Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

In a Perfect World…

desert clouds

We would all be disease free

Our brains would stay sharp

We would all experience  good energy levels

Physical fitness would be very common

Everyone would feel young.

But, we don’t live in a perfect world.   The question is this:  How can we be disease-free physically fit, have sharp brains, experience less stress, feel young?

One way  is to honor our immune system.  It is our immune system which keeps us healthy, disease free, physically fit, mentally sharp.

People visit reflexologists regularly as they strive to prevent as much disease as possible.  And, they are correct to do this.  As reflexologists, we work to facilitate homeostasis – bring balance.

Focusing on the immune system is important, not only for the diseases we think about:  colds, flu, etc., but for many other diseases we consider to be lifestyle or aging diseases:


thyroid disease


rheumatoid arthritis


When the immune system is out of balance, it can become overactive.  An overactive  immune system participates in the aging process  as it encourages autoimmune diseases.

As a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner, you are important to the health maintenance of your client partners.  Your client partners will be healthier when their immune systems function at peak levels.  An immune system functions at its peak when it  successfully fights off viruses, bacteria, parasites.

Encourage your clients to  contribute to a healthy immune system.   As a reflexologist, you offer sessions and you also work to ground your client partners so they can do everything they need to do to keep themselves healthy:

breathe properly and therapeutically

eat a diet which is healthy for the individual

sleep sufficiently


smell the flowers

This is really what Marge d’Urso meant when she emphasized that reflexologists work with the whole client partner as we offer homeostasis.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Other blogs by Thurman Greco:

Hunger is not a Disease

Good Morning Woodstock

Sugar Security

photograph by Jennette Nearhood


Envision Balance and Wellness


Envision balance  and wellness,  homeostasis,  or whatever you want.

After including reflexology in your life, the most important thing you  can do to bring about homeostasis is to become aware of the path you are now on..

We’re never going to get where we need to go unless we know:

where we’re going,

how we’re going to get there,

what we’re going to do when we arrive.  .

This may seem like a subject that doesn’t belong in a reflexology text book, but it really does.  If you’re going to help people get to a better place health wise, they need to know where they are going.  Not everyone knows about setting goals.  As you teach them goal setting  they’ll  envision the balance and wellness which  is best for themselves and their health.  And, you, likewise will benefit from setting your own goals.

Learning  the importance of how to envision balance and wellness is a good start.

Sometimes, client partners come to a reflexologist, massage therapist, or whomever. After a few visits they begin to feel better and forget why they came in the beginning.  Then they stop coming.  Without lecturing, teach them that energy follows intent.

Your client partners need to see Reflexology for the Spirit as a process, not a pill.  Keep them (and yourself) focused on  what you find as you reflex their feet.  You do this when you learn, gently, what is happening in their lives and their visits to other healthcare professionals.

Review, periodically, how their feet have changed, and how these changes affect their health in general as they envision balance and wellness.

You can keep your client partners focused on the goal if you know what it is.  So, an important question to ask during the first visit is “Why did you come today?  And, why not 6 months ago?  Or 2 months ago?”

When  you can get the answer to that question, you’ll both be on the way to balance and wellness (homeostasis) through a health goal.

Many healthcare professionals recognize health red flags.  These flags differ from professional to professional.  They can be

test results

client appearance

client remarks.

Red flags for a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner include:


loss of appetite








feeling jumpy or uneasy

coated tongue




stomach ulcers

canker sores



Many of your client partners may have  multiple issues.

Each individual is unique.  But, homeostasis is a goal that all can seek.

When this happens, the body is in a good health balance.

Disease is a sign that the flow toward homeostasis has reversed.  So, the red flag words become markers teaching how far away from homeostasis the body has drifted.

You, as the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner, are concerned with a person as a whole.  You work to create a natural balance that is wellness oriented.

You seek to expand the positive potential for good health in all areas.

Disease prevention is the best medicine.

Thanks for reading this blog/book.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Please send a comment.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco


Reflexology Blog – Colitis is a spiritual affliction that can be quite painful.

Colitis is a spiritual affliction which reflects a person’s insecurity. A person suffering with colitis is having trouble letting go of something which is already gone.
For many people, colitis is a chronic condition which may flare up and die down over time with the medical professionals treating the symptoms. The disease itself has no cure and is probably unpreventable. It’s generally agreed upon by medical professionals that colitis is not caused by stress but it does get worse when a person is stressed out.
It is believed that, for some people, colitis is hereditary. Whatever the cause, this painful condition is one that can respond to the sessions offered by a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner.
A person with colitis should definitely be consulting a medical professional in addition to a reflexologist.
When a person with colitis comes to your healing space, include Reiki therapy if possible. Offer essential oils if you feel called to do so. Your goal here is homeostasis.
Work the immune system, the adrenal gland reflexes, the intestinal reflexes, and the lymphatics.
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me with comments or questions.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY