Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Putting it all together – The Chakra System, Reflexology for the Spirit, and Reiki Therapy

Spiritual System

Chakras  work together.  If one  is unbalanced, the entire system  is affected.  The Chakras communicate with one another as their energy moves up and down the spine from  Chakra to Chakra.

When this Chakra System is open and functioning well, the human body is in a positive, stress-free, alert state.  When the energy traveling from one Chakra to another is not balanced, the body is stressed.  Even though the imbalance may be limited to only 1 Chakra, the system will be affected.

Humans use several  ways of communicating with ourselves, other humans, and the environment around us:

the cranial brain

the nervous system

the abdominal brain

the energetic layers surrounding the physical body

Using the cranial brain, we know what is going on around us, We observe it,  We form opinions, belief systems, and we communicate with others using language, both written, spoken, and body language.  We use our senses:

our  eyes,





We feel pain, emotion, know when we are ill, afraid, or happy.

Our abdominal brain sends much information to the brain.  There is a continual flow of information going from the digestive tract to the brain which keeps the brain informed about what is happening  in the body.  The abdominal brain sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the intestinal tract.  This leads me to believe that the intestinal brain is more important than we realize.

Our Chakras work together as a communication system.  The Chakras communicate with:

one another,

our bodies,

those around us,

the entire universe.

So far, this book/blog is focusing on the seven major Chakras located along the spine.   In reality, each person has many more Chakras, all of which work together.  They also work with our cranial brain, central nervous system, and our abdominal brain to assist and guide us in our journey through life.

The interconnection created by our Chakras, our cranial brain, our nervous system, and our abdominal brain results in a beautiful spiritual consciousness  which supports us in our journey through life.

Reflexologists, as you work to facilitate homeostasis in your client partners, don’t leave out the Chakras.  Include this fascinating energy system as you work.

BothRreflexology for the Spirit and Reiki therapy fit into this spiritual communication system.  When you offer reflexology to a client partner and you set up the session with Reiki therapy, you expand the power and scope of the healing you  offer.  As you reflex the feet, if you include  the Chakras, you are adding even more power to what you are doing:

Reflexology for the Spirit

Reiki therapy


You  bring about homeostasis as you balance the energy systems of the body.   You work to connect your client partner with all that is.  Your client partner’s body, mind, and spirit are joined  through the Chakras located throughout his/her body.

This is truly healing the mind, the body, and the spirit at the same time.  This is Reflexology for the Spirit.


Thank you for reading this blog/book.  And…thank you for your patience as I work to finish this book.

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Thurman Greco




The Sixth Chakra and Reflexology


The sixth Chakra reflex point is located on the lower parts of the toe pads.  This is where the pituitary gland, eyes, and ears are located.

Sixth Chakra issues include






psychic abilities


Am I able to see the bigger picture?

Can I see when my ego is in charge?

How can my life be better?

Can I make this happen?

Can I set aside time for self-reflection?

Do I know myself?

Am I blocking my creative ideas?

Are those around me blocking my creative thoughts?

Am I holding onto emotions which I should be releasing?

Am I gaining insight into myself?

Am I working to increase intuition?

Does my heart agree  with my mind?

Am I working to make life better?

Can I see the “bigger picture”?

Am I able to encourage intuitive dreams?

Am I able to encourage and manifest realities from visions?

Tuning into the conscious and subconscious mind is a sixth  Chakra issue.  There is a balance which needs to be achieved.    At one end of the line, we have a person whose mind functions on the rational level only.  When this happens, the person has difficulty visualizing things mentally and subtle communication is difficult to   understand.   This person also has trouble seeing opportunities offered by dreams or intuitive thoughts. The other end of the line is a person who lives in a fantasy and may be delusional.  When the sixth Chakra is is healthy, the person is able to balance the rational and the intuitive.

A balanced sixth Chakra is in tune with our senses as well as both the conscious and subconscious mind.  The sixth Chakra is then able to regulate the energy channels of the other Chakras.

As with the other Chakras, Reflexology for the Spirit Sessions offer homeostasis which balance all of the body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.  People with 6th Chakra issues respond positively to distant healing Reiki therapy sessions.

To help balance your sixth Chakra, take time to meditate on the ocean.  As you do this, you will be able to calm an overactive mind.  This encourages





It will also encourage insight.  As people gain insight into themselves, they invite spiritual growth and development.

It’s easy to tell how centered the 6th Chakra is by observing a person’s eyes and ears.  Sight and hearing issues are related to 6th Chakra imbalances.  Other issues related to 6th Chakra imbalances include

insomnia and other sleep problems

frequent nightmares

feelings of despair


When you work with your client partner’s 6th Chakra, you offer the opporunity to help him/her clear out past issues and problems to make way for the new life which is waiting.

Thank you for reading this blog.   I am now accepting new reflexology students.  Please email for information.

The posts in this blog are being published less frequently for the next few weeks as I work to finish the reflexology book.  This book is a resource guide for  reflexologists.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco