Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

3 Ways Self-Care Helps + 5 Things to Ease Your Toxic Overload


Self-care is part of my daily life.  Practicing self-care develops personal happiness.  It honors a balance between personal life and career.

Self-care offers things that are important in daily life.  But, that’s not all.  Self-care activities diminish burnout, stress, and fatigue.

Occasionally, I review my physical, mental, and spiritual toxicity to boost my self-care agenda.  Actually, a toxicity review is good for everyone, whether or not self-care is the issue.

To pamper myself, I’ll declare a detox week.

Your body continually self-cleans.  But, sometimes this process needs a focus and boost because of the hordes of chemicals confronting the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, bloodstream, and skin.

Toxins come in many forms:  too much sugar, caffeine, and processed foods.

They also invade us through pesticides in the produce we eat, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, plastics, and paper products.

I’ll start off a detox week with a water flush, drinking filtered water to cleanse my tissues. (I normally drink filtered water but, with  a detox week, I’ll add a variety of waters which I get at the health food store.  I also drink some of the Saratoga Springs Waters.)  And, I’ll alternate my water with herbal teas to support my liver, lymphatic system, bowels, urinary tract and skin.



For a fresh-air treat, I go to my local garden center and buy a new plant to help detox my home.  I love ferns. Truthfully, I love any plant that I can grow.  I started growing houseplants during the pandemic.  I definitely don’t have a green thumb but I’ve managed to collect plants which are surviving in my home.  The oxygen they produce is important.


My detox week includes a daily cleansing walk,  a short 20-30 minute walk I take in my neighborhood to breathe fresh air and enjoy my community.


Finally, I include breathing properly to dispel toxins and wastes.  When I celebrate a detox week, I set aside time each day to practice deep, slow, rhythmic breathing.  This clears my mind, lifts my energy, and boosts my mood.



Reiki and Reflexology work well with a detox week.  Include one session for the week or, if time permits, include a daily session.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please share it with your friends and family.  Forward it to your favorite social media network.

Find out more about Thurman Greco at  You can purchase Thurman’s books in both ebook and paperbook form.  ENJOY! 

So far, “A Healer’s Handbook” has gone out to readers in over 30 countries.

Explore more about self-care in “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” YOUTUBE productions.


PS –  Because I live in the Hudson Valley of New York, I’m close enough to Saratoga Springs to benefit from the many mineral springs located throughout the Saratoga State Park.  If you ever get the chance to visit this area, just north of Albany, be sure to visit a few of the springs.  Maps are available as well as descriptions of the waters found at each one.

Tours of the springs are scheduled regularly.  Join in the fun if you are in the area!


Letting Go

Recently I was standing in a grocery line, my cart piled high with much needed food.  After a couple of minutes, I realized that, not only was it not moving, the line was getting longer and longer – seemingly by the second.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a similar situation – I was stuck in traffic.  It seemed I was in this situation for the duration of the afternoon.

Both cases shot my schedule.  I wasn’t going to make it to my next appointment, or the one after that, on time.  The most could say about these situations was that they were a crashing bore.

In the grocery line, I shifted into neutral.  It was time to chill.  This was a situation where I felt everything was going to go the way it was going to go – I was stuck.

This created a perfect opportunity for two things:  First, it was time to ground myself and be peaceful.  Second, it was time for Reiki energy to join the crowd.

Sure enough – within a moment, I felt Reiki energy energize my hands while it moved through the crowd and grounded everyone. I felt the people in the line calm themselves and take on an entirely new perspective.

When I’m in a crowd and Reiki energy join the group, I’m always grateful that I learned Reiki in such a way that it goes to work as it is needed.

Even without Reiki energy, grounding was a wonderful thing to experience in this situation.

Whenever we’re in a stuck event, the first inclination is to push.  When that doesn’t work, the next step is to figure out a way to fight and struggle against the event.

A good option in this situation is to do your best to be calm.  This attitude may give you an entirely new perspective.

Is this an easy thing to do?  Probably not.  But, when you succeed, you may feel  you participated in a spiritually grounding event.


Truthfully, it’s hard to plan for these events.

When they happen, embrace the opportunity to practice Letting Go.  This short time in the grocery line or traffic jam is a good way to release and/or heal the various events and thoughts crowding your life with negativity.

See this situation as a moment for yourself.  Think about how you can benefit from it.

Work on releasing any thoughts, habits, or beliefs that clutter your life.  If you have doubts, think of the release is a way of loving yourself.

You may want to let go of a person or situation in your life which is uncomfortable or too negative for you.  Do this with love and compassion.  Ask the universe for guidance and assistance.

You may be able to move toward forgiving someone or some past event.

Because you are in a situation, you may be inspired by the spirituality and grounding of the moment to receive inspiration.

Sometimes the universe sees an opportunity which you didn’t know was there!

This may even be time for self-talk and self-acceptance.

This may even be time to commit to an action.

This may be time to participate in a Letting-Go moment where you release frustrations, mis-guided expectations, and other restrictions into the wind.

Take a moment to blow them away.  As you breathe out, send them to wherever they need to go to become positive expectations, thoughts, and goals for others.

Thank you for reading this blog post.   Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook:  Thurman Greco

You can also learn more by reading past blog posts.  YOUTUBE has information, too.

Do you want to learn more about Reiki or Reflexology?  My books and videos on YOUTUBE have more information.  I also have a video about reflexology which I made with the generosity of Arlene Ferrieri and Karen White.


Reiki Healing and your Chakras

Reiki therapy is a specific healing modality used throughout the planet.

Reiki means “Universal Life Energy” and is the word used to describe this system of healing.  Reiki is a light touch given to a clothed body to improve the overall wellbeing of the recipient.  Using an intention, the Reiki practitioner gives healing energy to an accepting receiver.

The healing energy flows through the hands of the practitioner.

I feel that the Reiki we practice today is old.  Its origins are shrouded in the mists of time.

Dr. Mikao Usui developed and used the healing modality we use today.  He  operated clinics in Japan in the 20th century.  Dr. Usui is not only remembered because of the Reiki he developed but also because of his spiritual lifestyle.

Dr. Usui worked with others in his clinic and in his spiritual practice.  Two people include Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata.

Hawayo Takata brought Reiki to the United States after World War II

It is said that Dr. Usui meditated on one of his five principles daily:

Original Reiki Precepts

 Just for Today,

I will not worry

I will not be angry.

I will do my work honestly.

I will count and be grateful for all my many blessings.

I will be kind to every living creature.

When I offer a Reiki session focused on balancing the chakras of the recipient, my client is usually seated or lying face-up on a massage table or other flat surface.

I offer my client a blanket and eye pillow if it’s appropriate.

After setting the intention, I invoke the symbols:  Standing at the head of my client, I draw first the ChoKuRei, then SeiHeKi, then HonShaZeShoNen.  Finally, I repeat the ChoKuRei again.

I place my hands on the shoulders of my client.

So far, this part of the session should take 5-10 minutes.  However, this time length can change with the practitioner. Each practitioner works in a different way so the time will not always be the same for everyone.

I then move to the side of the client and go to the first chakra.

I balance the primary chakras beginning with the root chakra.  I balance each chakra by hovering my hands over each chakra about 2 to 6 inches above each chakra.  I usually spend about 5 minutes on each one although these times can change depending on the client.

I am an old massage therapist and believe that touching my client will help me do my job better in many situations.  As a massage therapist, I feel that I gain a better understanding of what is happening.

However, this is a personal situation and will be determined by your training, and previous experience with not only Reiki but other healing modalities.

A Reiki session works with the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels of a person’s body.  On a physical level, many people appreciate the warmth generated by a Reiki practitioner’s hands. On a mental level, the client is often comforted by knowing where the practitioner’s hands are at all times.

