Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What’s Your Definition of Healthy?

When I first studied massage therapy at PMTI, I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of things that make up the healthy human body.  There are, for example, over 600 muscles.

From the beginning of this class in 1980, I have never stopped studying and learning about the human body, its wellbeing, and its health.  Not even for a moment.

The question looming over all the studies, classes, and courses is this:  What is the definition of healthy?

As a healer, my goal is to be a conduit for your healing.  I am not here to change your story.   And, I certainly cannot define “Healthy” for you.  Each person I meet in my daily travels has a truly unique and individual definition of “Healthy”.

An important word in my vocabulary as healer is “homeostasis”.  Through the years, I’ve worked to make that word and it’s definition a part of your life, too.

Homeostasis is the return to balance of your body.  As a Reflexologist, my goal was and is and will be to bring your body to homeostasis.

And, of course, Homeostasis is a big word because the body has so many thousands of working parts.

That being said – what is Healthy?  For me, as a healer, that word is loaded.

For many, healthy comes down to what you eat.  After all, we’ve all heard and read the saying:  “You are what you eat.”

And, I think we can agree that something that is perfect for one person is not good for another.  That’s why there are so many different diets for people these days.  Each of us has individual needs when it comes to what we need to be healthy.  So, it comes down to this:

One body needs different foods compared to another body.

Our dietary needs continually shift.

Whether we’re talking diet, exercise, sleep, or any other activity, our daily decisions are spiritual.

So, this all includes judgement and criticism.  This is an extremely eye-opening statement for some.  But, I know it to be true.  Many people feel judged for what they eat, where they get what they eat, and how they store, prepare, and serve  what they bring home.

People not only feel judged for what they eat, they feel judged for how they look, whether they are over or underweight, and their lifestyles.

When we eat to be healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, we come up against a lot of opinions and questions.

Something I try to never do is criticize another person for what they eat or don’t eat.  However, that’s a tough thing to do.  But, really, we never literally know what another person needs to be healthy.

You can simplify your life a bit if you just believe that we don’t know what another person needs and we don’t need to know.  It’s just not anybody else’s business.

And, it’s easier to do this if we factor in the cost of food these days.  Nowadays   it’s getting to be more common to encounter people who simply don’t have the money to eat the way they might otherwise eat.

Instead of feeding their bodies and souls, they are” robbing Peter to pay Paul” (as my mother used to say) as they choose between rent and food.  We can’t blame our unhealthy activities and habits on the rising cost of food when our rents have risen from $800 per month to $2000 per month.

Meanwhile, the job is paying more but not THAT much more.

Guess what, this blog post has just degenerated from a spiritual discussion of the word “healthy” into an economic  politically spiritual one.  Our struggles all have a spiritual component.

And, when a person finally loses the roof and life’s struggle includes finding a warm, dry place to sleep for the night, I wonder how they fit healthy into the struggle to get to work, get the children to school, and find a meal.

At this point, “healthy” becomes a lot about how to breathe deeply for grounding.

And now, I’m reminded of Kerrith McKechnie, my massage teacher at PMTI.  She spoke a lot about breath, breathing, grounding and staying healthy.

I listened to her when she spoke about breathing and its importance to our health.  And, every time she lectured or instructed us about breathing, I  wondered how this was going to fit into the next exam.

Well, Kerrith McKechnie, I finally know the answer to my question.  When the rubber meets the road, proper breathing techniques are essential.

Proper grounding and healing breathing techniques fit smack dab into the middle of the situation.

When you can, please schedule a reflexology or reiki therapy session for yourself, your family members, and even your pets.

If this seems a bit expensive, maybe it’s time to learn to practice Reiki or reflexology.

Thank you for reading this blog post article about the spiritual journey we are all on.  My intention is that this article can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

If you haven’t yet read “Healer’s Handbook” this may be a good opportunity for you to order a copy.

Please forward this article to your preferred social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.

If you want to communicate with me, please email:

“Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” is about the spiritual journey of hunger as illustrated by the shoppers in the food pantry line.




3 Healing Anchors & Spiritual Weight Loss Over the Holidays

Three  healing anchors and spiritual weight loss over the holidays really help the situation.  Really.

Welcome to the holidays – December 2023 edition.  They come around every year.  Are you feeling “burned out” by all the activities, not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you?   

There are things you can do – things we can all do:

We know ahead that the holidays are coming – with all their frustrations, confusions, and time crunches.


Schedule some weekly healing sessions.  If budget is a factor, learn Reiki and exchange sessions with a fellow practitioner. 

I always recommend Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions but there are many different modalities to choose from.  Whatever you choose – go for it.  

You aren’t pampering yourself.  You’ll get through the holidays much better with some healing attention to your inner self.  


Whatever your wake-up activities, your attitude and outlook are the determining factors.  When you go to bed at night, spend a few moments reviewing things  you want to do tomorrow.  Plan at least one positive activity for each morning.

When you wake up the next morning, review all the positive things to do today – for yourself – for those around you.  Plan your successful day when you wake up.  


Take a deep breath.  This will energize and empower you.  Taking a deep breath is taking a short time out.  Deep breathing means you stop, and take a deep breath inhaling from your stomach.  Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.  

When you inhale from your stomach through your nose, your lungs will fill completely with air.  Hold this breath for 1 or 2 seconds and then exhale through your mouth.


If you are alone, go for 10 repetitions.  If you are in a crowd, 1 repetition can do a lot for you.


Spend a few moments each day just letting go of negativity.  What is holding you back?  Let it go.  

When you finally learn to release all these negative and less-than-useful events, thoughts, and habits weigh us down. 

One thing I love to do is “Cut the Cord”.  This is not a new thing and it was not new when I learned it from Helaya Priest. 

This is what Helaya Priest taught me to do:

Pay attention to the negative thoughts, events and habits and how they attach to ourselves.  They attach with energetic cords. Using your hand, slice the cords one-by-one. 

The cut cords can now leave you and your energetic space.   

Now, visualize all those thoughts, events, and habits floating away.

This is a good exercise for anything you are releasing.  You can also send blessings to go along with the things you are getting rid of. 

Now, and this important, take a moment to celebrate.  You are releasing much into the universe.  These things can no longer drag you down.  You are setting yourself free. 

Enjoy the sense of lightness you experience when you release anything that holds you back.

Now, see your way ahead through the holidays. 

Thank you for   taking time out of your day to read this article.   Please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

My intention is that each article you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

If you want more information, check out my books:

   I discovered Archangel Gabriel just a few years ago, in December right before Christmas.   

.  My Friday show, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”, on Woodstock’s educational TV channel 23 needed a guest.

Nobody would come on my show that week.  What was I going to do?  In desperation, I decided to read the age-old story of the birth of the baby Jesus.

This need for a guest on my Christmas Week show changed my life.  How?

Well, for sure I had read and heard the story of the birth of the Baby Jesus throughout my life.  As a “cradle Episcopalian” .  It was impossible to avoid.

There’s a difference between hearing the story at a religious Christmas service and reading it for a live audience.

Many questions surfaced that evening.  And, as I sought answers, I found even more questions.

Then, of course, I actually read the story in a different way because I knew I would be reading it for a live TV audience.

The annunciation came alive for me.

Archangel Gabriel walked up to Mary and changed the world.  “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.”  (Luke 1:30-31).

Then, having changed the future of the world, Archangel Gabriel left her.

Many questions and answers later, the story is now an ebook.  The paper version is on its way now.

This story has many characters beyond Archangel Gabriel, Mary, and Jesus.  The cast includes Joseph, John the Baptist, and others.

I hope you’ve had a chance to visit this YouTube channel.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

 My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

Let us know how you like the shows!

5 Ways Make Your Life Better and Easier in 2024, Starting NOW


Take a time out to reflect on your journey in 2023.  I know.  I know.  The year isn’t even over yet and what surprises are waiting for us?

But, spend a few minutes reviewing the past year to prepare yourself for 2024.

Now, spend a few more minutes to celebrate the new year coming up.  Cook a yummy meal.  And, while you’re at it, turn on some good music and dance a bit in the kitchen.

Prepare for the new year with a fresh start and include, front and center, bold capitals, your GRATITUDE.  How far have you come this year?

When you are celebrate the coming of 2024, include  a new project.  Pick something to open your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves to new ideas.



Things you may do to get ready for 2024 can include –

smudge your space,

set up a gratitude altar,

Reiki everything.

Send a ‘thank you’ card or note to someone you haven’t checked in with in too long ago

Collect a box of items to give away or release to the universe.

While you’re focusing on these things (and others you’ve thought up on your own), honor your intuition.  After all, your intuition is the voice of your soul talking with you.



On another day, as you think of 2024 –

light a candle.

Pick up a project you worked on months or weeks ago and then set down.

Think kind thoughts for yourself by writing a list of your very best qualities.

Take a few moments to hear from your deepest wisdom.

Give or receive a reflexology or other healing session.



On yet another day or evening, as you welcome 2024 –

Connect yourself with your physical surroundings.

They, along with your physical self, will be supporting you in the coming year.

Open yourself to being and seeing your surroundings.  Gain inspiration from your

spiritual self to support your environment.

Do you have an occasional energy deficit?

Never forget that your energy is boundless.  All you need is within you.

You may not feel you have all the energy you want.  But, never forget,

everything that you need is right there, in front of you.

Take several deep breaths.  The air around you brings whispers as it nudges you along to the new year.  It brings truth, inspiration, and new ideas for 2024.

When the air brings its gifts, the element of fire comes along to help you.



Your free will always boosts your journey.  That is no exception as you enter 2024.

As the new year progresses, you may gain a deeper understanding of what is happening if you journal about events and people that make you the most uncomfortable.

Don’t forget to enhance your meditations and journaling with your favorite crystals.



In 2024, stay in touch with your intuition:

Go for a swim.

Take a bath or shower.

Meditate while sitting on the earth.

Go for a walk in nature.


THANKS FOR READING THIS ARTICLE!  Please share it to your favorite social media network.  Forward it to your relatives and your friends.

My intention is that each blog post you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

For more information, check out my books at

Visit the YOUTUBE channel “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”  This is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.

There have been a few intermissions through the years, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

Let us know how you like the shows.