Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet During the Spring Solstice

To promote wellness and healing throughout the planet,  and on March 19th, find a time and place that fits your schedule.

Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize a world where positive renewal and growth exists  for all beings.  Allow wellness and healing to become a reality for all.

Plant  spiritual seeds to nurture your goals and dreams.  Get to know your potential  and reflect on all the wonderful opportunities in the world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

Set an intention  honoring  this mystical and magical change of seasons creating space for your spiritual growth.

Check in with yourself now.  Give your spirit the support it needs and seeks to bring wellness and healing to all beings on our planet.

Quiet your mind as you bathe in this new energy of spring.  Invite universal balance into our world.

Thank you

Thurman Greco

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Self-Care for You, Reflexologist

When you look at your calendar for the coming week…where are YOU on the schedule?  If you are not on the schedule, you are not doing the basic self-care things things to protect your career.  Self-care is the difference between a two-year career as a healer and a twenty-year career as a healer.

You are the healer.  You join the professional organizations.  You pay your taxes.  You make sure your office is “just right”.  You take  continuing education classes.  In short, you do the things necessary to protect your business.

But, what about you:   your body, your spirit, your emotional strength, your thoughts?  Where are they lined up here with the bills and the available appointments, and the marketing activities?

For many healers, body workers this is the most difficult thing to do on the entire list.  As reflexologists, we’re accustomed to give, give, give.  And, we enjoy giving.  Obviously we enjoy giving or we would never have taken even the first class.

The bottom line here is that you commit to your own private, inner, personal wellness when you receive a weekly session.  You also set an example for your client partners.

Things you can do!:

Begin by filling your spiritual tank.  Schedule a session for yourself each week.  Every week.  Do something.  Get a massage.  Get a Reiki session.  Schedule a session with a shamanic healer.  Try out that new chiropractor who just moved into your neighborhood.

Do something!  The important thing is to get on someone else’s table at least once a week.

Personally, I receive an hour-long  Reiki therapy session every week…no matter what.  I also receive a reflexology session every week.  The work I do the rest of the week is much better for this hour which I invest in myself.

Thank you for reading this blog.

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Thurman Greco