Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – The Sense Organs are Very Spiritual in Nature

Our sense of smell is not as sensitive as that of a dog, cat, or wild animal, but we do smell many things. Our sense of smell is both highly emotional and spiritual. We recall memories and emotions from deep in our past through the sense of smell. Inflammation in our nasal passages and infection in our sinuses prevents us from smelling as well as we should. There are also spiritual reasons why we don’t smell as well as we should. I believe we begin to lose our sense of smell as we deny our intuition. We can also begin to lose the sense of smell as our bodies shut down from being surrounded by too much environmental toxicity.
The body’s largest organ is the skin. Some people believe that the majority of skin problems are emotional/spiritual in origin. The best way to tackle skin problems is to treat them holistically and seek out the cause from within rather from without. Begin by working the digestive system and then go to the lymphatics. Include the liver and solar plexus.
Callouses, corns, and rough skin patches offer valuable insight into the challenges faced by our client partners. the location of these patches on the foot is important. For example, a callous on the part of the foot where the shoulder reflex point is has significance. Is s/he having shoulder problems? Is the weight of the world resting on those shoulders?
A callous on the heel area indicates that the person is dealing with core issues and beliefs.
Skin is protection, pure and simple. Our skin forms a protective barrier around our entire body. We allow the world to know us through our skin. And, our skin reveals much to the world: the state of our health, how much sleep we get, whether we drink alcohol and/or take drugs, how much and what kind of food we eat, what our lifestyle is.
Our sense of touch is revealed through the skin. As humans, we are tactile. Touch has powerful effects on us. We communicate through touch. On the positive side, touch is a hug, a kiss, a caress. Touch is communication without the spoken word. Through touch we offer comfort, reassurance, uplifting support. On the negative side, touch can be traumatic: pain, abuse, fear.
Skin is all about boundaries. Skin issues often arise when our boundaries have been invaded, penetrated.
Our sense organs are closely connected with our psychic and intuitive skills. We react quickly when danger is sensed or when unknown elements are sensed before they are actually seen, heard, smelled, or touched. We often read about someone “sensing danger” in books. People will also refer to having “goose bumps” or “experiencing one’s hair standing on end.”
The sense organs are very spiritual. Work them holistically, from within, realizing that when a person undergoes strong spiritual changes, the senses change. Homeostasis is encouraged when the senses work together to help our physical wellbeing, our emotional health, and our spiritual awareness.
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Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – The Sense Organs

Our ears, eyes, sense of smell, sense of touch, skin, are very spiritual in nature. Our sense organs reflect the changes we make in our lives and belief systems. They also offer us an opportunity to move into a defense mode when necessary.
Our ears help us hear and keep our balance. Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners divide the ears into two parts: inner and outer. Auricular reflexology (ear reflexology) is practiced on the outer ears themselves. The outer ears also have several spiritual reflex points not found on the feet.
Hearing and balance activities take place in the inner ear. Human ears are so sensitive that they can pick up very strong sounds like thunder, booms, and rock concert bands as well as the slightest rustle of a breeze. Even with all this sensitivity, humans do not hear as well as dogs, cats, horses, and wild animals.
Our ears also react to pressure changes affecting our balance. Deafness caused by birth, disease, or injury is usually permanent and not treatable with reflexology. Temporary deafness caused by ear wax blockages, drug reactions, or severe stress is often treatable with Reflexology for the Spirit.
Our eyes are constantly detecting and deciphering light waves. Under stress, it is possible for our vision to undergo changes. Our vision also changes with shifts in core beliefs.
Working the eye reflexes brings balance to blood and lymph flow. this refreshes them so it’s easier for them to adjust to the stress and changes they may be experiencing.
Many times a person’s behavior is influenced by how something is perceived. Never overlook the opportunity to work the eye reflexes if a person’s behavior appears to be puzzling to those around.
Tomorrow’s post will continue with information on the sense organs and how reflexologists work with them.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco