Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What Needs to Go?


Now is a time of beginnings.  Things are changing.  Transformation is in the air.  What needs to go?

Change can be a scary time…and a scary word.

Sometimes change means to shuffle things around.  Other times change means to add another layer.  Yet again, it means to move emphasis from one point to another.

Sometimes, a transformation happens.  Something comes to an end to make way for something new.

Whether you find yourself angry, frightened, or excited, embrace the new beginning.

Ask yourself:  “What needs to go?”

Move on.

Put the past in your rearview mirror to make way for a new beginning.

Get rid of what no longer fits, is worn out, or is outdated.

This includes habits, worn-out schedules, patterns that are no longer effective,  cycles, clothes you no longer wear, books and other household objects that are no longer useful to you.

This can also include spiritual beliefs that you no longer identify with.

When these things move off, a new order and life can grow.

Ask the universe to support you in your coming activities.  Release what you need to let go in love and gratitude.

This is a good time to send blessings to others and to the world as you welcome what comes your way.  While releasing what no longer works for you, include  mental housecleaning.  Seek guidance to support you now and in your future.

A meditation can work to help you release portions of your life which may no longer be positive. This will help you attract the positive things and situations to  support you in your forward journey.

One of my favorite meditations involves clouds:

Find a quiet and safe place to get comfortable for a few minutes.  Loosen any constricting clothing.   Remove your shoes if possible. Relax your shoulders.  Close and soften your eyes.

Begin inhaling from your abdomen as you breathe in fresh air.  Notice how each  inhale sounds.  How does it feel?  Slow your inhales.  Embrace and enjoy each one.

After each inhale, exhale toxins, negativity, and any stress or other emotions you feel you don’t need anymore.

This is the time to use your breath to let go of those things which you no longer need or plan to use.

As you gently and slowly inhale and exhale, notice what you are letting go from your life.

See a sky with beautiful clouds passing overhead. Notice the things you are releasing as they leave your life, riding away on the beautiful clouds.

After a few minutes, it is time to return to this room. You can return to this meditation any time you want.  It is waiting for you to enjoy at your convenience.

Reflexology and Reiki sessions release stress and encourage homeostasis.  They are natural bodywork systems which support your releases, housecleaning, and spiritual renewal.

It’s okay to book extra sessions if you feel the need.  Reiki, especially, is a good modality for daily sessions.

Maybe this is a good time to learn Reiki so you can offer self-healing sessions whenever you feel the need.

heart with wings

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Move Into Your Future!

Are you ready to move into your future?

You’re at a good starting point now.  You’ve just lived through a couple of years where your life was different from anything you’ve experienced before.

Each of us has a different pandemic life experience.

For years, my job had a certain description, a certain pace.  Suddenly, the pandemic brought in new and different rules.  I remember that first Monday like a confusing dream.

One of my friends, on a road trip to California, got stuck somewhere in Nevada or Colorado for three weeks when everything shut down.

Another close friend went into her home and hasn’t come out yet.  When I visit with her over the phone, I wonder if I’ll ever see her again.  Social distancing is an art form for her.  Her life is a closet to hide in.

We cleaned our homes, and cleaned out our homes. We took up solitary hobbies.  We did things we never even imagined that we would do and then we talked about it on the phone and emailed about it.  Or didn’t.


People are moving, getting new jobs, getting trained, starting new businesses.  Whatever this shift brings, I see people going forward somehow.  .

Question marks punctuate everything. Question marks are the centerpiece of this new energy.  We’re riding into our futures on them.

What are some guidelines we can use in these new times?


Honor your losses.   Remember friends and relatives lost to this disease.  Did you struggle with children trying to learn school lessons at home? Is your job gone forever?  Did you work endless hours?  Is your housing situation changed?  How are you changed?

Honor these experiences and set them free.


Send whatever fears you have away.  Quit hiding from life, hiding from love.

You may be hiding old, worn-out fears and experiences in this closet.  If you look in the corners, you may find baggage stuffed with fears and events you experienced in past lives even.

Whatever you’re hiding, send it on its way.  You need space for the new you.  Spend some time meditating about the new you –   how you look and act and feel.


Right now the world needs you to just be you.  When you are yourself, you can soar like a  beautiful bird.  As you soar, you release your limitations.

With your limitations gone, you’ll shine in new ways you may not have thought possible before.  Let the world see the real you – the new you that was there all along,

Without limitations, how will your new life look?

For some of us, creating the new life is the most difficult part of moving into your new future.  These old limitations were comfortable. Make it easier to create your new life.  Creating your new identity can be a real challenge.

It can also be the best thing you can do.


Let go of living with what other people expect of you.  When you live your life according to what everybody else wants, you will find yourself following the crowd, and obeying the rules.

When you give up living your life for other people, you’ll find that you are discovering things you want to do to live your own life for yourself.


You may even see the big picture now.


You are good enough.  You are smart enough.  Know your worth.

Be kind.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network.  Share it with your friends and relatives.

For more information, check out my books:

Embrace your future!
