Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Endometriosis: a Spiritual Disease Focusing on Insecurity

Spiritually, endometriosis is insecurity, disappointment, and frustration.  You are physically rejecting your feminine aspects.  You experience rejection from men when you devalue and deny yourself.

Endometriosis can cause a lot of trouble in your life.  Endometriosis happens when the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside your uterine cavity.  On occasion, it may spread throughout your pelvis.  Endometriosis can be tremendously painful and lead to heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis feels a little like heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, and it goes along with irritable bowel syndrome.

I believe that endometriosis hides other conditions that have not been noticed.  I feel it covers for hernias, chronic bladder issues, cystitis.  Because of this, I urge you, if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, to seek out and treat other conditions which contribute to your pelvic discomfort.  Include allergies in this search for hidden causes of abdominal pain.


Endometriosis is a second chakra imbalance


reproductive system, endocrine system, liver, solar plexus, immune system, nervous system, muscular system,


clary sage, fennel, sage


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  Begin your treatment with conventional medicine and supplement allopathic medicine with complementary and alternative medicine techniques where practical.  Integrative medicine is appropriate here.

Visit a physician specialist first.


Increase your consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Adopt a low-glycemic diet.  Eat fiber-rich food to include bran, dry beans, whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, berries.  Include soy foods in your diet.  Learn Biofeedback techniques.  Get surgery.  Exercise regularly.  Avoid obesity.

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Be well!

Thurman Greco

Your Longevity – And a Healthy Living Attitude

The first step toward achieving your longevity goals is a healthy living attitude.

Healthy living is much easier when you feel what you’re doing is important and when you feel like you’re going to succeed when you  develop your new healthy habits.  Optimism is the necessary ingredient in a healthy living attitude.

Healthy living is a journey toward a goal.  You can travel on the healthy living attitude express every day if you know in your heart that you’re going to be successful.

One of the hardest things to do in life is lose weight.  The only thing harder is keeping it off.  And, really, the most important ingredient in this  whole lifestyle change is your healthy living attitude.

I know you can do it.  I know you can adopt whatever habits you need to achieve your longevity goals.  I know you can do it because I did it.  And, the one thing that made the difference  was my healthy living attitude.

I tried many times throughout the years to lose weight – to no avail.  Diets were depressing.  Blah. Blah. Blah.

This last try was different.  Why?  I experienced  an attitude adjustment which worked!  I’m not sure what happened.  I was just ready to be free of all the extra pounds.  It was  just time.  I was ready to let go of all the excuses that I’d been clinging to for years:  my bum thyroid, my menopause, a business which sapped my strength every day and took over 80 hours a week on a slow week.

I  woke up one day and realized I wanted to be free.  I faced up to the fact that I was  both the problem and the solution.

At that moment, my diet unfolded in front of me.  And,  I was off and running… away from failure, extra pounds, doubt.  The healthy living attitude took control.

I began cutting out carbs and started talking to my thyroid.  I also spoke to my body.  I knew  the extra weight  surrounding my body was no longer a necessary part of my self.  My new authenticity simply didn’t require so much protection.

My healthy living attitude was all  I needed to protect me.

I dieted for seemingly ever.  I didn’t buy a single new outfit for at least six months.  And, it was all okay.  Walking around in roomy clothing was fine for me.  I was free!  I was proud of the pounds I lost.

No one can do this for you.  When you have the right attitude about your family, your work, and your health, you can do just about anything.  You will see that all the parts of your life are connected and you can succeed at anything you care about doing.

When the time is right ,  your path will reveal itself to you.  Your job will then be  to show up as your authentic self and do the work.  When this happens, know that your success is already making its way to you.

You will learn to access your energy system  for direction, energy, motivation.  You will be inspired to follow the directions.  If something surfaces which  doesn’t resonate with you, leave it be.  Work with those things which touch your authentic self as you become comfortable with your  healthy living attitude.

Through trial and error, your inner authentic self will guide you to your success.   You will achieve your goals and you will learn that you are not broken.  You are, instead, finding yourself.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York




Thank you for reading this article!  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY