Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Self-Care for you, Reflexologist – 2

Working a full day is challenging.  Only  another body worker or healer knows what a  day full of appointments means to you, the reflexologist –  physically,  spiritually, mentally, emotionally.

There are things you  can do to minimize the fatigue encountered on just such a day.

One thing you can do that will help immensely is  release the  appointment when your client partner’s session comes to an end.

What you want is to release the person, the issues, the intention, the time spent to the universe.

When you do this, do not forget to “cut the cords” between you and the person to emphasize that the session is over.

You have done what you can for this person in the time allotted during the session.  It’s time now for him/her to accept your healing efforts and return to  the  world.

Once you release the person, both the your client partner’s body and  issues are gone from you until the next appointment.

The whole release may not take but a few moments.  A suggestion is that you write a script for release and mentally repeat it as each client partner leaves your table.

If you are a ceremony person, you may write a ceremony of release to practice in your space at the end of each shift.  This ceremony may include essential oils, smudging, prayer, Reiki therapy.

This releasing gesture seems easy enough but many people don’t do it.  This release makes a  difference in your health, your energy, your career.

Whatever you do, it’s important to  release each and every client partner who comes to your table.

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Jennette Nearhood provided the artwork for this blog.

Thurman Greco

Important Info You May Not Find Elsewhere

CCI06242014Reflexology is one of the world’s most enduring and non-invasive therapies.  Reflexology sessions offer a method of reflexing energy points in the feet (or hands).  These sessions bring healing results to many parts of the body at the same time.  And, these sessions usually take no more than an hour.

The principle behind reflexology is that the entire body is mapped out on the feet.  Important information for us:  points on the feet relate to every area with a corresponding part in the body.  Reflexing these points opens up pathways for healing to begin.

The spiritual aspect relates to the deeper component where the client’s emotions are found.  They  are  the basis of medical issues or illness.  They are also  a manifestation of them.  They can be liberated by this work.  One can certainly be a reflexologist who does the mechanical work without focusing on the spiritual aspect,  There are many of them.

Important information is that  something changes in the hands-on experience of the session when the practitioner’s intention is to wake up the spiritual center.  When that happens, the practitioner and the client-partner work together as a team.  As the intention is released the client-partner finds inner spirit.  In that release comes peace and homeostasis, a word you’ll  find again and again in this blog.

In the next post,  I’ll continue sharing important information with you.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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Peace and food for all