Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology to Boost Your Client Partner’s Heart Health

Angel 1A staple Spa Treatment in your “tool kit” is the heart health  session because   both  life quality and quantity depend on a strong and healthy  heart for oxygen and nutrients.  

Heart disease looms large in health issues.  Heart disease is one of the five biggest killers in our nation.  And, it  doesn’t spring up overnight.  Instead, it lurks silently in the background for years, decades, before it strikes.

Your client partners will understand how important  a Reflexology Heart Health Spa Treatment is.  I recommend regularly scheduled Heart Health Spa Treatments in conjunction with exercise.  Think of this session as a monthly exercise booster.

This Spa Treatment is also good as a special throughout February.  It can also be used as part of the bride’s spa day activity on her wedding day.

As always, have the healing space specially prepared with this session.  Have an essential oil selected.  Recommended essential oils for a Heart Health Spa Treatment include:





ylang ylang

If your client partner is not happy with one of these oils, choose something compatible with his/her personality.  Whichever oil you choose will guide you to the music, the decor.

Have your music selection playing when s/he arrives for the appointment.

Begin this session with a soothing foot bath if you possibly can.  Soak your client partner’s feet in warm essential oil enhanced water for a few minutes before you begin to offer reflexology.

After your client partner spends a few minutes in a relaxing and soothing foot bath, have him/her move to your healing table or chair where you anoint him/her with your selected essential oil and wrap both feet in warmed towels.

Move to your client’s head and bring in Reiki therapy as you  offer three holds to the head.

Now move down to your client partner’s feet where you offer five minutes of warm ups on the first foot.  Using a good lotion which is scented with the chosen essential oil can be important here.

After offering the warm ups, offer five minutes of general reflexology.  Your client partner is now ready to receive the Heart Healthy Reflexology Spa Session.

Work the following reflexes on the first foot for twenty minutes in the following order.

1.  Work the Solar Plexus and the Liver

2.  Work the brain reflex.

3.   Work the lung reflexes.

4.  Work the heart reflex.

5.  Work the adrenal glands.

6.  Return to the solar plexus and liver again.

After working these reflex points for twenty  minutes on the first foot, offer five more minutes of general reflexology on this foot and finish up with five minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second food and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology and twenty  minutes working the reflex points on the second foot.

You’ll be working the

solar plexus and liver

brain reflexes

lung reflexes

heart reflexes

adrenal glands

solar plexus and liver

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm down.

When this is completed, offer your client partner ten minutes of Reiki therapy on the feet.  Now…seal the Reiki therapy part of the session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water for him/her.

Spend a few minutes with your client partner while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

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Thanks again for your patience while I finish the editing part of the book.

Media was created by Jennette Nearhood.

Thurman Greco

A Battle Front Reflexology Spa Treatment to Boost your Client Partner’s Good Health

Angel 1

Now is a good time to offer a Reflexology Spa Treatment to boost your client partner’s good health.   People everywhere are fighting flu, colds, and other maladies as the body offers a battle for good health.  This is also a  time when people focus on the immune system because every pharmacy around has generously sized signs announcing flu shots.

For your client partner concerned about fighting viruses and infections, the Battle for Health Reflexology Spa Treatment is not a luxury.  It’s more in the necessity category.

Begin your battle  plan by selecting the essential oils you’ll use.  My preferred essential oils for this Spa Treatment are:








Your oil selection will guide you to which music to use and what decor to adopt.

My favorite oil in this selection is peppermint.  But, since not everyone likes peppermint (or you may prefer another oil), select the oil based on your discussion with your client partner as you book the appointment.

Whichever oil you choose may inspire you to select a specific CD.  If not, be guided by the reflex points you’ll be working in this session.  You’re going to stimulate your client partner’s body to fight disease so being “battle ready” may be important.

When I offer a Battle for Health Spa Treatment, I’m motivated to offer peppermint oil and have a few peppermint plants in pots in the healing space.  You may be motivated to do something completely different.  There are no “wrongs” here.

Have your music section playing when your client partner enters your space.

You may want to wash your client partner’s feet as the first step in this session.  Warm some moist cloths in the microwave and gently clean your client partner’s feet.

When your client partner is comfortably situated face up on your table or in your reflexology chair, anoint your him/her  with the selected oil.  Put a few drops of the  essential oil in the palms.   Have him/her rub the palms together and hold them over the face and take a few deep breaths.  Then have your client partner rub the hands over his/her face and head.

Now, seat yourself at your client partner’s head. .  Bring in the Reiki and offer three Reiki holds to the head.

Now, move down to your client partner’s feet.  When you offer reflexology to the feet, you’ll add some  carrier oil to the essential oil and use this blend throughout the  session.  You may be able to find a commercial lotion in the right blend which you like.

Selecting the first foot, offer five minutes of delicious warm ups.  Follow this with five minutes of general reflexology to your client’s foot.

You now have your client partner’s first foot prepared and ready to receive the Spa Session on this foot.  In this part of the session, you’ll stimulate the glandular parts of the body as you work the reflex areas listed below.  You’ll encourage your client partner to fight disease.

Work the following reflexes for twenty minutes on  the first foot.  Offer this section in the following order.

1.  Work the solar plexus to relax the body and establish a good breathing pattern.

2.  Work the spleen reflex to stimulate it to perform its immune functions.

3.  Work the liver reflex to filter wastes as it cleans the body of toxins.

4.  Work the kidney reflex to stimulate blood cleansing.

5.  Work the intestinal reflexes to move toxins out of the body.

6.  Work the lymphatic system reflexes to build a defense system against illness

6.  Repeat the work on the solar plexus to finish the immune system path.

After spending  fifteen minutes working the above listed reflexes, spend five minutes offering general reflexology.  Finish the work on the first foot with five more minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second foot and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology, fifteen minutes working the  reflexes in the following pattern:

solar plexus





lymphatic system

solar plexus

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm downs.

When this is completed, offer your client ten minutes of Reiki theraapy on the feet.  It is now time to seal the Reiki therapy part of the spa session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water or a cup of herbal tea for him/her.

Spend a couple of minutes with your client while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

Thanks for reading this blog.

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Thurman Greco

Jennette Nearhood donated the art work for this article.



