Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Your Third Chakra – Inner Strength and Wisdom

The solar plexus chakra gets its power from its location.  It is the third chakra in a  line  just above the first and second chakras and is located about 2 inches above your navel.

The location of this chakra is important because this is where the abdominal brain is located.  Your abdominal brain is a communication hub.

If you are dealing with fear, anxiety, or other negativity, take comfort in the knowledge that your solar plexus chakra releases a yellow-gold light.  This power comes to your aid when you feel insulted, cheated, or criticized.

Speak to your solar plexus chakra when you are threaghtened and give it support as it does its work filling you with confidence and respect.

For me, the solar plexus chakra is not quite as heavy as the first chakra but certainly heavier than the heart or throat chakra.

Its distinctive yellow-orange color gives it strength and power.  To become closer to your solar plexus chakra, select a stone and carry it with you for several days.

The choices are many but yellow citrine, yellow amber, yellow jade will get you started.  There are many stones to choose from – just stick with the yellows.  One that attracts me (which is not yellow) is orange tourmaline.

When I was a young woman, I was attracted to a golden topaz.  I know now that it offered me strength which I needed.

Your solar plexus chakra will help you achieve your goals when it aligns with your other chakras.  An aligned solar plexus chakra radiates empowerment, confidence, and ability.

For many people, the solar plexus chakra is the easiest one to connect  because it reveals itself to you more easily than the others.  We can all feel the “butterflies” in our solar plexus chakra.

If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, good times for meditation or essential oil blending include the full moon and the summer solstice.  You can also work with your solar plexus on any sunny day between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.

To empower your soul, spend a 10-15 minutes  soaking up the rays of the sun.

A fun exercise is to make an asfidity bag focusing on your solar plexus chakra.


The first step to make your bag is to select items to include in it:  a favorite cloth which is about 4″ square, and a couple of stones which have meaning to you.  You’ll need some thread to close the bag up.

Include some favorite herbs.  Good choices for your solar plexus chakra include lemon, mint, turmeric, or any plant which has a special meaning for you.

You may want to include bits of sand, a seashell,  a small photo or other drawing which has meaning for you.  Add anything which you feel is appropriate.  Include things which feel warm, comforting, beautiful.  You may be seeking inspiration and the manifestation of strength and power.

After you make your asfidity bag, wear it around your neck or keep it close to your body for strength and intuition.

You can also keep it on your personal altar.

Moderation in all things is important for a healthy solar plexus chakra.

Are you interested in fitness?  Two things that may appeal to you as you align your solar plexus chakra are yoga and a martial arts practice.

Diseases and health issues involving your solar plexus include diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcers, food disorders, reflux, hypoglycemia, hepatitus, chronic fatigue.

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Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in prior blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” – in all three editions.

Books and ebooks can be purchased at

If you have questions, you can reach me at

angel with bird


What is Hope?

Hope is a feeling.  It is also a skill.

Hope is honest.  You can pretend to be happy but it’s pretty much impossible to  pretend to have Hope.

Hope can be learned.  How do you do this?  Practice being Hopeful.  Your first step is to make space in your life for Hope.  This is also a good strategy for boosting your sense of well-being.

You don’t have to be positive to learn about Hope.  I learned about Hope recently when I experienced some dark days. In the midst of these  negative and painful feelings I discovered I felt Hopeful.

Hope just popped up and said “hi”.

When this happened, I felt I suddenly weighed several pounds less.  I felt like I could smile even.

I think this happened because I refused to gloss things over.  I decided  I could try to change my situation.  I felt strong enough to cope with the eventual outcome.

I was ready to try, anyway.

I wanted to do everything possible I could to make things better.

I was finally willing to even ask others for help.

I realized I needed to sleep and rest each day.  For me, sleep and rest are holy.

One thing I was not ready to do was give up.

Once I dug my heels in, I felt inspired.  I was through just sitting on the sidelines watching things go in the wrong direction.

Suddenly, Hope boosted me to take action!  It was time to make things happen.  Perfection was not in my situation but momentum and Hope were.

I soon learned that Hope covers many ills.  I began to see what could happen because I had faith in things moving in the right direction.

Hope taught me, once again, that with a belief in the strength of a higher power and  a faith in the universe, things can’t go wrong.  I stumbled onto the wisdom of universally higher power.

We can all tap into universal wisdom.  All we have to do is see it for what it is.

Sometimes, with Hope we have to reach out to others for help, answers, and direction.

I did this.  I reached out to those around me.  I didn’t stop with just one or two people.  I asked everyone I could find for help, inspiration.   I heated up the phone (and email) lines, as my grandmother would have said.

The result was not necessarily what I envisioned.  It was, however, far better than what I saw as a good outcome.  A lot of my reaching out resulted in “no” or “not now” or “I don’t know”.  Even these negatives were encouraging.

All it took was Hope..

I knew what I needed to do was “go it alone”.  I arrived at the TV studio with a basket from Karen  filled with donations to put on the altar:  stones, feathers, a singing bowl, an alter cloth, herbs, fruit, empty bottles, bread, rocks.

The first presentation of HOPE on the Road went out on Channel 23  this week.    Ellen knew how to arrange the altar pieces.

You’ll find  HOPE on the Road on YOUTUBE in early September.

Because I reached out to others, the outcome was beautiful.

Will you participate in HOPE on the Road?

Do you practice Reiki?  Can you  host your own HOPE on the Road?

You don’t practice Reiki?.  That’s not a problem.  Invite a Reiki practitioner to facilitate a HOPE on the Road presentation for you.  Encourage people to enjoy your HOPE on the Road event.

A HOPE on the Road event includes a guided meditation opening followed by a group Reiki session.  A hand blessing closes the experience.  A HOPE on the Road event only takes an hour.

The Reiki practitioner is a vital link between a person experiencing a challenge and appropriate support.

Does that not seem right for you?  Give me a call.  Send me an email.  I’m ready, willing, and able.

I’ll offer HOPE on the Road through Zoom or on the porch of a building, or in a garden somewhere. I can work with social distancing.

Don’t overlook your neighborhood library.

The important thing is that we share HOPE on the road.

What we all need now is HOPE.

Thank you for reading this blog article.  Please forward this post to your preferred social media network.

Share it with your friends.

Thanks for joining HOPE on the Road!

Thurman Greco