Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Is it a Cold or the Flu?

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I hear this question every year at the beginning of the flu season.  So HOW DO YOU KNOW?  How do you know whether it’s a cold or the flu?

Well, there are some real differences.

Fever is rare with a cold.  Fever is common with the flu.  It’s usually high and lasts 3 to 4 days.

Headaches are rare with cold but common with flu.

Cold sufferers may have slight aches and pains.  Flu sufferers have definite aches and pains which may be severe.

Extreme fatigue and/or weakness is just not a factor with a cold.  With the flu, exhaustion is common…especially at the onset of the illness.

Sore throat, stuffy nose, and sneezing are common with colds.  However, with flu, these symptoms are not important.

Chest discomfort and coughs are mild with colds.  A person suffering with a cold may have mild symptoms to include a hacking cough.  With the flu, these symptoms can become severe.

With colds, treatment includes antihistamines, decongestants.  With the flu, the patient needs to consult with a physician.

Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions, Reiki therapy, and chakra healing strengthen the immune system, an important tool in fighting both colds and flu.

Prevention is important.  Wash your hands often and stay away from anyone with a cold.  These measures also work with flu but include  an annual flu shot.

Complications to a cold include sinus congestion, ear infection, and asthma.  Complications to the flu can be serious.  They include bronchitis and pneumonia.

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Thurman Greco




Bronchitis – a Spiritual Affliction Attacking the Respiratory System.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection.  Bronchitis rears its ugly head when one’s resistance is low, frequently after a cold.  There is a very real spiritual aspect to bronchitis.

People suffer from bronchitis when they’re feeling too much pressure.  Conflict, anger, and grief are important aspects to bronchitis.  People come down with bronchitis when they need time to themselves because they feel a lack of appreciation or love.

Bronchitis can often be a precursor to asthma.  A good thing to find out when a person begins to suffer with bronchitis is what was going on in the person’s life before the bronchitis, what was upsetting the person.  Basically, it’s important to find out the spiritual and emotional issues behind the disease.

Begin a Reflexology for the Spirit session which focuses on bronchitis by working with the solar plexus and the diaphragm reflexes.  Then move on to the respiratory system as you focus on the lung reflexes.  Work the endocrine system and focus on the adrenal gland reflexes.  Finish up with the lymphatic system reflexes.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco