Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Hay Fever Attacks us Seasonally When Our Defenses are Low

Hay Fever is a seasonal affliction which succeeds in making its sufferers totally miserable.  My mother had several serious diseases in her life.  The one that caused her the most trouble and discomfort was hay fever.

Hay Fever is not contagious.  It is an allergic reaction to airborne substances such as pollen and pollution.  Hay Fever sufferers are always easy to spot because they have watery inflamed eyes, inflamed sinuses, and nasal passages resulting in runny noses.  There’s a lot of itching also.  Sometimes, when life is really bad, they also have a sore throat and irritated bronchial tubes.

Hay Fever sufferers have a tendency to overreact to the symptoms.  The itching can be very irritating.  The runny eyes are very distracting.

Although Hay Fever is seasonal, its sufferers can have attacks whenever there is an intense emotional reaction to a situation.

Visiting a competent allergist regularly to reduce one’s sensitivity to allergies  can change an allergy sufferer’s life for the better.

If you have a client partner suffering with hay fever, suggest weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions  at least during allergy season.  This will offer some relief and much needed homeostasis.

Begin the session by working the diaphragm reflexes and the solar plexus.  Move to the endocrine system and focus on the pituitary gland reflexes and the adrenal gland reflexes.  Then move to the respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes.  Finish the session by giving attention to the liver and returning to a solar plexus hold.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

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Allergies and Reflexology for the Spirit

The next several posts will be devoted to the issues presented by allergies.

Allergies plague many people year round and present spiritual challenges.  Although people don’t realize it, very few people have food allergies.  Most allergy sufferers experience conditions like sinusitis, hay fever, and asthma.  In order to overcome allergies successfully, a real commitment is needed.  Clients suffering from allergies should visit a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner weekly.  This is a long term commitment, not just a few visits.

They can lessen or prevent outbreaks of sinusitis, hay fever, etc., by avoiding allergy triggers.  This boils down to asking the question:  What is the source of the allergy?

On a spiritual level, allergy sufferers are dealing with a power struggle and how it affects them which translates into allergies.

People allergic to pollens should try to avoid them.  People with sensitivities to indoor allergens should use dust mite covers on their mattresses and pillows and eliminate house dust as much as possible.

Pets are often a source of allergic reactions.  People should not have to give up their pets because of allergies.  after all, pets offer so much.  A couple of things your client partners can do is brush the pets often and bathe them weekly in a shampoo that doesn’t cause an allergic reaction in the humans.

Cats are easy to bathe if you can avoid letting them hear the splashing water.  Gently lower your cat into a sink of warm water.  Soap the cat up, then gently rinse it in warm running water that doesn’t make splashing noises.  Towel your cat dry.   Fold up the used towel and then launder it.

In the next two posts, we’ll be discussing more things your client partners can do to make life with allergies easier.

Thanks for reading this post.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco