Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Reflexology Spa Treatment to Renew Your Client Partner

Angel 1

Our bodies  are constantly discarding and regrowing  new cells.   Scientists tell us  we create a new body every seven years.  How this happens is pretty much shrouded in mystery but the endocrine system is the hub of this process.

Glands making up the endocrine system regulate  this renewal  as they control the growth and development of the body.    One  important thing our endocrine system does is boost the body’s ability to resist disease and fight infections.

A Renewal  Spa Treatment is not a luxury.  It’s a necessity for the client partner who wants to be as healthy and alert as possible.

Begin this session plan by selecting the essential oil you’ll use.  My preferred essential oils for a spa session encouraging renewal are:


Idaho balsam fir




Roman chamomile

Once you select the oil, you’ll be guided to the music, the decor.

My favorite oil  is lavender.  However, some people don’t like lavender so it helps to move on to something else if your client partner resists.

So, when you book the appointment you need to find out if your client dislikes lavender.  If so, you have other oils to choose from.  But, settle this when you book the appointment so you’ll know how to coordinate  the decor…music…

After you choose the oil, it’s time to choose the music.  When my client partner is open to lavender, lemon, or Roman chamomile, I choose one of two CD’s I’ve had for years:

“Shamanic Dream” by Anugama


“Spiritual, Spiritual” by B Tribe.

If you don’t have either of these CD’s, you probably have  something in your collection which will work. Whatever you choose,  select music  which is powerful and healing.  You’re working with your client partner’s endocrine system here…a very spiritual part of his/her being.

Decor for this Spa Treatment may not take much work.  You may not have to do much beyond taking away some clutter and adding a ceremonial throw for the table or chair.

Have your selection playing when you your client partner enters your healing space.

Offer your client partner a luscious water feature to begin this Spa Treatment.  I suggest either a foot bath or simply washing the feet with wet terry cloth cloths that have been warmed in the microwave  for a few moments.

If you go for a foot bath, think about a generous bucket or plastic water container filled with about four inches of warm water with a few colorful stones in the bottom.  Let your client partner sit with the feet soaking in this essential oil scented water for 2-3 minutes before drying the feet.  Then  have him/her get on your healing table or reflexology chair.

When your client partner is comfortably situated face up on the table or in your  reflexology chair,  wrap the feet in warmed towels.

Begin by anointing your client partner with your selected oil.   Put a few drops of essential oil in your client partner’s hands.  Have him/her rub the palms together and hold them over the face and take a deep breath.  Then, have your client partner rub the hands over his/her face,,  head, and halo.

When you offer reflexology to the feet,  add a bit  of carrier oil to the essential oil and use this blend throughout the reflexology session.  If you are using lavender or lemon, you may be able to find a commercial lotion which you like.

Move to your client partner’s head and bring  in  Reiki and offer three  Reiki holds to the head.

Now, move  down to your client partner’s feet.

Selecting the first foot, offer five minutes of delicious warm ups.  Then offer five more minutes of general reflexology to your client partner’s foot.

Now, you have your client partner’s first foot prepared and ready to receive the Renewal  Session on this foot.  In this part of the session, you’ll stimulate the glandular parts of the body as you work the reflex areas listed below.  You’ll encourage your client partner to heal, and rebuild.

Work the following reflexes for twenty minutes on the first foot in the following order:

1.  Work the solar plexus to relax the body even more.

2.  Work the pituitary gland because this is the gland which regulates everything.

3.  Work the thyroid  and parathyroid to balance the body’s metabolic rate.

4.  Work the liver to enhance the immune system and remove wastes.

5.  Work the adrenal gland to offer energy to the body.

6.  Work the reproductive glands (ovaries/testicles) to balance this system.

Finally, work the solar plexus again to finish the rejuvenation path.

When you have worked these glands for twenty  minutes on the first foot, spend five more minutes offering general reflexology.  Then, finish up the first foot with five more minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second foot and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology and then you’ll spend the next twenty minutes working the body’s glands in the following pattern:

solar plexus

pituitary gland

thyroid and parathyroid


adrenal gland

reproductive glands

solar plexus

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm downs.

When this is completed, offer your client ten minutes of Reiki therapy on the feet.

It is now time to  seal the Reiki therapy part of the Spa Session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water for him/her.

Spend a couple of minutes with your client while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.  You may also want to share this article with your fellow professional reflexologists.

It is my sincere hope that you are able to use this article in your healing practice.

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Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.

Mental Fatigue – Do you need a fogbuster?


Mental Fatigue…ahhhhh.  All of us suffer with this occasionally.

Fatigue, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual, can be a strong indication of illness.  So, if your brain is tired more often than you want, you won’t  be playing hypochondriac if you schedule an appointment with your professional healthcare provider.

Many diseases list fatigue as the first symptom.  Popular among those diseases is adrenal imbalance



poor thyroid function

It can also just mean that we’re a little overdrawn in the energy department.  I occasionally wake up feeling less mentally sharp than I want.  When that happens, I reach for an essential oil.  Popular essential oil fatigue busters include:


Black Pepper


Idaho Balsam Fir







Each of these oils will “do the trick”.  Place 4-6 drops  of whichever oil you have on hand  and/or prefer.  Rub the palms of your hands together.  Cup your nose and mouth with your oil-soaked hands and take several deep breaths.  You should notice a difference.

When an essential oil fragrance is inhaled,  the odor molecules travel up the nose and end up finally connecting to the brain.  The result is that the connection affects the

heart rate

blood pressure



stress levels

hormone balance.

The scent of the essential oil can bring up memories and emotions not only in this life but, I believe, in past lives as well.  This offers a powerful form of therapy which, when combined with reflexology, promotes homeostasis.

Combining reflexology and essential oils can be beneficial to your client partners.  If your client does not notice a fairly quick feeling of energy returning to the body, it’s time to refer him/her to a physician.

Photography by Renee Ruwe.

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Thurman Greco