Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

One Thing About Reiki and Healing

Since the ’90s, I’ve taught Reiki and Reflexology to students of all ages, sizes, and shapes.  I made a conscious effort to let my students fly free, once he or she received the certificates earned.  .

Healing is a personal path for a student.  Eventually, the learned skills will surface in a way that is best for the universe.  Sometimes the surfacing happens quite soon.  Other times, it may take years as the student carries the energy around quietly, underground almost – waiting for just the right time.  Meanwhile, the healing Reiki energy percolates, hidden below the surface.

Soon after Donald Trump was inaugurated, I put out an extremely quiet call to some Reiki Master Practitioners.  “Come over and get your teacher wings.”

A few answered the call.  I attuned them all to the Reiki Master Teacher Level and, again, set them loose to do what they felt called to do.

Karen kept in touch.  She took her attunement seriously and, throughout the Pandemic, taught and practiced Reiki.  Karen worked outdoors throughout this time.  She practiced her profession in a park about 2 blocks from her home.

Some days were hot.  Others were cold.  Nobody seemed to mind.

Now, in these days and times, Karen is ill.  She is teaching us all how to prepare for the future when there isn’t much time left on this plane.

She is allowing her students and fellow practitioners the opportunity to offer  Reiki. This is a special time for all of us. Her students set up a time:  Tuesday afternoons at 3:00.

People drop by her home to see how she’s doing.  Some  prepare food.  Others run errands, etc. Everyone is finding things that need attention.  Hospice is in the mix.

Reiki is at the core of this transition.  We participate the best way we can.

One thing happening out loud is this:  When we learn Reiki or other healing modality, we’re not sure what we’re going to do with our new certificate and skill.

Whatever we do, Reiki meets us where we are.  However we use the things we’ve learned, it’s all for the good of the universe.

We are not here to change a story when offering therapy.  Instead, we are a conduit for healing.  Nothing more.

I am grateful to each and every student I’ve had over the past years.  Each of you is an educational experience for me.  You have, one and all, given me the highest honor a teacher can receive:  Your trust.

Thank you to everyone.  Thank you to Karen for allowing us to be with her at this special time.

My first book, “Healer’s Handbook” took 10 years to write.  It’s gone out to over 3 dozen countries.  I think it needs another edition to highlight End-of-Life Reiki.  What do you think?


Earlier posts of this blog may have answers to your questions.  Check them out. Also go to some of the YOUTUBE segments of “Let’s Live” which cover wellness and healing.

Find out more at

Contact me at

The shows have been hold for several weeks because Ellen had surgery.  We are resuming our shows soon.  Join us!


What to do When Your Life Begins to Unravel Around the Edges

What bodywork does for you when your life unravels around you:

Years ago, I took a reiki class in Reston, Virginia, in Reiki Jinkei Do, taught by Gilbert Gallego.  This was at a time when I was taking Reiki classes from anyone and everyone who taught one.  I learned something wonderful at each class.  I remember each and every class fondly.

Giving my memory one takeaway, it is this:  Bodywork in general works in our best interest, supporting health and healing on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.  Reiki and Reflexology are in this mix.

I write a lot about Reflexology and Reiki because I spent the most time studying those two modalities.  I teach both of them and I know the good they can do for a person.

Bodywork in general is cumulative, whatever the modality, which means that the more sessions someone has, the greater effect they will have on that body.

So far, the only modality I’ve found without contraindications is Reiki therapy.  This means you can use it on anyone, anytime, anyhow, anywhere.  Reiki is a soft touch on a clothed body so that it can be used in a private healing space,  a bus station, airport waiting area, ICU, or accident scene.

Bodywork of all kinds have reactions.  They depend on the modality, the client, the healer, and what is happening in the life of people on the day and time they receive help.

When clients receive Reflexology and/or Reiki, their reactions are different each time they receive a session.  One of the reasons we don’t think about is the fact that our bodies are different  each and every day.

I’m discussing this now because I’m seeing more and more people whose lives are unraveling.  Stress and uncertainty over a long period of time have a way of untethering a person from those things that ground us.

There are many things you can do.  The first of these is to recognize your situation for what it is.

The second is to list the things you can do.  You want to know what you can choose from.  The options are, possibly, many.  Which ones are more realistic and which ones are less realistic?

Make your  healing list.  .

Be prepared to change your list several times, at least.  Maybe you should be prepared to change your list more times.

What is practical?

What is affordable?

What is the option that you prefer?

Work this list through as you winnow it down to fewer and fewer options.  Finally, this list will be short – possibly only 1 or 2 items.

Until you get down to the final option, there is one thing you can do now.  There is one thing which will help you.  It probably won’t interfere with your life.

It can change your daily life for the better.

And, what is that?  BODYWORK!

There are many modalities that ground the person receiving the work.  A good thing to do when the “going gets tough” is to schedule and receive regular grounding bodywork.

Your body will be grateful for the attention.

One example of this is sleep.  Both Reflexology and Reiki sessions can help restore disturbed sleep patterns.

The effects of a bodywork session are often experienced immediately after a treatment.  For example, a client may notice that a headache has disappeared or a frozen shoulder may has become much more mobile.  Other symptoms may take three or more sessions to improve a condition or complaint.

Generally, a disorder that has been around for a long time may take a longer time to improve.

The problem with this is that we live in a society that wants instant results.

Schedule regular bodywork sessions as part of your life.  These regular sessions will stimulate your body’s own healing processes over time as you have regular visits.

If you find regular sessions to be challenging, take some classes and learn to give sessions.  That way, you can exchange sessions with others.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.  This is self-care which is extremely important in these times.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  Instead, I am here to be a conduit for your own healing.

For healers everywhere, thank you for reading this blog post.  Share this article with friends and relatives.  Forward this post to your preferred social media network.

Check out my books on

“Healer’s Handbook” is in its third edition.  So far, this book has gone out to three dozen different countries.  The best way to buy a book is to contact me at  The books are listed on but the website is undergoing repairs and upgrades.

“But for Gabriel” is available as both ebook and  paperback at  Until the repairs are completed, email

I host “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” a program aired weekly on Woodstock, New York’s own educational TV channel 23.  This show is an informative, upbeat hour with no rehearsals.

My guests are various people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade, or more.

Let’s Live has been running for over 15 years with an occasional intermission, now and then.  You can find some programs on YOUTUBE “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  My assistant, Renee, adds new programs weekly.

I look forward to our show each week.  And, I look forward to hearing from you at or 845-399-3967.


Thurman Greco