Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

For Self-Care: Visualize a Successful Day

Take a little time each morning visualizing a successful day.  These few moments will create a mental picture you can use to create your real-life action throughout your day.

Take a few deep cleansing breaths.

Perhaps you may want to listen to meditation music.

For a few (3-5) minutes, use all of your senses to visualize your dreams and desires coming to life.

End this short meditation with a few more deep breaths.

As you practice this daily visualization, it will become more powerful.  The visualization will become bigger, brighter, and louder.

When you have made this morning visualization a habit, you may notice that your visualization becomes more real to your mind.

At the end of each day, write down your observations.    Are you feeling more positive?  Are more opportunities coming your way?  How is your visualization  becoming more real?

With these morning success visualizations, you will be on track to achieve the success you visualize.

Support your visualization intention by taking an action each week to help you progress.  Your inspired weekly action toward your goal of a successful day will energize you to achieve your goal.

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If you enjoy this blog post, please watch “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  This show is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

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When I write the blog posts, it is my intention to be a conduit for your own healing.


Intention – A Road Map to Your Future

Put your future in motion!

And, how do you do that?

Your first step is to set your intention.  After all, you can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’re headed.

Take a few minutes to write an affirmation that represents you once you’ve reached your goal.

Your second step is to open your journal and lay out the change you want to see in your life based on your intention.

A Reiki session honoring your intention and the change you want to see is appropriate here.

For example, if you want to get a new job, you may write an affirmation such as “I have the perfect job.”

Visualize what you will look like and how you will feel when that change happens.

Visualize changes you may experience as you move toward your goal.

Next, consider a few things you’re going to do to make that perfect job happen.

They may include:

write a winning resume

search online

network with people

contact prospective employers

follow-up after each interview

Once you have your list of things you’re going to do, it’s time to act on your to-do list.

Occasionally, it’s important to take a look at your notes and see what things have happened.  Are you progressing toward your goal?

You may want to include regular Reiki, reflexology, and meditation activities to stay connected with your intention and your journey.

Occasional questions will help:  How is the universe intervening in your behalf?  Do you need to adjust your intention?

As you begin to circulate your resumes and interview for your job, it’s helpful to remind yourself that you have a job when you have a start date, a specific place to report to work, and know the starting salary.

You may want to include these things in your adjusted intention.

As time passes and events occur, you may want to revisit your notes.  Did you reach your goal?  What twists and turns occurred along your path?

Finally, is it time to set a new wheel in motion as you adjust your intention.

Ask yourself this:  How has the universe moved in your behalf in conjunction with your efforts?

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For more information, check out my books, earlier blog posts, and selected YOUTUBE interviews at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

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September Solstice – a Time to Focus on Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet

The September Solstice is a time to promote wellness and healing throughout the planet.  Please take a moment to dwell on a planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist in honor and support.

Visualize a world where all beings experience positive renewal and growth as wellness and healing become real.  Get to know all the wonderful opportunities in your world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

As the planet goes into its next phase, support your spirit and encourage healing and wellness to all plants and animals on earth.  Make a place for yourself during this time to encourage spiritual growth.

Think of ways you can invite universal balance in your life.  Think of how you fit into your day, into your world, into your goals.

Check in with yourself to give support to your spirit.  Focus on a world where everyone  works together  with respect and harmony in support of all needs.

Create  a vision of peace and wellness for yourself.  Attract spiritual calm.

Expand your peace and wellness and spiritual calm to include every living thing in the world.

Thank you for reading this meditation.

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Wellness, Our Planet, and the Winter Solstice

Today, on our Winter Solstice, or whenever you find a time that fits your schedule…

Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize a world where all beings know they belong.

See a world where we are all connected and work together in mutual respect , harmony, and  honor.

Visualize a world where wellness for all is a reality.

Create a world in your spirit and your heart where balance is universal.

Focus on this vision of peace and food for all.

Thank you.

Thurman Greco

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