Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Acne and Reflexology for the Spirit

Both adolescents and adults under stress can be especially bothered with Acne.  regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions scheduled about a week to 10 days apart will help, especially if used in conjunction with antibiotics, exercise, appropriate diet and a good skin cleansing program.  Encourage your client partners suffering with acne to see a dermatologist because this disease also requires a medical specialist.

People at risk for acne include teenagers and adults who are under stress and who are also taking certain types of medications.  Adolescent and adult women who experience hormonal surges monthly before menstruation also get acne.  Acne sufferers are dealing with two difficult problems.

Often there is a dissatisfaction of self.  They are under tremendous pressure from someone or some situation in their environment.  This pressure is the type that just never “gives an inch”.  Anger may also be an issue with acne sufferers.

People suffering from acne need to do everything the dermatologist tells them to do and, they need to schedule regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  An occasional visit isn’t going to do a lot.

AREAS TO WORK:  immune system, nervous system, solar plexus, endocrine system, digestive system, urinary system, liver, face, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, geranium, vetiver, lavender, patchouli, German or Roman chamomile, rosewood, cedarwood, orange, clove

The next posts will cover issues presented with Allergies.

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

More New Information about Health Issues, Essential Oils, Etc.

flowers (639x512)This is a guide book to be used as a ready reference.  It was written for reflexology students and practitioners at all levels of experience.  It should also help healers and seekers to navigate through the wealth of information needed to become the best practitioner possible.  It evolved from years of teaching Reflexology for the Spirit.

Whether you have a diabetic with unknown allergies or a teenager with acne, each set of feet brings new challenges.  It’s hoped that the organization of information will guide you to find what you need without a lot of searching.

Common ailments and body systems are categorized and organized for ready reference.  Ideas on the spiritual dimensions of medical conditions are offered along with suggested approaches for working the feet.

Included are suggestions on oils which are applicable for specific problems.  Essential oils can be very powerful if you know how to use them.  When you purchase essential oils, choose a brand offering medicinal grade products with “batch numbers” on each bottle.  That’s the only way you can be sure you’re getting what you pay for.  also, try to work with a brand of essential oils offering you some information and training.

If you are offering Reflexology for the Spirit sessions to a client partner with issues, it’s often necessary to forgive a lot of people and events.  Essential oils can positively impact this process.

We begin with a brief look at the glorious history of reflexology.  Along with a description of the benefits, contraindications are also included in the text.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with more information about the processes offered for learning Reflexology for the Spirit along with new information.

Thanks for reading this blog.  Please comment if you have questions.

Peace and food for all