Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Good Morning Body Scan Reveals Healing Options.

Every morning I start my day by checking in with my body, my energy, my emotions.  My goal is to know how I’m feeling.  I’m tapping into my inner wisdom.  For me, the best time to do this is at the beginning of the day when I have a few moments just for myself.

I begin by checking in with my body from my feet up.  I work my way through my ankles, knees, hips, abdomen, chest, back, spine, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists.  I’m sure to include my neck, ears, mouth, nose, chin, face, forehead, eyes, scalp.  Finally, I examine my hair.

I ask myself:

Is anything feeling out of balance?

Do I hurt anywhere?

Am I tight or sore anywhere?

These are the basic “little things” that need attention.  If ignored, they can easily become “bigger things”.  Pay attention to every part of your body.

Here’s an example:

If you answered “yes” to hurting anywhere, look more deeply:

Where does it hurt?

Why does it hurt?

What does this pain feel like?

Is this pain on the surface of my body or does it go deeper?

What is the exact location of this pain?

Listen to your answers.  What are they telling you?

“I should probably look further into this, just…not right now.

Then, I ask myself about my moods, emotions, and mental outlook.

Am I feeling disconnected from myself and my body?

Am I depressed, happy, anxious?

Finally, I ask myself if I’m hungry.

How long has it been since I last ate?

Did I drink enough liquids in the last 24 hours?

The most important thing about this scan is learning to listen to the answers.  Your body is a wonderful communicator.  Between your chakras and your abdominal brain – you can keep tabs on your body, mind, heart, soul.

Tracking your feelings gives you a good opportunity to journal this information each day.  Over time, you may realize that you are keeping track of yourself on a deeper level.

Checking in with your inner wisdom often and regularly will help you know yourself better.

When you scan your self and journal the results, you are researching your body, emotions, mental activity, and spiritual aspects.  Your journal will encourage you to trust what you feel and experience.  You are researching your self!

Include reflexology and reiki sessions at every opportunity.  This wake-up scan works well with a self-Reiki session.

This scan is not a substitute for regular reflexology sessions.

Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in previous blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook”

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There are related video productions on YOUTUBE at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  New titles are added weekly.

Thank you for reading this article.  It may be that you need a moment for yourself.

This article allows you to think about your self-care.  But, however you ended up reading this article, I invite you to expand  self-care support and seek ways you can benefit from this practice.

Five Things You Can Do For Your Good Health

Good health is not that hard to achieve.  Really.  When it comes down to a bottom line, five things are essential to establishing and maintaining your good health.


Do you smoke?  Reduce your habit to five cigarettes a day.  When you are  down to five, you can get to zero with little effort.

Join a smokers’ support group.

Hypnotherapy and Biofeedback both offer successful results for many smokers.

The bottom line is this:  Do whatever you have to do to give up this habit.


This is a high priority.  Losing or gaining weight to reach your ideal weight for your good health gets harder with every passing year so the younger you are when you work on your weight, the easier it will be.

Weight Watchers is a good support group.

An interested nutritionist can help you reach your desired goal and include specific foods contributing to your continued good health at the same time.  You’ll get twice the bang for your buck with a nutritionist.

An example of this:  If you need to gain or lose  weight and you have heart health issues, a nutritionist can work on the weight issues along with your heart issues.  I don’t know about you, but I love to be able to do a couple of things together.  I get all involved in the different aspects of synchronicity.


Many wellness gurus teach five servings of fruits and vegetables are a minimum number for a well nourished person to eat daily.  This five serving recommendation is easy for me to pass on.  And, it’s also easy to have fun with.

I like the concept of thinking about which five fruits and vegetables will be on my  plate today.  Planning ahead for each day’s selection gives them focus and importance.

I also like the idea that advance planning gives me a chance to play and experiment a bit.  You can do this too.  It’s easier than you think.  All you have to do is choose one new vegetable or fruit each week.

Take it home and learn what it’s called.  What countries is it commonly grown in?  Learn how to cook it, store it, combine it with other foods, and finally how to eat it.

If you learn about one new fruit or vegetable each week, your dietary skills will be vastly different in a year.  Adventure!


This can be a drudgery or it can be fun.  Your good health options are open here.  Participate in  one or more activities  regularly.  The point is to keep yourself active  daily as you go throughout your life.

You can put in as much time or money as you want here.

You can also combine exercise with other daily habits. I wear an exercise watch which beeps when I’m not moving enough.  It also congratulates me when I’ve gone beyond my daily goal.

I went out and got a second job which requires that I stay off my seat and on my feet.  So, I’m making money while exercising.  I enjoy this a lot.


This can be a biggie.  Stress contributes to many health problems.  Like the sleep suggestion a few pages back, you’ll find a chapter on stress later in this book.  Things like meditation, walks, laughter, sharing, singing, nature bathing, journaling, drawing can help you avoid stress.

Stress relief is important – just as important as your diet and exercise.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your favorite media network.

Thurman Greco




The Sixth Chakra and Reflexology


The sixth Chakra reflex point is located on the lower parts of the toe pads.  This is where the pituitary gland, eyes, and ears are located.

Sixth Chakra issues include






psychic abilities


Am I able to see the bigger picture?

Can I see when my ego is in charge?

How can my life be better?

Can I make this happen?

Can I set aside time for self-reflection?

Do I know myself?

Am I blocking my creative ideas?

Are those around me blocking my creative thoughts?

Am I holding onto emotions which I should be releasing?

Am I gaining insight into myself?

Am I working to increase intuition?

Does my heart agree  with my mind?

Am I working to make life better?

Can I see the “bigger picture”?

Am I able to encourage intuitive dreams?

Am I able to encourage and manifest realities from visions?

Tuning into the conscious and subconscious mind is a sixth  Chakra issue.  There is a balance which needs to be achieved.    At one end of the line, we have a person whose mind functions on the rational level only.  When this happens, the person has difficulty visualizing things mentally and subtle communication is difficult to   understand.   This person also has trouble seeing opportunities offered by dreams or intuitive thoughts. The other end of the line is a person who lives in a fantasy and may be delusional.  When the sixth Chakra is is healthy, the person is able to balance the rational and the intuitive.

A balanced sixth Chakra is in tune with our senses as well as both the conscious and subconscious mind.  The sixth Chakra is then able to regulate the energy channels of the other Chakras.

As with the other Chakras, Reflexology for the Spirit Sessions offer homeostasis which balance all of the body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.  People with 6th Chakra issues respond positively to distant healing Reiki therapy sessions.

To help balance your sixth Chakra, take time to meditate on the ocean.  As you do this, you will be able to calm an overactive mind.  This encourages





It will also encourage insight.  As people gain insight into themselves, they invite spiritual growth and development.

It’s easy to tell how centered the 6th Chakra is by observing a person’s eyes and ears.  Sight and hearing issues are related to 6th Chakra imbalances.  Other issues related to 6th Chakra imbalances include

insomnia and other sleep problems

frequent nightmares

feelings of despair


When you work with your client partner’s 6th Chakra, you offer the opporunity to help him/her clear out past issues and problems to make way for the new life which is waiting.

Thank you for reading this blog.   I am now accepting new reflexology students.  Please email for information.

The posts in this blog are being published less frequently for the next few weeks as I work to finish the reflexology book.  This book is a resource guide for  reflexologists.

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Thurman Greco


The Fourth Chakra and Reflexology


The fourth Chakra reflex point is found on the ball of the foot.  This is where we find the  heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland, shoulders.  

Fourth Chakra issues include:

self esteem

personal power




Are you able to express your emotions?

Do you need to protect yourself?

Do you have problems giving and receiving love?

Are you living a divided life?

 Have you created a protective barrier around your heart?

Do you have trouble forgiving people?

Do you fear rejection?

Do you feel vulnerable?

Is it physically/emotionally painful to move forward in life?

Are you hiding your true self from others?

Grief is a fourth Chakra issue.  We know as Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners that grief is housed in the ball of the foot – the heart – the lungs.

The fourth Chakra builds on the lower three Chakras  as our thoughts and dreams take on language, expression.  The fourth Chakra is where the moment of inspiration which took place in the first Chakra, now becomes entire paragraphs, both spoken and written.

The fourth Chakra links the spiritual and physical bodies as well as their issues.  This is because the fourth Chakra is the our energetic center,  working to fuse the physical and spiritual bodies.

When this happens, we are able to touch others as well as allowing them  to touch our lives.  The goal is unconditional love.  A good way to get insight about unconditional love is to pay attention to cats and dogs, 2 creatures which practice unconditional love routinely.

Our heart Chakra  pulls us into relationships involving







Grief is an important fourth Chakra issue.  Grief blocks fourth Chakra energy.   Letting go of grief and wounding opens our hearts.

The state of the fourth Chakra is easily seen in one’s posture.  People suffering with heart Chakra issues may be





Unbalanced fourth Chakras can also been seen in people with heart and respiratory problems.  Heart surgery can have a direct impact on the heart Chakra.

Meditations can be important.  Meditations focusing on:


heart opening


can help balance the fourth Chakra.

When you work with your client partner’s fourth Chakra, you offer the opportunity to help him/her release grief.  It’s in the fourth Chakra that we find

an open heart,

the energy to give,

and a straighter body.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Thurman Greco

Photo donated by Jennette Nearhood.

Spiritual/Emotional System: Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, Improvements to be Expected to the Spiritual/Emotional System


A person cannot have total good health without addressing the spiritual/emotional issues.  Since most diseases/issues/chronic conditions have spiritual/emotional components, it’s appropriate to address the Spiritual/Emotional system in all reflexology sessions.


bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, orange, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang


The chakras will balance, offering the body, mind, and spirit an opportunity to heal.

When the Spiritual/ Emotional system is engaged, it becomes a driving force in the healing of your client partner.

When  the Spiritual/Emotional system needs healing, your client partner moves forward to resolve issues  not previously resolvable.  These breakthroughs can be important.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

The picture in this post was painted by Jennette Nearhood.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Reflexology Blog – Ulcers

ULCERS ARE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS WITH STRONG SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE.  Ulcers can develop on the walls of the stomach, on the upper part of the small intestine.  Wherever they develop, they can be quite painful.

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO DISCUSS DIGESTIVE ULCERS WITHOUT DISCUSSING DIET.    People suffering with ulcers should avoid black pepper, chili powder, chocolate, coffee, meat extracts, mustard, and spicy foods for starters.

Ulcers require the attention of a medical professional.  some lifestyle changes, and the realization that the spirit is talking loud and clear.

Lifestyle changes include:

Eat food in moderation.  A stretched stomach with an ulcer can be quite painful.

Choose to eat apples, cranberry juice, onions.

Avoid coffee and alcohol

Quit smoking.  If you haven’t been smoking, now is not the time to begin this habit.

Avoid aspirin and other NSAIDs.

Wash your hands after every bowel movement.

REDUCE THE STRESS IN YOUR LIFE.   People dealing with ulcers are usually very stressed.  They may be under too much pressure and are possibly worried by financial, work, relationship, guilt, or shame problems.  The goal here is to get to the point where it’s not necessary to worry so much.  People dealing with these situations feel a need to be soothed, nurtured somehow.

And, this is where reflexology for the spirit enters the picture offering not only soothing relaxation but homeostasis.

When offering reflexology for the spirit to an ulcer sufferer, begin the sessions by working the solar plexus and diaphragm.

Work the digestive system with emphasis on the stomach  and duodenal reflexes.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the intestinal reflexes focusing on the entire Intestinal tract.

Finish the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome is a collection of many uncomfortable symptoms  accompanying women’s menstrual cycles.

PMS causes the following symptoms:

negative  moods


food cravings

fluid retention

decreased energy


emotional imbalance

weight gain

water retention



And, that’s not the whole list.  It’s just the symptoms that came to mind first.

PMS is on the rise.  It’s a situation  made worse  by stressful situations in women’s lives as well as increased toxicity caused by artificial hormones now found in increasing quantities in our food, water, and environment in general.

On the spiritual level,  PMS flourishes in situations where women suffer with anger, confusion, fear, frustration, inferiority, rejection, self-doubt.  PMS accompanies situations where women feel a need to hold on to past hurts they’ve received from men.  Women suffering with PMS experience a need for more strength and power.