Respect your client privacy at all times.  It’s important to do the right thing at that moment.  Some people do not want to be touched at all, no matter what.

Always respect your client’s privacy.  Chakra balancing is extremely intimate work.  And, Reiki energy naturally finds its own path, going exactly where it is needed.

The first chakra to be balanced is the root chakra.   When I balance this chakra, I place my hands outside the person’s hips where they  meet at the base of the spine.  This chakra is your client’s connection to the physical world.  Trust is an important issue here.

The second, or sacral chakra is located about 1-2 inches below the navel.   This chakra is the seat of creativity and inspiration.

After balancing the second chakra I move on to the third or solar-plexus chakra.   This is where the upper chakras and lower chakras meet.  The solar-plexus chakra is found just above your waistline, where your client feels the chakra as “butterflies”.  This chakra is where your client finds her power.

Moving on from the third chakra to the fourth chakra, balance your client’s heart chakra – the center of love, healing, and compassion.    Your client’s heart chakra is located in the central chest.

After balancing your client’s fourth chakra, move up to the fifth, or throat chakra.  This chakra houses voice and self-expression. As expected, this chakra is located in the throat.

The fifth chakra, the third-eye chakra, is located in the forehead in the area of the eyebrows.  The third-eye chakra focuses on intuition and awareness.

The next chakra, the crown chakra, is found toward the top of the head.  This is where the higher self and the divine come together.

After balancing each chakra and finally coming to the crown chakra I focus for a few moments at my client’s feet.  After all, I’ve come to a full circle along my client’s body.  It has been a session of shifts and adjustments – many not yet known by the client.  It may take several days for your client to begin to understand what is happening.

A Reiki chakra balancing session can often be repeated more than once or twice in a lifetime.  Your client may want to have several weekly or monthly sessions. A few of your chakras may want to be balanced several times until they are happy in their new place.

Whatever the outcome of the chakra balancing session, a few minutes spent at your client’s feet for grounding purposes are a good idea.  The options here are many.  Have you taken any reflexology classes?


There’s a video out there that might inspire you.  You probably won’t spend more than about 5-10 minutes on your client’s feet.  You are there to offer a path back to present time for your client.

The are many classes waiting for you on YOUTUBE.  Some are mine and some are produced by other teachers.  But, whichever one you choose, the idea is to gently finish your session.

One final suggestion: a chakra balancing Reiki session, or a regular Reiki session, are both good for the body and the soul.  Every person needs some Reiki every week or so.  If you feel you don’t have the budget for this, learn Reiki and partner up with another practitioner.

You can connect with me on Facebook.  If you have friends who might enjoy this post, please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

If you’re looking for more, check out my books.


Your First Chakra and Your Better Health

“I don’t know what I did, but I know what I’m going to do now!”  My fellow yoga student blurted out recently at class.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know what happened, but my lower back really hurts!  I’m going to a doctor tomorrow.  I’m afraid I’m going to need surgery..”

Your first chakra is located at the base of your spine. Whatever the issues, a painful lower back is a strong indication of a spiritually stressed spine and an unbalanced first chakra.

When things are right in your life, you feel safe and secure.  You have a positive mental attitude and can protect yourself from life’s daily issues.

When your first chakra is unbalanced or blocked, depression and other negative experiences  impose themselves on your daily decisions.   You have difficulty sleeping and worry about money, health, and your job.

An overactive first chakra produces anxiety, greed, hoarding, and control issues at home and at work.  Basically, you feel unsafe.

Health symptoms and ailments involving your first chakra include:   adrenal fatigue, anger, anxiety, low back pain, codependency, fear, hemorrhoids,  leg pain, panic attacks, sciatica.

Addictions are root chakra issues.

Chakras are often out of balance for quite a while before health issues and diseases manifest themselves in the physical body.

Chakras are energy.  And, they are communicators.  They talk to us, giving us valuable information we need to be well.

Where is your disease or issue located?

When you have an injury to your lower spine, you probably have a first chakra imbalance.

Any issue connected with the rectum, anus, or any elimination issue is a first chakra issue.

Other first chakra issues include addictions to alcohol, food, coffee, gambling, drugs, sex, shopping.

For men, any issue with the testes,  or prostate cancer is a first chakra issue.

Things to remember about first chakra imbalances:

Chakras are connected to the total body.

When you’re dealing with a health issue, work with your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional body.  If you have a kidney infection, for example, heal your total body, not just the infection, and not just the chakra.

And, you need to balance your other chakras also.

It’s harder to fight a disease with a unbalanced corresponding chakra.


Your chakras don’t work in a vacuum.  They collaborate with other chakras.  They work with your physical and mental bodies and they work with your energetic body.

So, don’t just give one chakra a boost.  Don’t just give your swollen ankle an ice pack.  Help your entire body.

Take the medicine you’ve been prescribed.

Look around, is there something in your environment that you can change which will help you get well and stay better?

At times in my life, the answer to this question involved eating a specific diet.    At another time, I had to buy a better desk chair.  Recently, I joined a combination exercise/yoga class.

Well…DO IT!

As your body and your spirit and your mind improve, what can you do to keep things that way?

Well…DO IT!

Everytime I ask myself those questions, I always come up with…guess what!

Reflexology and Reiki!

Thanks for reading this blog post.  I will continue on with other chakras as well.

For me, this article was a real eye opener!  I knew, existentially, that men and women experience their first chakra issues and balances in different ways.  After all, women do not have testes.

Sex is very different for women than it is for men.   I’ve known this all along but I just never connected the differences to the chakra system.

These basic differences affect how we feel about belonging in our bodies.

I now realize that our chakras and how we experience them is a very different experience for women and men.

These differences, of course, carry over to the second (Sacral) chakra.  But that’s another blog post.

Thanks for reading this article!  Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and relatives.

The YOUTUBE channel has an ever-growing selection of videos focused on reflexology and healing.

P.S. Some info in this article was shared from “Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All” by Thurman Greco.

Buy this book at









Dieting? Water Works to the Rescue! – 5 Tips and 2 Secrets .



So, what does that mean?

Finding the best beverages to  support your weight loss  is crucial.   Like everything else you eat or drink or do, there are a few pointers: Water works!

  1. Stop drinking anything with calories.

2. Get sodas and diet sodas out of your life today!

But, it’s one thing to read Do Not Drink Sodas or Diet Sodas.  It’s another thing altogether to replace this habit with something better.

3. Begin by drinking water, infused water, and/or strained, homemade broth.

The truth is that you have more options than you thought.  All those different brands of water on the shelf have different flavors.  Check them out.  Find the one you like best.

Beyond that, stevia drops can enhance your water choices.

Try out decaffeinated herbal tea and broths prepared without MSG.

When I lived in the Washington, D.C., metro area, several friends of mine were patients of a weight-loss physician.  He guided them through a successful diet program.

His secret?  Drink 50 glasses of water a day, every day.  Can’t go his guideline?

4. Drink at least 80 ounces of fluids daily.

So what does that mean?  Water works!

It means you carry a water bottle and drink from it all day.

5.  Skip beverages during meals  because liquids can move your food out of your stomach too fast.  When this happens, you have a smaller opportunity to feel full from your meal.

6.  Does food make you thirsty?  Wait 20-30 minutes  after your meal and then enjoy your water to your heart’s content.


Begin every meal well-hydrated.  You feel less hungry when you are thirsty.  Water Works!

Begin each meal with a reiki therapy or reflexology session.  It doesn’t have to be an hour long, or even a half hour long.  A 10-15 minute session,  or even a 5 minutes session can be enough to calm your mealtimeCalm meals encourage a more successful diet.

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Thurman Greco