I know Thurman Greco not only as a Reiki Master and teacher but as friend, yoga student, minister, political activist, animal lover, reflexologist and the list goes on.  Thurman has a depth of experience in many healing modalities.  As a Reiki practitioner her healing hands move intuitively and effectively over her client feeding them with gentle healing energy.  Her teaching is intuitive as well, guiding each student skillfully and easefully.  She instills confidence in her students so that they are inspired to reach their highest potential as healers. 

I am forever grateful to Thurman for passing to me these ancient healings that support me, my family and my clients daily.  She provides continuing support for me and all of her students to share our experiences, to learn from and practice with one another and to deepen our practice.  Thurman has also passed these teachings on to my son, Mason.   Mason became a Master Reiki Practitioner at the age of 19.  At this age it has been such a gift.  It is a guiding force in many of the decisions he is making about his life.

Thurman is also an ordained minister.  She performed the wedding ceremony for my husband, Steve and me two years ago and for that I am also forever grateful.


Kathryn Carey-Ackermann, Master Reiki Practitioner



As a single mother with a full time job running my own business and a dream to have a healing practice, I searched for many years to find an education that fit my lifestyle. The style of classes that Thurman Grecco offers in foot reflexology was the answer to my questions. All classes are individual to fit my schedule and I can set my own pace. Thurman's foot reflexology classes are well rounded, part of every class is a lecture, I practice the information taught in the lecture on a client and we close the class by me receiving a foot massage from Thurman, so that I get to experience what was taught in the class.

I feel Thurman has given me a fantastic foundation for my healing practice and she encourages me to keep building my education.


Sangi Van Den Nouwland



Thurman's teaching ability and healing skills come together as a beautifully woven spirituality.  Her patience, kindness and inherent wisdom are inter-related pieces of a whole.  Whether as a participant in one of her classes or lying on her table, there is always the sense of nourishment for the soul.  I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed.


Dawn Casteel Lorick, Wild in All of Us 



My mother introduced me to Reiki four years ago when I was in high school.  She would give me Reiki treatments when I was not feeling well or if I was having a difficult time with something.  I found these sessions to be very relaxing and healing.  I left high school and entered into art school.  I am a painter.  After my first year in college my mother encouraged me to do Reiki Level 1 training with her teacher, Thurman Greco.  I had met Thurman at my mom's wedding the summer before and I felt very comfortable around her.  We both thought that Reiki would support me in my endeavors as an artist.  Thurman is a wonderful teacher.  She took time to help me and my friend Jonas learn this ancient healing practice and to become Master Reiki Practitioners.  Not too many people would put so much effort into two teenage boys but she was very supportive through every level of training.  I am so grateful to Thurman and to this practice which has helped to guide me through many transitions and challenging times.


Mason Durrin,  Master Reiki Practitioner



Reflexology for me has been a remarkable learning experience - one that is continuing each and everyday - whether it be reading an article, attending a workshop or yoga class and most importantly through my clients.  Each and every one has contributed not only to their spiritual and physical growth but also to mine.  Each reflexology session is really "custom made" for the individual client.  Some sessions are all about talking while others are completely silent.  Whichever it may be, healing is happening.


Essential oils are used during a session with Lavender being the predominant one.  It is calming and soothing as it brings the client to a much needed relaxed state.  Depending on the client's needs I have also used peppermint (especially if one is experiencing head pain), eucalyptus (to energize oneself), and patchouli.  I always ask the cliebt which they would like - and in some cases have used a combination of two oils.


Sage is a must.  The healing space is always "saged" before a session and many times the client wants sage incense burned.  It is a very purifying herb and I find it brings you into a very spiritual place.


Nutrition is also a major factor when working with clients.  Some clients have digestive problems and are encouraged to seek advice from a professional such as a nutritionist.  Working with a nutritionist and receiving reflexology is a "win-win" situation for the client.  Discussions take place as to what foods are a must and what need to be avoided.  I stress the importance of an alkaline diet and eating organic foods.


Reflexology is not only physical but spiritual as well.  In my practice I bring into the session the correlation between the area on the foot (physical) and the chakra it is connected to.  I also use some Kabbalistic modalities, whether it be letters or numbers.  An example would be if I am working on a particular point on the foot I usually work that 18 times.  The number 18 means chai or life.  Another number would be 26 which is the number for God.  I also call in Reiki to bring in additional healing and awareness to the session.


I truly enjoy being a reflexologist.  When working on a client I find myself making a connection with a higher realm, asking for help and guidance and for light and love to enter the healing space.


Rev. Arlene Natalie Spool



I ponder, looking out the window traversing in the mist of Time, and I see her.  She is barefoot, praying, beseeching the Great Mother of Child, Holy Madonna, to bless her.  She is me in a past life.  Beautifully spiritual.  I want to connect with her and pay her homage.


In my Reiki Initiation with Thurman, I did the unexpectedly unique.  I give distant healing to this past life of mine and feel blessings ripple through to me out to all women and men who share universal soul stories questing inner and outer beauty; what it means in its Illuminated Form.


I am sensitive to the suble.





I have been lucky enough to be a "foot model" for some of Thurman Greco's reflexology students.  Her approach is comprehensive, clear, and encouraging.  It is more like a collaboration than a student/teacher relationship.  It's a very calm and comforting atmosphere in which the student, model, and teacher interact in a beneficial and easy going way.


And, dogs are welcome in the class, so that makes it extra special.  I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be learned on.


Hatti Iles  - dog lady