Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Self-Care is Kindness to Ourselves

Self-Care asks us to give the same kindness to ourselves that we give to others.

When you have negative or critical thoughts about yourself, stop for a moment and ask yourself this:  “Would I say these things about a good friend?”

The chances are that you would not.  You would not be unkind to someone else.

Now, try being as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.

The next time things go wrong, accept the event for what it is.  Then, apologize for what happened if that’s appropriate.  Then, forgive yourself.

Learning from mistakes and moving on is a positive way to get through life.

Forgiving yourself is what allows you to get through life.  When you forgive yourself, you are being nice to yourself.  It’s easier to be happy that way.

When you forgive yourself, you are offering self-care.  This sends nourishing messages to the brain about your self-worth.

Try, every day, to care for yourself in every way possible.

When stress accumulates, this facial massage meditation will relieve muscles and leave you feeling better.

     Facial Massage Meditation

For many of us, the day’s stress accumulates in the muscles of the head, face, and jaw.  Massaging your face and head can smooth the tiny muscles and nerve endings.  Stress and fatigue will have a chance to disappear.

Begin this meditation by finding a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for a few minutes.

Lie flat on a chair, bed, or floor, with your face up.   If that is not comfortable, find a comfortable chair or recliner to sit comfortably.

Cover your body with a light blanket or sheet so you won’t get cold as your body relaxes and cools.

Take several deep breaths.  Begin these breaths in your abdominal area.  Breathe in deeply and hold the breath to the count of three:  1 – 2 – 3.

Now slowly release the breath.  When you exhale, you release toxins and stress.

Repeat these inhalations and exhalations 1-2 minutes.  As you inhale, you l breathe in healthy air.  With each exhalation, you release toxins and stress.

Become aware of your forehead.  Mentally relax your forehead to erase wrinkles of expression…the space between your eyebrows becomes bigger.  Your eyelids are heavy.

Move your fingers to your forehead and slowly massage it in small circles.

When you feel that your forehead is becoming relaxed, move your fingers to your temples and gently move them in clockwise and counterclockwise motions.  Feel this area relaxing.

Notice the tension behind your eyes, and around your eyes and release it.

Now, place your fingers on your temples and move your fingers in small, gentle dime-size circles for a few minutes.

Move your fingers down to your chin and gently, gently pinch your chin and along your jawline to your ears.

Now, move your hands to your cheeks.  Massage your soft cheek tissue in a circular motion.

Now, move your hands to your ears.  Gently massage along the edges of your ears for a couple of moments.   Now, give your ears some long, luscious pulls.

You are finishing your facial massage now.  Notice any thoughts, feelings, or sensations you experience now.

Stay quiet for 1-2 minutes while you enjoy and refresh from this experience.

It is time now to return to the present time.

It is okay to return to this place of calm whenever you need.

The goal of this meditation is to experience calm and relaxation using self-touch.


Thank you for reading this article.  I sincerely hope it helps you feel better about yourself and those around you.

Please forward this post to your friends and relatives who might enjoy it.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

For more information, check out my books on  They are available in paperbook and ebook both.

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This book is now available as an ebook and should be available as paperbook before December 15th.   Order it on

I host “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”, a program aired weekly on Woodstock’s own educational TV channel 23.  This show is an informative, upbeat hour with no rehearsals.

My guests are various people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade, or more.  Let’s Live has been running for over 15 years with an occasional intermission, now and then.  You can find some reruns on YouTube “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.

Renee,  our channel wizard adds new programs weekly, usually on Tuesdays..

The Friday evening show airs in Woodstock at 7:00 in the studio located in the Woodstock Community Center on Rock City Road for an hour.

Renee and I both look forward to new subscribers.


Your Crown Chakra Meditation

A crown chakra meditation is a good place for physical and spiritual healing.  This is where you encounter unconditional love.  You also channel wisdom and inspirational gifts of spirit guides and angelic beings.

Find a quiet, safe space for this meditation.

Begin by getting comfortable.  Sit, or lie down as you breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply to energize your crown chakra.

When you exhale, you release anger, fear, loss, negativity, and any other toxins.

Beginning with your first chakra, check in with each one as you greet it.

Now move up to your other chakras.  Touch or tap each chakra gently with your fingertips and note what sound or image you experience at each one.

You may or may not experience sounds, touch, smells.

You may want to record a word or two in a journal as you journey up your chakra path.

Arriving at your crown chakra, focus on where you are for a few minutes. Touch or tap your crown chakra as you focus on the center of your head.   What sensations do you feel?   Do you find a message here today?

You don’t have to feel, see, hear, or smell anything.  This is especially true if this is your first crown chakra meditation.  Whatever you experience, don’t worry.

Breathe into your crown chakra now.  Your mind is quiet.  Accept this moment as the blessing it is.   Take a few more crown chakra breaths to receive any feedback which may come to you as word, sound, song, image, color, feeling, intuitive message, awareness.

Your feedback may come to you at the moment, or later in the day or even a few days later.  Don’t try to rush things.

As your crown chakra meditation comes to an end, slowly move your body.  Bring yourself to your space gently and calmly.

Return to this meditation any time you want to communicate with your chakras.

Thank your chakras for this experience.


Thank you for reading this meditation today.  Please share it with your favorite social media network.  Please forward it to your friends and family.

More chakra information is available in “A Healer’s Handbook.”

There is also more chakra information available at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can find out more at