Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Emphysema, a Spiritual Disease connected to Stress

Spiritually, emphysema is a fear of absorbing life.  You are worn out with stress and worry because of your sense of foreboding.  For you, life is  a struggle and you cannot live in the moment.  Grief is woven in all this.

When smoking damages lungs so severely that breathlessness and fast breathing occur,  you have emphysema.  You may have a chronic cough.


Emphysema is a fourth chakra imbalance.


respiratory system, immune system, muscular system, digestive system, endocrine system, liver, solar plexus


lavender, rosemary, tea tree, lemon, thyme, peppermint, ginger, sage, hyssop


Emphysema is your body responding to long-term exposure to airborne irritants.  This includes both smoking and second-hand smoke.  Both indoor and outdoor pollution cause emphysema.  Heating fumes are part of this mix.


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.

You can benefit from an integrated medicine approach and using a health care team.  Including alternative medicine professionals can help you overcome the panic that goes along with shortness of breath.

A nutritionist can offer you a comprehensive profile of foods and supplements to include in your diet.  A pulmonary therapist will provide you with ways to decrease lung congestion, shortness of breath, or swelling in your legs.  Learn to maximize the effectiveness of your medications.

Use your oxygen therapy.  A physical therapist can teach you easy aerobic exercises and strength training to improve your daily life.


The most important thing to do is stop smoking.   Stay away from secondhand smoke, chemical fumes, and automobile exhaust.

Regular exercise is crucial because it increases your lung capacity.

Wear a cold air mask or scarf over your nose and mouth before going outside.

Get your flu shots annually and include a pneumonia vaccination when it’s time.  Keep your indoor environment clean of toxins\

Avoid stress with tai chi, qi gong, meditation.

Regular reflexology, Reiki, or chakra healing sessions will invite homeostasis, something you can benefit from.  The regular sessions will also calm anxiety and stress.

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“Should I Accept Clients Who Smoke?”

Be Free Heart wings

What a question!

“Of course.  Yes.”

“But, what if they smell of tobacco?  I find it very offensive.  And, besides, I don’t want my healing space reeking of smoke.”

Well, I stick to my guns here.  Cigarette smoking is an addiction.  It is a disease.  You accept the client and offer assistance, support, guidance as  s/he struggles to give up smoking.

Encourage the person to cut down on the number of cigarettes smoked in a day.  If you can get him/her to cut back to 5 or fewer cigarettes a day, the final push will be very easy.

When people think of diseases smokers contract,  they always come up with the same usual suspects:

lung cancer

throat cancer



In reality, the diseases caused are many more and the health damage done is much greater.

Smoking and exposure to second hand smoke is really hard on the immune system. Smoking ages the body faster.  This results in

wrinkled skin

clogged arteries




The most important reason for not smoking is what it does to the immune system.  Smoking wrecks the immune system causing it to become overactive.  And, the effects are often easily seen.

It’s not necessary to see a person smoking to know you’re looking at a smoker.  It’s also not necessary to smell a smoker either.

The effects of smoking can be seen in the skin, hair, nails, eyes, posture.

The effects of smoking can be heard in the classic smoker’s cough.

You cannot help your client partner stop smoking.  What you can do is help with the cravings and other discomfort while they go through the 5-6 week withdrawal process.  Reflexology for the Spirit, Reiki therapy, and encouragement can go a long way to support during this time.

Help your client partner become dramatically healthier.  Nicotine patches are available.  CVS sells a smoking cessation program which helps.

After the 6-week period, you can help your client partner do a cleanse and you can offer support choosing  a physical fitness program.


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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco