Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

5 Ways Make Your Life Better and Easier in 2024, Starting NOW


Take a time out to reflect on your journey in 2023.  I know.  I know.  The year isn’t even over yet and what surprises are waiting for us?

But, spend a few minutes reviewing the past year to prepare yourself for 2024.

Now, spend a few more minutes to celebrate the new year coming up.  Cook a yummy meal.  And, while you’re at it, turn on some good music and dance a bit in the kitchen.

Prepare for the new year with a fresh start and include, front and center, bold capitals, your GRATITUDE.  How far have you come this year?

When you are celebrate the coming of 2024, include  a new project.  Pick something to open your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves to new ideas.



Things you may do to get ready for 2024 can include –

smudge your space,

set up a gratitude altar,

Reiki everything.

Send a ‘thank you’ card or note to someone you haven’t checked in with in too long ago

Collect a box of items to give away or release to the universe.

While you’re focusing on these things (and others you’ve thought up on your own), honor your intuition.  After all, your intuition is the voice of your soul talking with you.



On another day, as you think of 2024 –

light a candle.

Pick up a project you worked on months or weeks ago and then set down.

Think kind thoughts for yourself by writing a list of your very best qualities.

Take a few moments to hear from your deepest wisdom.

Give or receive a reflexology or other healing session.



On yet another day or evening, as you welcome 2024 –

Connect yourself with your physical surroundings.

They, along with your physical self, will be supporting you in the coming year.

Open yourself to being and seeing your surroundings.  Gain inspiration from your

spiritual self to support your environment.

Do you have an occasional energy deficit?

Never forget that your energy is boundless.  All you need is within you.

You may not feel you have all the energy you want.  But, never forget,

everything that you need is right there, in front of you.

Take several deep breaths.  The air around you brings whispers as it nudges you along to the new year.  It brings truth, inspiration, and new ideas for 2024.

When the air brings its gifts, the element of fire comes along to help you.



Your free will always boosts your journey.  That is no exception as you enter 2024.

As the new year progresses, you may gain a deeper understanding of what is happening if you journal about events and people that make you the most uncomfortable.

Don’t forget to enhance your meditations and journaling with your favorite crystals.



In 2024, stay in touch with your intuition:

Go for a swim.

Take a bath or shower.

Meditate while sitting on the earth.

Go for a walk in nature.


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My intention is that each blog post you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

For more information, check out my books at

Visit the YOUTUBE channel “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”  This is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.

There have been a few intermissions through the years, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

Let us know how you like the shows.

5 Ways to Be Connected

Love Birds

The human immune system is a fast responder.  It knows immediately when/if we are having emotional or spiritual problems.  And, of course, this response affects our health.

If wellness is important to you…and I think it is because you’re a reflexologist, then one of the best things you can do is pamper your immune system.  This works for your client partners also.  No one is exempt on this.

This we know:  there is a direct correlation between negative emotions, disease, and accelerated aging.  Appreciation, sympathy, understanding are important to all of us.

Inner peace is important to being well – being grounded.

One thing in life which promotes inner peace and groundedness is an appreciation for nature and seeing the connection that all living beings share.

There are several ways to promote this connectedness:

WALK IN THE PARK.   Actually, a “walk in the park” is the generic term for any activity which gets you positively involved with nature  That can include biking, hiking, museum going, or anything else which makes you aware of how connected we all are.

GET A PET.   This is a biggie if you can do it.  Not everyone lives where pets are allowed.  But, if you can…a dog or cat is awesome.  Pets offer something which humans seem to be unable to offer:  unconditional love.

A pet will:

improve your immune system function,

give you a more positive outlook on life,

lower your blood pressure

love you unconditionally.

What more can you ask for?

KEEP A JOURNAL.    For some this can be a challenge.  But, this journal is not for anyone but yourself.  So, don’t worry about the spelling, punctuation, paragraphs, etc.

The purpose of your  journal is to make a note of special moments which sustain you when you’re feeling low.  Such moments include:

a cat’s purr

a baby’s smile

a smell of a flower

a compliment

a smile from a stranger

When you record them, you may notice that these special moments occur more often than you thought.

BREATHE.  This is a biggie.  Breathe in while while mentally repeating a positive phrase such as “I bring positive energy into my life.”  Hold your breath for a moment and then exhale as you repeat “I radiate positive energy.”  Consciously breathing for a couple of minutes each day can have a profound impact on your life.

Many people go through their whole lives not even thinking about how they breathe or what their breath does for them.  Honor your breath.

INCORPORATE SURPRISE.  Try to do something unexpected every day.  Compliment a total stranger on a haircut or a jacket or something.  It doesn’t matter what, really.  Just say something complimentary to someone who is totally not expecting anything.

Leave a small token for someone who is not expecting anything…and keep it a secret if you can.

Offer to walk someone’s dog.

Say “Thank you.”

GET INVOLVED.  This can mean walking a dog at the local pound or hosting a food drive for your local food pantry.  There are many, many groups out there where people are working to make life better for us all.  Volunteering is an extremely positive way to go through life.

The Positivity Blog

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Michele Garner donated the artwork for this post.