Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Bladder Infections can take many forms due to germs in the kidneys, ureters, or bloodstream.

Bladder infections usually begin in the lower lower urinary tract:  urethra and bladder.  If not treated, they can progress up the tract to the ureters and kidneys.  Several factors cause urinary tract infections (UTIs):  sexual intercourse, long-term catheterization in the bladder, congenital urinary tract abnormalities, bladder obstructions and   an impaired immune system.   Examples here would be diabetes, or a person taking high doses of cortisone.  Incomplete emptying of the bladder also encourages UTIs.

FOR WOMEN:  Things which help prevent UTIs include wiping from front to back following a bowel movement, avoiding deodorant sprays, douches, powders.   Drink  plenty of water, consum yogurt, kefir, and acidophilus milk.  Always urinate whenever you feel the urge, urinate after intercourse, wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.

There is an spiritual/emotional component to bladder infections.  The urinary system begins to break down when your life is upheaval.  Words that describe situations inviting bladder infections include anger, irritation, bitterness, fear, grief, guilt.

Reflexology for the spirit sessions are definitely called for with a UTI.  The homeostasis offered is a significant contribution.  However, a healthcare professional must be consulted because these infections can quickly escalate from a nuisance to something much more serious.

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the spleen reflex.

Work the digestive system with emphasis on the liver.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the bladder and kidney reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system reflexes.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Urinary System – Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, 35 Foods that Nourish the Urinary System, and 6 Improvements to be Expected from Sessions.

Although the urinary system is not complicated, it is a very important part of the body.  Infections and other issues should not be ignored.

Essential Oils to Use When Working the Urinary System include blue fennel, cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, melaleuca alternifolia, mountain savory, orange, oregano, rosemary, thyme

Foods which Nourish the Urinary System include apples, bananas, bing cherries, blueberries, carrots, cider vinegar, cranberry juice cocktail, decaffeinated coffee, fish, fruits, garlic, grapefruit, hazelnuts, herbal teas, legumes, lemon juice, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, mackeral, non-fat cheese, nuts, onions, orange juice, pomegranate juice, potatoes, rice, salmon, soy, tofu, Swiss chard, vegetables, water, watermelon, whole grain breads and cereals.

Of the foods in the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: apples, bananas, blueberries, cranberry juice, coffee, garlic, grapefruit, hazelnuts, herbal teas, lemon, low fat milk, low-fat yogurt, mackeral, non-fat cheese, onions, pomegranate juice, salmon (wild Alaskan), Swiss chard, water

So, you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the urinary system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This gets a little complicated but is worth knowing.  Please let me know if you’re having problems with the information and how it’s listed.

Improvements to be Expected from Sessions to the Urinary System:

When a practitioner works the pelvic cavity, the blood supply to the urinary system helps detoxify the body.

Sessions offer deep relaxation which, in turn, offer relief to the kidneys and aid healing.

Fluid retention is relieved with regular sessions which offer an opportunity to “unclog” spiritual issues which appear to be stuck.

Urinary tract infections are helped with regular sessions, thus assisting the drugs taken to cure the infections.

The relaxation qualities of Reflexology for the Spirit sessions encourage the stressed bladder to return to a more normal function, thus facilitating homeostasis.  This is important because anger is a contributing factor in Urinary Tract issues.

Regular sessions encourage homeostasis, an important component of a healing urinary system.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Reflexology Blog – The Urinary System

Urinary System


The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra.

The kidneys,  a fascinating and very important part of our bodies,  filter toxins from the blood and then send these toxins down the ureters to the bladder.

And, the urinary system has one other part that no one thinks about:  the skin.  Skin acts as a third kidney because when a person perspires, the urine output is diverted to the skin.  The chemical content of perspiration is the same as urine.

The ureter in women is shorter than it is in men, and, as a result, women have more bladder infections.  Incontinence occurs more frequently in women because of a weaker pelvic floor resulting from pregnancy issues.

Both men and women suffer from incontinence issues resulting from lumbar spinal injuries, Alzheimer’s disease, weakening pelvic floor muscles, etc.

Men suffer from kidney stones more frequently than women.

The kidney function of both men and women suffer as a result of chronic high blood pressure, and diabetes.

People suffering from urinary tract issues can benefit from regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

Encourage your client-partners to drink at least two quarts of water daily and to drink cranberry juice or tomato juice.  They should also try drinking apple cider vinegar in small amounts morning and evening to combat inflammation.

Everyone should make a habit to urinate about once every two hours.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco