Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Kidney Stones can be extremely painful.

Our kidneys are filters, removing  toxins from the blood and disposing of them in the  urine.  Stones form when the toxins are too concentrated and they begin to crystallize.  There are few things more painful than a kidney stone on the move.

There are a number of things a person can do to prevent kidney stones.

The first thing a person can do to reduce stones is to stay hydrated.  This means drinking fluids…fluids of any kind.  Water is a preferred fluid because it dilutes the urine.  If you don’t like the flavor of water, try adding some lemon juice.

Don’t gain weight.  Obesity contributes to kidney stones.

Reduce fructose and sucrose.  The higher the consumption of sugar, the higher the risk of stones.

Eat more whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.  The higher your consumption of foods rich in phylates, the lower the risk of kidney stones.

Lastly, eat more foods rich in magnesium:  spinach, chard, mustard greens.  The more magnesium rich foods you eat, the lower your risk of kidney stones.  Taking 200 to 400 milligrams daily of magnesium is a good idea.

On a spiritual level, kidney stones accompany hardness, negativity, fear, regrets, rigidity.  People carrying painful memories and living in past seem to suffer with kidney stones.  I see some past life issues with kidney issues.  Sadness and fear  traveling from lifetime to lifetime accompany stones and other kidney issues.

And, finally, don’t forget regular reflexology sessions.

Begin by working the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflexes, thyroid reflexes, parathyroid reflexes, and adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the urinary  system emphasizing the kidney reflexes, bladder, ureter, and urethra reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Thurman Greco



Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Incontinence – a common spiritual affliction suffered by many, many people

Incontinence, the inability to control  bladder functions, can be caused by injury, weak sphincter muscles, pressure on the bladder, and emotional stress.  Incontinence accompanies diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease.  Incontinence is also common in people over 50.

Spiritually, incontinence is a sense of being out of control.  Sufferers are anxious, overwhelmed, stressed,

There are several types of incontinence:  stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, functional incontinence, and total incontinence.

Things can be done to prevent incontinence.  Performing Kegel exercises to keep the pelvic floor muscles toned is helpful.  Regular bowel movements help.  It’s important to drink adequate but not extremely large amounts of water.  Cut back on caffeine, and alcohol.  Find out if any of the other medications you take can cause incontinence.  If so, try to switch to a different drug.

Nutrition is a factor in incontinence.  Take a good quality magnesium tablet daily.  When you add magnesium to your vitamin regime, expect to take it for up to four months before you notice a difference.

Reflexology sessions definitely help.  However, the incontinence sufferer needs to visit a physician to get a diagnosis.   Treatments include exercise, reflexology, acupuncture, medication, surgery.

A reflexology for the spirit session for an incontinence sufferer includes:

Work the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the bladder reflexes.

And, for men, work the prostate reflexes.

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Thurman Greco



Bladder Infections can take many forms due to germs in the kidneys, ureters, or bloodstream.

Bladder infections usually begin in the lower lower urinary tract:  urethra and bladder.  If not treated, they can progress up the tract to the ureters and kidneys.  Several factors cause urinary tract infections (UTIs):  sexual intercourse, long-term catheterization in the bladder, congenital urinary tract abnormalities, bladder obstructions and   an impaired immune system.   Examples here would be diabetes, or a person taking high doses of cortisone.  Incomplete emptying of the bladder also encourages UTIs.

FOR WOMEN:  Things which help prevent UTIs include wiping from front to back following a bowel movement, avoiding deodorant sprays, douches, powders.   Drink  plenty of water, consum yogurt, kefir, and acidophilus milk.  Always urinate whenever you feel the urge, urinate after intercourse, wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.

There is an spiritual/emotional component to bladder infections.  The urinary system begins to break down when your life is upheaval.  Words that describe situations inviting bladder infections include anger, irritation, bitterness, fear, grief, guilt.

Reflexology for the spirit sessions are definitely called for with a UTI.  The homeostasis offered is a significant contribution.  However, a healthcare professional must be consulted because these infections can quickly escalate from a nuisance to something much more serious.

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the spleen reflex.

Work the digestive system with emphasis on the liver.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the bladder and kidney reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system reflexes.

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Thurman Greco



Reflexology Blog – The Urinary System

Urinary System


The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra.

The kidneys,  a fascinating and very important part of our bodies,  filter toxins from the blood and then send these toxins down the ureters to the bladder.

And, the urinary system has one other part that no one thinks about:  the skin.  Skin acts as a third kidney because when a person perspires, the urine output is diverted to the skin.  The chemical content of perspiration is the same as urine.

The ureter in women is shorter than it is in men, and, as a result, women have more bladder infections.  Incontinence occurs more frequently in women because of a weaker pelvic floor resulting from pregnancy issues.

Both men and women suffer from incontinence issues resulting from lumbar spinal injuries, Alzheimer’s disease, weakening pelvic floor muscles, etc.

Men suffer from kidney stones more frequently than women.

The kidney function of both men and women suffer as a result of chronic high blood pressure, and diabetes.

People suffering from urinary tract issues can benefit from regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

Encourage your client-partners to drink at least two quarts of water daily and to drink cranberry juice or tomato juice.  They should also try drinking apple cider vinegar in small amounts morning and evening to combat inflammation.

Everyone should make a habit to urinate about once every two hours.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


What Separates Reflexologists From Other Licensed Healthcare Professionals?

Page0009Well, for one thing, it’s our vocabulary.

Every healthcare professional has his/her own vocabulary which is unique to what s/he practices.  Reflexologists have their own vocabulary.

Homeostasis is an important word in reflexology.  This is the balancing of all the body systems which  a session encourages.

Reflexology practitioners include  body systems in the professional vocabulary:  muscular system, skeletal system, respiratory system, circulatory  system, urinary system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, spiritual/emotional system, physical system, mental system, sense organs,

There are also several words NOT in our vocabulary. Reflexology practitioners do not treat, cure, recommend, advise, examine, prescribe, dispense, diagnose, or administer.  Those ten words are not appropriate for our career field.  I tell students that those ten words are “copyrighted” for allopathic practitioners.

The seven levels of illness are definitely in our vocabulary.  These are the seven diseases which build upon one another as a body progresses from well to diseased.  These diseases begin with fatigue,  and progress to fever, irritation,  inflammation, enduration, ulceration,  and finally cancer.

Disease is caused, in the final analysis by  nutritional deficiencies, sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep habits, improperly used prescription, over-the-counter, and recreational  drugs, digestive difficulties, inflammation, toxicity, depression. endocrine system imbalances, DNA.

These words, terms as it were, set reflexologists apart from other healthcare professionals.  If you ask chiropractors, massage therapists, dentists, acupuncturists what the main causes of disease are, you may hear some of the same words but I doubt if you’ll hear them all.  Instead, you will hear terms that are reflective of the career field of the professional you are asking.

The same holds true for the other words in our vocabulary.  Many professionals may not even be aware of the theory about levels of disease.  Certainly, this concept is not widespread in allopathic medicine.

And, body systems vary from textbook to textbook.  It doesn’t matter really whether or not we combine the muscular and skeletal systems or include the reproductive organs with the endocrine system.

It’s simply that these words, terms, concepts define the lens through which we view our client-partners and their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional issues which they bring to our tables.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco




Searching for the Fountain of Youth? Eat Foods and use Essential Oils High in Antioxidents.

So, what are antioxidents anyway?  Antioxidents are chemicals in food which fight free radicals.  A popular theory is that we age because of the free radicals which cause oxidation.  In other words, we rust.

This oxidation process damages our cells and tissues, allowing diseases such as heart disease, alzheimers, cancer to invade our bodies.  It’s possible to take antioxident pills but studies show that eating the foods high in antioxidents is more effective.

If your health interests include a longer, healthier life go for the food.  Choose foods with a high Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC).

Try to eat five servings daily of foods high in antioxidents:  alfalfa sprouts, avocado, baked beans, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cherries, cranberries, garlic, kale, kiwi, onions,  oranges, plums, prunes, raisins,  raspberries, red peppers, spinach, strawberries, white grapes.

Some essential oils also have significant to high ORAC counts.  If you use essential oils, you might as well choose those with  ORAC counts:  Anise,  Basil, Black Pepper,  Blue Cypress, Blue Tansy, Cardamom,  Cassia, Cedarwood, Celery Seed,  Canadian  Cinnamon Bark, Cistus, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Cypress, Dill, Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Eucalyptus Globulus, Fennel, Fleabane, Frankincense (Boswellia carteri), Galbanum, German Chamomile, Ginger, Goldenrod, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Hyssop, Idaho Balsam Fir, Juniper, Kaffir Lime,  Laurus Nobilis, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Manuka, Marjoram, Melaleuca Cajeput, Melaleuca Ericifolia, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Melissa, Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Orange, Oregano, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile,  Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sage, Spearmint, Spikenard, Thyme, Tsuga, Vetiver, White Fir, Wintergreen, Yarrow.

While you are doing this, please don’t forget that weekly reflexology sessions encourage homeostasis which is extremely important for continued good health.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Sinusitis – Reflexology for the Spirit Helps

A scourge.  That’s what Sinusitis is.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the sinuses.  It can be caused by allergies, pollutants, temperature extremes, and upper respiratory infections.

Several things can be done to deal with sinusitis.  One of the first things is to try to determine what the underlying causes might be:  allergies, dental infection.

If you know you have a tendency to suffer with sinus infections, try to deal with the allergies, use saline nasal sprays daily, and take natural decongestants and immune-enhancing herbs.

Visiting an otolaryngologist and an allergist helps also.  The main thing is to keep the sinuses as clear as possible and to maintain drainage.  This will encourage homeostasis when the reflexology session is given.

People become susceptible to sinus infections when they experience irritation, fear, anger, frustration.  Sinus infections tend to occur when a  person has a difficult situation in life and doesn’t know how to resolve it.

When offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session to a sinusitis sufferer, begin by working the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland and adrenal gland reflexes.  Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the sinus reflexes.  Focus on the lymphatic system reflexes.  End the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Thurman Greco

sinuses reflexes.

Eye Infections and Reflexology for the Spirit

Physically, eye infections are caused by viruses and bacteria. Infections usually are found on the surface of the cornea, the lining of the eyelid, or in the sebaceous glands.
When the left eye is affected, I feel that the person has a lack of joy, fun, and creativity. Instead, the person is finding life to be hard, challenging, and a struggle. As these things happen, the sufferer begins to focus on the negativity and “Loses sight” of the positive things in life.
When the Right eye is affected, I feel that the person is experiencing challenges in abundance, relationships, moving forward in life. The person becomes irritated with him/herself and is unable to “see how the situation can be changed for the positive”.
With eyes, of course, it all boils down to how things are perceived. So, with our eyes, we see far more than just the object…unless we don’t want to see. And, our perceptions are all colored by our upbringing, education, learned biases, life experiences.
When offering reflexology to a person suffering with an eye infection, work the urinary system with a focus on the kidney reflexes. Work the sense organs with a focus on the eye reflexes. Work the spleen reflex. Work the liver and solar plexus. End the session by working the lymphatic system.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Tinnitus is a Spiritual Event

One way we perceive our world is through sound. This perception is influenced by our emotions and spiritual reactions to life events. We hear things and we also listen to what we’re hearing. We interpret the things we hear and listen to. We not only hear and listen to events happening around us but we also hear and listen to our inner voice.
My conclusion here is that hearing and listening is both highly emotional and spiritual. Reduced to it’s lowest common denominator, the concepts we hear can touch our core beliefs in ways that go straight to the heart and soul. Our attitudes, opinions, and feelings about what we hear may or may not be based on facts, or statistics, or even what’s real. Often, our attitudes cannot be changed by facts, statistics, or information.
Our feelings, beliefs, educational background and training, life experiences, all influence what we feel, see, and hear. Our responses include these influences.
Tinnitus is a ringing, hissing, or buzzing in the ears which has no external origin.
In my opinion, Tinnitus occurs when a person no longer trusts his/her own voice. Tinnitus occurs when your body tells you it’s time to pay more attention to your inner voice, to your feelings, to your inner self.
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions are important in the life of a Tinnitus sufferer.
Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the sinuses, work the sense organs with emphasis on the ears, work the entire endocrine system and finish up the session with working the liver and the solar plexus. Homeostasis is very important here and that is exactly what your sessions will offer.
Peace and food for all.
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Thurman Greco