One can certainly be a reflexologist who does the mechanical work without focusing on the spiritual aspect,  There are many of them.

Important information is that  something changes in the hands-on experience of the session when the practitioner’s intention is to wake up the spiritual center.  When that happens, the practitioner and the client-partner work together as a team.  As the intention is released the client-partner finds inner spirit.  In that release comes peace and homeostasis, a word you’ll  find again and again in this blog.

In the next post,  I’ll continue sharing important information with you.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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Peace and food for all