Dietary changes can often help:

Eat more  fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy,  vegetables, whole grains.

Eat less dairy, fat meat, and sugar.

Eating organic foods is important because they have fewer environmental estrogens.

Detoxing the intestinal tract and liver will help.

It will be helpful to take probiotics.  In order to be sure you’re not wasting your money, consult with Liz at Village Vitality (Woodstock Apothecary ) 845-679-0790.  Liz will also work with you to determine if you are getting enough of the proper vitamins and minerals for your situation.

Overcoming the negative aspects of PMS will probably not happen overnight but the situation will improve over time…especially if you include regular reflexology sessions to encourage homeostasis.

When offering reflexology for the spirit to a client-partner suffering with PMS, begin by working the endocrine system.  Focus on the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, ovary, and uterus reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the urinary system as you focus on the kidney reflexes.

Finish the session by working the solar plexus and liver.

If cramps are involved, use the following protocol:

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system and focus on the thyroid,  parathyroid gland reflexes and the uterus reflexes.

Finish the session by focusing on the spine and spinal cord reflexes.

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Thurman Greco

A Very Common but Rarely Discussed Health Issue – Hemorrhoids

AS WE AGE, MORE AND MORE OF US SUFFER WITH HEMORRHOIDS.   This makes sense when we realize that aging is part of the situation.  Spiritually,  as we age, some of us develop an inability to let go of life events.  We develop a feeling that life has been unfair as we become critical of ourselves as well as others.  Fear is always a factor in hemorrhoids.  Fear, anger, lack of self-confidence  Many of us cling to beliefs, opinions that are outdated.

ON A PHYSICAL LEVEL, HEMORRHOIDS ARE VARICOSE VEINS IN THE RECTUM AND ANUS AREAS.  They are considered to be harmless unless they become infected or rupture.  So, hemorrhoids become a part of our daily lives as the bowel movement becomes slower than we want and more difficult.

CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, PERSISTENT DIARRHEA, PROLONGED SITTING, PREGNANCY, AND ANAL INTERCOURSE CONTRIBUTE TO HEMORRHOIDS.  Softening the stool, eating a high fiber diet, and being hydrated, help prevent hemorrhoids.

WHEN YOU OFFER REFLEXOLOGY TO A PERSON SUFFERING WITH HEMORRHOIDS,  begin by working the digestive system as you focus on the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder reflexes.

Work the endocrine system as you focus on the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the intestinal reflexes.

Finish the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Endocrine System – very important for both physical and spiritual health

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF GLANDS INCLUDING SEVERAL GLANDS WHICH WORK TOGETHER TO MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS.  They include the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries/testes.  In addition to working to maintain homeostasis, the glands of the endocrine system work together to regulate our metabolism, growth, reproduction, and body chemistry.

Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.  They work with other body systems and are important to the overall function of a person in everyday life.  It’s important that the different Endocrine glands work well.

THE HYPOTHALAMUS, PITUITARY, AND PINEAL GLANDS ARE LOCATED IN THE BRAIN IN THE AREA BEHIND THE EYES.   They all three interact with the nervous system.  It’s believed that the hypothalamus controls the “mother” gland because it’s believed to coordinate the functions of the other endocrine glands in addition to regulating growth, blood pressure, and sexual development.

When a person is stressed emotionally and spiritually, the pituitary reflex becomes sensitive.  Sometimes it’s so sensitive to the reflexologist’s touch that it can’t be worked.  When this happens, go to the pituitary gland reflex on the hands and work there.

The pineal gland produces melatonin which is responsible for sleep patterns.  Many people believe the pineal gland functions as our “third eye” and works with our spiritual and psychic development.

THE THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDS ARE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE THROAT.   They’re attached to the wind pipe with the thyroid in front and the parathyroids in back.  The parathyroids are believed to control calcium and bone metabolism.  The thyroid, a very important gland, coordinates how everything in our body works.  The thyroid is to the body what the gas pedal is to a car.  People with thyroid imbalances often experience anger.

The thymus is a gland located a couple of inches below the thyroid and parathyroids.  This gland offers support to the immune system.  Our thymus is a certain size when we are born and does not get much larger as we grow up and age.  This leads some professionals to believe the thymus is more important in infanthood and childhood than in adulthood.  Here again, we have a spiritual gland.  The thymus works better when we feel more positive about ourselves.

The pancreas is partially an endocrine gland which works in close conjunction with the digestive system.  The pancreas has two parts:  endocrine and exocrine.  The endocrine part of the pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.  This is where insulin is produced.

THE ADRENALS ARE LOCATED ABOVE THE KIDNEYS.  They work closely with the nervous system to maintain fluid and mineral balance.  The adrenals are easily felt because we experience them as “butterflies” in our stomach when we are suddenly nervous.  Prolonged stress overload has a negative effect on the adrenals.  When the adrenals get overstressed it takes time and effort by the practitioner to return them to balance.

THE OVARIES IN THE FEMALE AND THE TESTES IN THE MALE ARE ENDOCRINE GLANDS.  This is a point of creativity in the body.  They are managed by the pituitary gland.

KEEPING THE VARIOUS ENDOCRINE GLANDS BALANCED IS IMPORTANT TO US ALL.  Sometimes, when an endocrine gland is not balanced, our whole (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) reflects this imbalance and is affected negatively by it.  Reflexology for the Spirit sessions help balance our endocrine system.

AN EXAMPLE OF A NICE SESSION IS TO FOCUS THE ENTIRE SESSION ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.    The importance of endocrine balance cannot be overestimated.  One effective way to focus on the endocrine system is to offer rotations (about 10 rotations per point) to each of the endocrine glands in the following order:  solar plexus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries/testes.  Then, finally, return to the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco






Guided Meditation – An Angel Brings Forgiveness


Page0002 (2)Begin this guided meditation by putting on some soft music.

Now, get in a comfortable place.  Sit in a comfortable chair, or lay face up on a sofa or sit back in a recliner.  The important thing here is comfort.

Begin this meditation by breathing slowly.  Breathe in relaxation as you take deep breaths.  Breathe out stress, negativity.

Allow yourself to sigh, and yawn.  Stretch if you feel like it.

Pay attention to your body.  Feel your body relax as you breathe in fresh, cleansing air.

Feel your body let go of negativity as you exhale.  Releasing  negativity allows your body to feel a little lighter.  It allows you to relax even more.

Every breath allows you to become more relaxed and to let go of the buildup of negativity.  You begin to feel the warmth of comfort and safety.

As your breathing continues, you find yourself in a meadow…a meadow created just for you.  Your breathing allows you to relax even more in the warmth of the sun.  Your breathing allows you to become one with the meadow.  You become aware of the sights, sounds, fragrances, wildlife, of  the meadow.

This meadow offers you peace.  This meadow offers you an opportunity to let go of negativity.

You look around and see an angel.  This angel  stands beside you in a beautiful clearing with  butterflies, flowers, birds, grasses, trees.

As you see this angel, you realize that now is a time for you to give up past negativity.  This is an opportunity for you to let go of feelings of negativity, being stuck, inferiority, shame, confusion, disappointment.

You turn to the angel.

You see you are being given an opportunity to travel down the different paths of your life.

You are being given an opportunity to safely explore lessons learned through past experiences.

You are being given an opportunity to acknowledge that you no longer need to hold onto negativity, disappointment.

With the angel beside you, you feel empowered – safe.

With the angel beside you, you are ready to offer forgiveness as you grow beyond this negativity that has been holding you back.

With the angel beside you, you are in a space where your heart can open and receive positive energy in the place that once held negativity.

With the angel beside you, you are able to spontaneously accept  giving up negativity of all kinds.  This negativity is replaced by forgiveness not only for  other persons and events but also for yourself.

With the angel beside you, you  are instantly moving forward in life as you embrace new energy and a new life force.

With the angel beside you, you know  all is forgiven…forever.

You turn to the angel and look deeply at this glorious being shrouded in green who has accompanied you on this  journey.  As you examine this angel deeply, you know  you have received an incredible gift…the gift of forgiveness.

You thank the angel for such a generous, life changing gift.

Now you return to the room knowing that the angel  in green is waiting for you any time you want to journey down the path of forgiveness again.

Thank you for reading this guided meditation.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco