Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

September Solstice – a Time to Focus on Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet

The September Solstice is a time to promote wellness and healing throughout the planet.  Please take a moment to dwell on a planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist in honor and support.

Visualize a world where all beings experience positive renewal and growth as wellness and healing become real.  Get to know all the wonderful opportunities in your world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

As the planet goes into its next phase, support your spirit and encourage healing and wellness to all plants and animals on earth.  Make a place for yourself during this time to encourage spiritual growth.

Think of ways you can invite universal balance in your life.  Think of how you fit into your day, into your world, into your goals.

Check in with yourself to give support to your spirit.  Focus on a world where everyone  works together  with respect and harmony in support of all needs.

Create  a vision of peace and wellness for yourself.  Attract spiritual calm.

Expand your peace and wellness and spiritual calm to include every living thing in the world.

Thank you for reading this meditation.

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Acne is a Stressful and Spiritual Disease

Spiritually, you are at risk for acne when you experience excessive, unrelenting stress.  When this kind of stress enters your life, love and accept yourself as a perfect human being.  Build self-confidence, self-esteem, and value.

Extreme stress brings out extreme self-dissatisfaction.  You are under tremendous pressure from a person or situation in your environment.  This pressure never lets up.  Anger is also an issue.  (How can it not be, with intense pressure?)

Acne is a difficult disease.  First, you’ve got stress in your life contributing to the blemishes.  As if the stress isn’t enough, the blemishes are an embarrassment.  Then, acne itself is uncomfortable enough because blemishes can be painful, and especially with deeper inflammation.


Stress, hormone changes, diet, family history of the steroids, climate, cosmetics


Acne is a third chakra imbalance.


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  See a dermatologist if the acne persists.  It’s better to go early in the disease, before the scarring begins.  Scars stay with you for life unless you get treatment to prevent them or you get medical dermabrasion.

Regular visits to a reflexologist, Reiki, and chakra healing calm your emotional upsets, heal your body while promoting homeostasis.  Regular sessions manage the side effects of acne during treatment.  Regular exercise will help you work off some of the stress.   A good skin cleansing program is essential.  Your physician may prescribe antibiotics.


diaphragm, digestive system, endocrine system, face, immune system, intestines, kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, nervous system, solar plexus

Stimulate your lymphatic system regularly to reduce stress and eliminate toxins.


bergamot, cedarwood, clove, geranium, grapefruit, German or Roman chamomile, lavender, oregano, patchouli, rosemary, rosewood, tea tree, vetiver


A good diet which includes plenty of water is important.  Skip the junk food.  Your food should be clean and avoid excessive fat, oil, sugar.

Manage your stress.  This means you need to develop coping skills such as self-Reiki, meditation, tai chi.  Read the chapter on stress.


Almonds, beans, Brazil nuts, cantaloupe, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, fresh fruits, garlic, leafy greens, melons, onions, oranges, oysters, peanuts, poultry, red bell peppers, salmon, sunflower seeds, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turkey, fresh vegetables, walnuts, whole grains, yams

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angel with bird

Thank you for being interested in wellness.

Thurman Greco

Risk Factors Don’t Act Alone

Risk factors are behaviors or conditions linked to disease.  They don’t act alone.

They create their synchronicity when they react with one another.  Some diseases, such as cancer, rely on multiple risk factors (age, habits, family history, health conditions, and environment) to manifest as diseases.  Then, again, these same diseases can develop without any known risk factors.

When disease strikes a body without risk factors, the risk factors are energetic instead of physical.  Energetic risk factors include resentment, unprocessed hurt, hatred, grief.

AGE is a risk factor in many health issues.  It’s a risk factor throughout your life.  Heart diseases and strokes take decades to develop, and children’s diseases focus on the youngest as the most vulnerable.  Emergency rooms and physicians’ waiting rooms are populated regularly with infants, children, and seniors.

DIABETES.  When you become diabetic, you are suddenly at the front of the line for a whole selection of diseases:  stroke, heart attack, cataracts, glaucoma, peripheral artery disease, diabetic foot disease, neuropathy.

DNA testing is commonplace for certain types of diseases.  I look forward to the day when people get their DNA tested routinely before the disease becomes dangerous, not after you’ve found it and are receiving drugs and trying to learn what other medical procedures are in your future.

FAMILY HISTORY OF A PARTICULAR DISEASE.  Just because a particular disease is in your family history doesn’t mean you’ll get that disease 100%.  It’s important to know about the disease and it’s important to use the knowledge to fight it.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is both a treatable disease and a silent killer.  No one should have to deal with the complications of high blood pressure.  The medication is not expensive.  High blood pressure needs treatment because it becomes a silent killer when left untreated.  Because there are few symptoms people resist the lifesaving medication.

HIGH CHOLESTEROL  is truly a silent killer.  Your body works much better when there are healthy numbers to work with.  Taking your cholesterol medication can be an easy decision if you examine the statistics.  People live longer with statins.

OBESITY is an epidemic in our country right now.  How does this happen?

First, people don’t move enough to process the calories consumed.  Secondly, people are now eating a lot of chemicals manufactured for human consumptions.  These eating products are manufactured to eat but they are not food.  Our foods are not able to properly digest these chemical-laden products.

SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE  When I walk down the street on a sidewalk, I notice those around me walking.  Some move rapidly, with purpose, easily.  Others move slowly, with or without purpose, painfully.

I always want to ask them whether they liked moving when they were young.  Some people are totally in their bodies and move easily through life.  Others are not and don’t move easily.  In the final analysis, I ask myself how can I convince a person who doesn’t like to move to walk or run or play a game of some kind.  How can I help them see their bodies in the future?  How can I help them see how much easier it is when they keep their bodies from rusting?

SMOKING is a set-up for an unhealthy end of life.  When I see a person suffering from COPD trying to breathe, I always wonder whether or not they think smoking was the right thing to do.  But, then, I’m sure when a person begins to smoke, COPD is never on anyone’s mind.

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Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

Cancer and Your Spirituality

Spiritually, few diseases have an impact as strong as cancer.  Grief eats away at your body.  Carrying past wounds makes you fearful, angry.  You attack yourself from the inside out.  Finally, you are running on empty.

Cancer is a complex and life-threatening disease.  It requires specially trained health care professionals.  Your journey to wellness will be easier and more effective if your medical knows about any and all alternative remedies you use.  Your recovery calls for conventional physicians and integrative medical techniques.  In other words, use every tool you feel will work.

Include internists, physical therapists, nutritionists, bodyworkers, healers in your wellness team.  Everyone is needed to care for you and give you a better path to success.

As with arthritis, there are many different forms of cancer.  Your reflexology, Reiki, and chakra healing sessions, received 24 to 48 hours after chemotherapy help move the medication throughout your body more efficiently.

Regular sessions offer a deep sense of relaxation, homeostasis, pain relief, and reduce stress.  If reflexology is not available, try other bodywork modalities.  They can change your cancer experience.  Safe, effective healing bodywork therapies offer nurturing in tandem with cancer treatment.

When you suffer from cancer, continue all your treatments, both allopathic and complementary.  Your reflexologist will support your return to good health through all your treatments.  Your sessions will be most effective when you combine reflexology with Reiki, chakra healing.

Do you practice Reiki?  No?  Now might be a good time to start.  Self Reiki sessions can help with fear, nausea, and pain.


The list is long:  age, air pollution, diabetes, excess sun exposure, exposure to chemicals, family history, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, polyps in colon, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor health.

Some professions believe cancers don’t need risk factors because many people get cancer who don’t have applicable risk factors or who are not exposed to them.  This makes cancer a more spiritual set of diseases.


The location of your cancer tells you which chakras are affected.  With cancer, the chakras need to be balanced.

Prostate and rectal cancer involve your root chakra.  Cancers of your cervix, ovaries, uterus, colon, unbalance your sacral chakra.  Cancers of your stomach, liver, intestinal tract, pancreas, unbalance your solar plexus chakra.  Your heart chakra becomes unbalanced by breast and lung cancers.  Lung cancer unbalances your throat chakra as well.  Finally, brain tumors affect your crown chakra.


brain reflexes, endocrine system, digestive system, immune system, respiratory system, the lymphatics, circulatory system, nervous system, liver, solar plexus


Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, Douglas fir, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, ledum, maleleuca, myrrh, myrtle, nutmeg, patchouli, rose, sage, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian, ylang ylang


Consult with your nutritionist, your physicians, and your entire support team to choose vitamin and mineral supplements for your situation.  Nutritional support will help decrease any side effects you experience.  Some professionals believe you will recover faster, have fewer complications if you take nutritional supplements.

If you have questions about which supplements are best for you, I refer you to Village Apothecary, 79 Tinker Street, here in Woodstock, New York, 12498.  I get all my supplements at Village Apothecary.  I trust Neil Smoller’s advice.


Normalize your cholesterol levels.  Exercise.  Use smart food choices, portion control to balance your weight.   Staying active helps relieve fatigue, reduce anxiety, lift pain, boost energy, preserve muscle strength, protect bones.  Avoid overexposure to sun. Skip the alcohol.  The list, it seems, is endless.

If you read this section of the book, maybe you’re taking stock of your life.  Now is a good time to search your inner self and seek those lost parts you’ve ignored for a long time.  Move them onto your front row of attention.  Nourish those feelings and thoughts.  Put them in the spotlight.  Your goal is to feel safe so you  can heal.


There’s a correlation between fat, meat, and cancer.  Fruits, vegetables, fiber are necessary for you if you are trying to prevent or treat cancer.  Nutrition is important.

Some well known cancer-fighting foods include green tea, garlic, soy, turmeric, and ginger.  No one food can cure cancer.  But a good diet can help your quality of life while you fuel your body.  At mealtime, fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


Living well offers protection against many cancers.  Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet.  Exercise regularly.  Avoid tobacco and alcohol to prevent many cancers.  Get a bit of sunlight every day.  There is, however, no magic bullet.


Have I left my community behind?  Is deep stress undermining my immune system?  Can I be honest about my feelings?

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Maintaining Your Good Health – Inner Fitness for Life

We each have an inner core, a spiritual center needing encouragement, support and protection.  Your inner core lets you travel through life with minimal bumps.  When encouragement, support, and protection are deficient in some way, you run a risk of developing a lack of self-confidence.  There are ways to give yourself a boost.  Life is easier with a strong inner core.


Put yourself in a positive frame of mind before you even get out of bed.  Ask yourself:  “What can I be happy about?  What makes me happy?”


Volunteer someplace.  Get a job.  Read a local paper.  Use your library.  Get into your community.


In 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon discovered the Fountain of Youth in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.  The Fountain of Youth still exists and keeps people everywhere healthy.  There is at least one branch of it in your neighborhood, located on the sidewalk or roadside where you can walk every day.  If that’s not a good option for you, the other nearby branch is in your local fitness center.  You’ll be healthier and your body will thank you if you visit one of these branches every day.


De-cluttering is a bit of a fad and it’s okay with me.  This grounding and uplifting exercise has become part of my daily schedule.  I spend fifteen minutes every day clearing out clutter in a room.  There are books written about it.  Reading one is a good idea if you need a starter boost.  Whether or not you read a book about de-cluttering, your inner self will be more fit when you adopt this habit.


Now might be a good time to journal about important events in your life.  Or short stories.  Or poems.  Or anything that seems appropriate for you.  You don’t necessarily need to focus on what happened to you.  The important thing is what you did with what happened to you.


Do something nice for yourself.  Think nice thoughts about yourself.  Your nice thoughts about yourself are a treat, a gift you give you give to yourself.  You deserve it.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please share this article on your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Practical Wellness: 10 Tips You Can Use

With this article , you and I move into part two of  practical wellness tips in the longevity series.  The focus  shifts  to information  less disease focused.   My hope is that you’ll adopt a few, or maybe more than a few,  healthy habits and avoid or discard the habits in your life which lead to illness.

The best way to have a long and healthy life is to prevent disease  and promote homeostasis while you adopt  practical wellness tips which resonate with you.

As you  adopt new wellness habits, you empower yourself and   take control of your body and your health.  You’ll be in charge of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self.  Practical wellness tips offered in these articles are often easy to adapt to your daily life.

Seeking a long and healthy life is an everyday proposition made easier when you adapt practical wellness tips which may  change through time.  You can always make improvements   as new theories and practices become the norm.

As you adopt new habits, I hope you’ll consider the long term effects of the new directions you’re taking in your life.

Your body  constantly moves and shifts  which means  you are different every single day from your cellular level on up.  These new tips you adopt can change  your life in small or large ways as your body self regulates toward wellness.

Adapt these practical wellness tips and changes to your age.

As a reflexologist and Reiki practitioner, this ability to change, move, develop means much to me.  That is the heart of healing with the modalities I’ve been studying my  whole adult life.

All of this points toward homeostasis – the balance of all body systems.

CHOOSE YOUR FATS WISELY – One of the most challenging  things I’ve done with this wellness blog is tackle oils.  If you go to the early blog posts, you’ll find articles reflecting how complicated life can get as you stand in front of the grocery shelf and choose a cooking oil.

The bottom line in cooking :  Go with organic oils.    Stay away from saturated fats whenever possible.

That means I buy  organic olive oil.

I avoid saturated  fats .   Whipping cream is not a staple in my diet and I don’t eat much red meat.

Beyond that, things get a bit dicey.  I don’t eat margarine because of the chemicals.  I do eat  butter.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids can be consumed by pills or by the spoonful.  Choose your Omega 3 Fatty Acids carefully because they can be contaminated.  I buy mine at the Village Apothecary here in Woodstock at 79 Tinker Street.  I rely on my pharmacist, Neal Smoller, to educate me about which and how many supplements I should take.

How you deal with fats and oils in your diet is up to you, your health, and how comfortable you are with manufactured foods.

Personally, I’m not comfortable with manufactured foods so there’s not a lot of oil variety in my kitchen pantry.

WHAT ABOUT MINERALS? – The body uses many minerals and they don’t get near the attention that vitamins receive.  Four minerals to concentrate on right now include Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Selenium.

Calcium is found in broccoli, dairy products, pinto beans, and spinach.  If you’re concerned about osteoporosis, this mineral is for you.  Eating foods high in calcium is important.

Magnesium is not found in our diets often.  Unless you eat apples, bananas, beans, brown rice,  leafy green vegetables, and nuts, you should take a supplement.

Magnesium holds off heart problems, strokes, and lack of energy.

Selenium boosts the immune system.  Any mineral boosting the immune system is a friend of mine.

Potassium is extremely important and is found in bananas.  I eat a banana twice a week.  Potassium combats hypertension, depression, muscle weakness, and fatigue.

BEWARE OF THE HOSPITAL! – We are all probably going to be in a hospital once or twice (or even more) before it’s all over.  Lots of things can go wrong in a hospital.  It’s your job as the  patient to know as much as you can about the hospital you are going to be in, the doctor who is going to treat you there,  and the condition you are trying to get treated.

I have reflexology clients who visit my table regularly because they feel it’s important for their overall wellness.  They don’t ever plan to be in a hospital.

Regular reflexology sessions definitely promote homeostasis which is good for disease prevention.  But, for a person to categorically plan to never be a   hospital patient can be an unwise move.  You never know when an accident can put you in an emergency room.

It’s important to know about hospitals and to be insured .  It’s important to have a health care professional that you visit at least annually so you don’t get caught in a situation where you don’t know who can help you or how to communicate with the professionals there.

Hospital is its own language. If you don’t do these things to know the language, you may not  have the vocabulary or understanding to make the best decision for your own health’s sake.

A healthcare advocate is important if you have a major encounter in a hospital  setting.  When you are injured in an accident, or are ill, you may not be alert enough to protect yourself.  And, if you haven’t kept up with modern medicine, you may not be strong   enough to protect your self.

INJURIES, FALLS,  AND  CAR ACCIDENTS – For every person who dies in an accident, fifty or so are injured and live. These fifty or so people may sustain minor injuries or multiple injuries or major injuries. A few of them will be disabled and/or have their lives shortened by the injuries received during the accident.

If you are interested in a long and healthy life, you do not want to be a part of those statistics.  Because most injuries are preventable,  accident awareness can be important to you.

Are you interested in avoiding accidents?  If so, think  back on the things your family and teachers cautioned you about when you were young.

Never drive buzzed.

Always wear your seat belt.

Never swim alone.

Keep stairways free of clutter.

Put non-skid strips in your bathtub.

I think you get the drift here.

DON’T BLAME YOUR GENES! – They count but the choices you make in your daily life count more.   You are in charge of you.  Your longevity is all about knowing that the things you do today affect your future.

If you read  about something which everyone says is good for you and you disagree,  follow up on your feelings.  Ask questions. Get to the heart of the matter.

GET TO KNOW YOURSELF. – Spend a couple of months getting to know yourself and your body better.  Ask yourself some questions and pay attention to the answers you share.  Take some notes.  The goal is to get a close look at your body.  It is unique, the only one like it in the world.

How do you feel in general?

How well are you sleeping?

Do you have any aches and pains?  If so, where are they?

Do you feel healthy?

Is it hard for you to get out of bed in the morning?

How bad is your stress level?

Are you happy?

What do you  want to change in your life?

Ask  your own questions.  based on your individual  age, physiology,  values, beliefs, and  your own personal circumstances.

TAKE SOME MEASUREMENTS! – This should be fun if you are into apps.  Or, if you’re into a fitness watch.  Mine keeps me active throughout the day as it reminds me when I’ve been sitting too long.

With a Fitbit or a Garmin, you can track  everything  you do throughout the day.  This may not be such a bad thing.  The point is that you become more aware of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual self.

Once you  track  your body’s clocks, you can control  your homeostasis patterns.  Your can track your waking/sleeping cycles,  eating times,  physical activity  patterns,  and medication schedules.

When you do this, your body will function much more efficiently.  It  will  have the opportunity to become finely tuned.

EAT REAL FOOD –  If you can’t understand the words on the ingredients list, the product you are holding in your hand is probably not food.  Most likely, it is a selection of chemicals that have been manufactured and blended for human consumption.

Stay away from these manufactured products if you are interested in health and longevity.

Ideally, the food you eat will be just that:  food. Select foods that are fresh or flash frozen.This means you will shop mostly from the produce aisle or frozen food aisle.

MAKE THE PRODUCE MANAGER, THE BUTCHER,   AND THE WOMAN BEHIND THE FISH COUNTER YOUR BEST FRIENDS –  They will tell you where the food came from, which selections are the best buys.  They know the farmers and ranchers who supply the supermarket with the food you are buying.

When you go to the farmer’s market, get to know the people selling the food in the stalls.  These are the people who are supplying you with the best available, locally grown  foods.

You just can’t get better than this.

EAT THE FOOD THAT WORKS FOR YOU –  Every time I go into my local book store, I see a new selection of cookbooks promoting another new diet/eating lifestyle.  Their practical wellness tips may or may not be included in these cook books.  It all depends on the ingredients that the author suggests in the recipes.  The truth is that I support the diets that depend on fresh, locally grown food.

Important for any diet you adopt:  You must enjoy what you eat.  Traditional diets will outrank any diet that relies on manufactured ingredients.  Processed food is not good for anyone.

Thank you for reading this article.  I hope you enjoyed it.  And, I hope you’ll share it with your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York





A Holiday Thank You Dear Reader



heart with wings

In the spirit of the holiday season, I thank each of you for supporting my work and following my journey to wellness for us all.

This has been a busy year for me.  Without your support, none of this year would have happened.  However, you found my work and you have purchased my book and read my blogs.  I thank you.  Sincerely.

Each new reader who learns something new and useful about  Reflexology  for the Spirit and wellness is important to me.  You inspire me to seek  new ways to expand this learning.   I’m currently blogging articles about longevity, a subject we can all be interested in.  I Hope you find these posts interesting and practical! Thank you.

I hope you’ll continue reading to learn more about Reflexology for the Spirit and wellness. as well as my other projects.     I’ve  spent many hours on the second hunger book.  “The Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” should be completely finished by the end of 2019.  I’m continuing to blog about hunger in “Hunger is not a Disease.”

That has mostly come to a conclusion so I plan to begin writing  the second Healer’s Handbook soon.   The books outline includes much more  information than I put in the original handbook which is now in it’s second edition.

Thank you again!

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York

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Your Sleep as a Spiritual and Healing Event

angel with cat

For all that’s written and spoken about sleep, we all know on some level that sleep is a complex, spiritual event necessary to maintain our health and keep the body and soul together.

I was recently quite ill with a “sinus infection of global proportions” as described to me by a healing friend.  My first tip off was when I decided on a Wednesday afternoon that I suddenly needed to rest.  Fortunately, I followed my body’s demands and crawled in bed.  I promptly went to sleep and woke up on Sunday morning.

On Sunday morning, I was quite tired but felt better.  I drank a lot of water, ate fresh fruit, and made it to the doctor’s office on Monday to find out what my problem was.  Within a couple of hours, I had had enough blood tests, x-rays, and other scans to learn that I not only had the enormous sinus infection but I also had pneumonia.

I also had a physician who was angry at me, a daughter nurse who was angry at me, and several other medical professionals who were angry.

I doubt if I’ll have this experience repeat itself again.  And, I’m certain that this sleep, while highly therapeutic, may have needed some breaks for hydration, etc.

Nevertheless, I’m also convinced that, on some level, the sleep helped my situation.

I was fortunate because I fell  asleep without trouble.  Sleep is not always available to people who are ill or suffering with troubled health for whatever reason.

And, sometimes people are ill and need nothing more than a good night’s sleep to make things better.  So, encouraging a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is a good thing.  Sleep, experienced regularly, is important for wellness and good health in general.

What provision do you make for a regular sleep schedule which includes enough sleep every night?  Are you able to include enough hours to offer therapy to your self and lifestyle?

Is your pillow adequate for the job?

Truthfully, I’ve blogged many times and will blog many times more about all the things a person can do to get enough sleep.  Keep after your sleep until you are able to support your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

The first step involves honoring your self and your need to sleep well in order to live well.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood




Your Sleep Sanctuary

heart with wings

Better sleep includes getting enough sleep at night and  waking  gently in the morning.  That’s what alarm clocks and cell phone alarms are for.  Use them to remind you to begin to calm down in the evening and to gently wake you in the morning.

Sleep Encouraging  Techniques for you

As you journey down the path toward a better night’s sleep, don’t think of your bedroom as just a bedroom.  Think of it as your sleep sanctuary.

Some people report they get to sleep easier if they use a diffuser   with a lavender essential oil.  You may want to try this.  Lavender is one of the most popular and calming essential oils out there but not everyone likes it.

If you like lavender, you can use it knowing that studies find lavender essential oil improves your mood, decreases the heart rate, lowers the skin temperature and   blood pressure a bit.

A bonus here is that lavender is not one of the most expensive essential oils.  So, this may be an economical solution for you.

Do you have any plants in your bedroom?  If not, you may want to add one or two.  They purify the air as  they reduce mold,  filter toxins, release oxygen at night.  And, plants are fun to look at.

Lower Lighting is Important for a Good Night’s Rest.

As you prepare for sleep each night, lower the lights in your sleep sanctuary.  Bright lights  just before getting into bed can trick you into wakefulness.  You need light as you get ready for bed, but you just don’t need so much.

When You are Ready to go to Sleep, Turn out the Lights.

Then, when you get into your bed, set your intention.  My intention is always for a deep, healing, relaxing sleep so that I will wake up refreshed in the morning when it is time to get up.

Follow your intention with a short breathing exercise .

Begin this sleep breathing by getting comfortable in your bed.  Take a deep breath and hold it for an extra moment.  When you release this breath, focus on releasing  all tension and worries.  Blow them far away.  With the next breath, let go of any discomfort your body is holding.  With every exhale, focus on the word “relax”.

Breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Hold your breath for a moment and then repeat:  Breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Now, breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Finally, enjoy your final peace breath and then breathe out relax.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco


Healthy Investments

Every day offers new opportunities to make healthy investments in ourselves.   And, for me, the best investment I can make is the investment I make in my good health.

Below, I’ve listed some new things you can choose from to invest in your own good health.  Enjoy!

MOVE FOR 30 MINUTES!  This can be a quick walk during the day, or a trip to the fitness center to hop on a treadmill for thirty minutes.  Or it can mean a bike ride or a dance class or a yoga session.  But, whatever you choose, the important thing is  you choose to move for at least thirty minutes every day.  This healthy  investment  will pay for itself in dividends many times over.

BRUSH YOUR TONGUE for one minute every day.  Your breath will smell better and your mouth will thank you.

KEEP A CALENDAR.  Make a healthy investment in a smoother running day.  The best way I know to get your day organized and your life simplified is to keep an appointment calendar.  It doesn’t have to be large or elaborate.  But, to keep track of where you’re expected to be each day can reduce stress because you’ll be less likely to forget an important appointment.


TAKE A VITAMIN.  Just choosing which vitamin to take each day can be stress inducing.  But, there are a few guidelines which can simplify the job.  For starters, skip the time-release formulations.  They may not be good for you and sometimes they elevate the price.  Select a vitamin which doesn’t have a lot of additives such as sugars, artificial colors, preservatives.  Skip chelated minerals.  Vitamins are healthy investments.

GET ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AT ONE PHARMACY.  Pharmacists  offer good advice on many illnesses and diseases.  Developing a relationship with your pharmacist is a good healthy investment.  A pharmacist  can be a good source of information for you.  But, only if you get all your medicines from the same place.  Otherwise, the pharmacist may not be completely aware of your situation.

TRY TO HAVE THE LEAST STRESSFUL DAY POSSIBLE.  This means that you begin by promoting a calm attitude.  Can you have a stress free commute?  Begin each day by completing a to-do list for your day.  Be  as specific as possible.  Print this list out on brightly colored paper (so you won’t lose it).

SCHEDULE SOME READING TIME.   Spend at least fifteen minutes each day keeping up with activities in your areas of interest and work.

SLEEP IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN EXPERIENCE.  Make sure you schedule enough sleep in every night.  I know I keep writing about sleep but, honestly, it’s one of the most important things you do.  When you sleep, your brain, your organs, your skin perform functions that are not done when you are awake.  Sleep is essential and enough sleep is important.  Sleep is a healthy investment.

KEEP HYDRATED.  When we’re stressed, we forget to drink enough liquids.  Liquids keep you awake, alert, refreshed, as well as prevent disease.  So, drink up!  Drink water, teas, juices.  But, mainly, drink water throughout the day.

So, here you have the health lineup for the week.  Hopefully you’ll find things that you can use to be healthier in your daily life.

Thanks for reading this blog post!  Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

I’ll be suggesting more options for healthy living soon.  Thanks for reading .

FINALLY,  the second edition of “A Healer’s Handbook” is out.  Hope you enjoy it!

Hope to hear from you soon!  You can order “A Healer’s Handbook” at