Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Anemia


Diet insufficient in iron and B vitamins

Intestinal disorders

Chronic diseases

Although a person can have anemia without symptoms, common symptoms include:


shortness of breath

elevated heart rate

chest pains



cold feelings in arms and legs

SPIRITUAL ISSUES ACCOMPANYING ANEMIA ARE DISTINCE.   People dealing with anemia are exhausted for starters.  Add to the fatigue a loss of joy, creativity, and interest in life  and you have a negative mix which leaves the person feeling invalidated.  The end result is a person holding on to worries, concerns, and unresolved issues.

Two things need to happen:  the person needs to visit a good healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and begin possible medical treatment.  There may be underlying medical issues which need to be dealt with.  And,  the person needs  an appointment with Liz at Village Apothecary:  845-679-0790.

DEFINITE DIETARY ISSUES NEED TO BE DEALT WITH PROFESSIONALLY.  When I refer an anemia sufferer to  Liz, the result is usually a changed person with a couple of weeks.  And, this makes sense.  People  feel better when they have the dietary resources necessary to encourage their bodies to work properly.

Reflexology offers homeostasis and helps the person overcome  issues caused by anemia.

When offering a reflexology session to an anemia sufferer, begin by working the entire body.  Spend time on every body system.

Then finish the session by focusing on the spleen and liver reflexes.

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Thurman Greco



What can I say?  Two words that come to  mind about menopause:



FOR STARTERS, VERY LITTLE IS ACTUALLY KNOWN ABOUT MENOPAUSE.  Each woman experiences it differently.  It’s a time when the body begins to change and there’s not much  we can do beyond just try to enjoy the trip.

If you spent your  30s and 40s caring for others and putting your needs on hold, you can now  find out what you want to do in life,  find your passion.

Ask  “What do I want out of life…for me?”

MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOURSELF.    Follow your bliss!  Become a gorgeous butterfly as you discover your new way of being and embrace  this new chapter of your life.

As you become aligned with the new self which is emerging, try to be as healthy as possible.  Nourish yourself with  diet, exercise,  Feed your spirit as well as your body.

COME OUT OF THIS CHANGE KNOWING YOURSELF MORE DEEPLY.    Drop all the labels. Know who you are spiritually.

And, don’t forget the reflexology for the spirit sessions.  Homeostasis is very important from here on out.

Open the menopause sessions with luscious foot warm ups.

Work the endocrine system to balance the body and soul during this important time in your life.  Focus on the pituitary gland reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid reflexes, the ovary reflexes, and the uterus reflexes.

Move to the nervous system and focus on the brain reflexes.

End the session with focus on the solar plexus  and liver.

On behalf of women everywhere, I thank yo for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Constipation – a Very Common Complaint

MARGE D’URSO TAUGHT ME THAT ABOUT 50% OF MY CLIENT-PARTNERS  SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION.   She was not wrong.  Many times, a person comes to my table suffering with constipation and doesn’t even tell me about it.  However, over time, I hear about the situation when it’s in the past tense.

It is very difficult to receive regular reflexology sessions and suffer with constipation.

Constipation is often accompanied by gas and abdominal discomfort.  Physical causes include improper diet, stress, dehydration.


People suffering with constipation can be very controlling.

People suffering with constipation can have relationships that need to end, jobs they need to leave, anger they need to let go of……

When offering Reflexology for the Spirit to a client partner suffering with constipation, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm.

Work the digestive system as you focus on the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and intestinal reflexes.

Work the endocrine system as you focus on the adrenal gland reflexes.

Finish the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Thurman Greco

A Very Common but Rarely Discussed Health Issue – Hemorrhoids

AS WE AGE, MORE AND MORE OF US SUFFER WITH HEMORRHOIDS.   This makes sense when we realize that aging is part of the situation.  Spiritually,  as we age, some of us develop an inability to let go of life events.  We develop a feeling that life has been unfair as we become critical of ourselves as well as others.  Fear is always a factor in hemorrhoids.  Fear, anger, lack of self-confidence  Many of us cling to beliefs, opinions that are outdated.

ON A PHYSICAL LEVEL, HEMORRHOIDS ARE VARICOSE VEINS IN THE RECTUM AND ANUS AREAS.  They are considered to be harmless unless they become infected or rupture.  So, hemorrhoids become a part of our daily lives as the bowel movement becomes slower than we want and more difficult.

CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, PERSISTENT DIARRHEA, PROLONGED SITTING, PREGNANCY, AND ANAL INTERCOURSE CONTRIBUTE TO HEMORRHOIDS.  Softening the stool, eating a high fiber diet, and being hydrated, help prevent hemorrhoids.

WHEN YOU OFFER REFLEXOLOGY TO A PERSON SUFFERING WITH HEMORRHOIDS,  begin by working the digestive system as you focus on the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder reflexes.

Work the endocrine system as you focus on the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the intestinal reflexes.

Finish the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Endocrine System – very important for both physical and spiritual health

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF GLANDS INCLUDING SEVERAL GLANDS WHICH WORK TOGETHER TO MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS.  They include the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries/testes.  In addition to working to maintain homeostasis, the glands of the endocrine system work together to regulate our metabolism, growth, reproduction, and body chemistry.

Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.  They work with other body systems and are important to the overall function of a person in everyday life.  It’s important that the different Endocrine glands work well.

THE HYPOTHALAMUS, PITUITARY, AND PINEAL GLANDS ARE LOCATED IN THE BRAIN IN THE AREA BEHIND THE EYES.   They all three interact with the nervous system.  It’s believed that the hypothalamus controls the “mother” gland because it’s believed to coordinate the functions of the other endocrine glands in addition to regulating growth, blood pressure, and sexual development.

When a person is stressed emotionally and spiritually, the pituitary reflex becomes sensitive.  Sometimes it’s so sensitive to the reflexologist’s touch that it can’t be worked.  When this happens, go to the pituitary gland reflex on the hands and work there.

The pineal gland produces melatonin which is responsible for sleep patterns.  Many people believe the pineal gland functions as our “third eye” and works with our spiritual and psychic development.

THE THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDS ARE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE THROAT.   They’re attached to the wind pipe with the thyroid in front and the parathyroids in back.  The parathyroids are believed to control calcium and bone metabolism.  The thyroid, a very important gland, coordinates how everything in our body works.  The thyroid is to the body what the gas pedal is to a car.  People with thyroid imbalances often experience anger.

The thymus is a gland located a couple of inches below the thyroid and parathyroids.  This gland offers support to the immune system.  Our thymus is a certain size when we are born and does not get much larger as we grow up and age.  This leads some professionals to believe the thymus is more important in infanthood and childhood than in adulthood.  Here again, we have a spiritual gland.  The thymus works better when we feel more positive about ourselves.

The pancreas is partially an endocrine gland which works in close conjunction with the digestive system.  The pancreas has two parts:  endocrine and exocrine.  The endocrine part of the pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.  This is where insulin is produced.

THE ADRENALS ARE LOCATED ABOVE THE KIDNEYS.  They work closely with the nervous system to maintain fluid and mineral balance.  The adrenals are easily felt because we experience them as “butterflies” in our stomach when we are suddenly nervous.  Prolonged stress overload has a negative effect on the adrenals.  When the adrenals get overstressed it takes time and effort by the practitioner to return them to balance.

THE OVARIES IN THE FEMALE AND THE TESTES IN THE MALE ARE ENDOCRINE GLANDS.  This is a point of creativity in the body.  They are managed by the pituitary gland.

KEEPING THE VARIOUS ENDOCRINE GLANDS BALANCED IS IMPORTANT TO US ALL.  Sometimes, when an endocrine gland is not balanced, our whole (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) reflects this imbalance and is affected negatively by it.  Reflexology for the Spirit sessions help balance our endocrine system.

AN EXAMPLE OF A NICE SESSION IS TO FOCUS THE ENTIRE SESSION ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.    The importance of endocrine balance cannot be overestimated.  One effective way to focus on the endocrine system is to offer rotations (about 10 rotations per point) to each of the endocrine glands in the following order:  solar plexus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries/testes.  Then, finally, return to the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco






Why we have Heart Disorders


Let us consider for a moment a bit of vocabulary surrounding the heart and how it interacts with our lives:




half- hearted


from the bottom of your heart

take things to heart

You have touched my heart

talk heart to heart

Heart disorders occur when the body is unable to perform its pumping functions smoothly.  Because the heart is both a physical and spiritual body part, there are many reasons for these disorders to occur.

The heart functions begin to fray when we are overloaded with anger, fear, criticism, heartbreak and  no longer give and receive love.

Beyond the spiritual and emotional aspects, there are the old familiar physical aspects which actually begin to affect the heart many years before the disease manifests itself.

In all cases, the diagnosis of these disorders is best left up to professionals.  However, much of the prevention is up to us.

Whenever I study  heart disorders, diet,  nutrition, and exercise  are front and center.  There is a whole line up of supplements for heart disorders.  On one end of the spectrum, it’s easy enough to take the list and head for the local pharmacy or grocery store and get whatever is on sale.

For me, a better way is to get only those supplements which apply to your situation and which are recommended by a professional who knows the products.  I’ve mentioned her name many times, but my supplement professional is Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock.  She knows the products, how they’re manufactured, how they fit into my total lifestyle mix, age group, etc.

Her number is 845-679-0790.

On a physical level, an ongoing  goal is to reduce the risk factors associated with heart disease:  smoking, elevated blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, physical inactivity.

Reflexology for the Spirit is important in this mix.  Homeostasis is an important element in a healthy circulatory system.  When we encourage homeostasis, we make a pathway for the emotional/spiritual healing which is necessary.

When offering reflexology sessions to a person concerned with cardiovascular health, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands.

Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the lung reflexes.

Work the circulatory system with emphasis on the heart reflexes.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidney reflexes.

End the system by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




The Circulatory System – There is a definite spiritual aspect which Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.

scan 10 001

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood, and it actually exists everywhere in our bodies.  The heart is an amazing creation about the size of your fist.  It’s your hardest working muscle – always working, whether we’re asleep or awake.  The heart is a two-sided pumping station with four chambers separated by valves that keep our blood flowing in the proper direction.  The chamber or atrium on the right and the right ventricle pump the oxygenated blood back through the body.  The muscular walls or septum divide the heart’s two sizes and keep the two kinds of blood from mixing.

The chambers and ventricles of the two halves are separated by a valve.  The left side of the heart and the right side of the heart are separated by the septum.  The valves keep the blood flowing in one direction only.

Arteries carry blood from the heart to every part of the body.  As the arteries branch out they become smaller until they become capillaries.

As the blood returns to the heart, it moves in veins.  The beating heart keeps the blood moving continuously throughout the body.

Because the circulatory system exists throughout the entire body, the reflexes are found throughout the entire foot.  However, the heart reflex itself is found primarily on the left foot.  Working the entire foot works this system and you help to circulate new energy to every cell.  Working the entire foot focuses on  this system.  You help  circulate new energy to every cell.  

Several diseases affect the heart and the circulatory system so it’s important to take care of the heart.  Heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in our country.

Heart diseases do not occur overnight.  By the time a person begins to suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack and/or stroke, the problems causing these diseases have been lurking in the body for decades.

Circulatory diseases, for the most part, are preventable with lifestyle changes and regular reflexology sessions.

If a person has a “wake up call” before getting on the right path, there is still hope.  As soon as the lifestyle changes begin, better health is often on the way.

When examining the feet, always note any red blotches, representing anger, callouses on the heart area of the foot, indicating concealed deep feelings or the need for protection.

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As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

Thurman Greco

Thurman Greco

Gout – a disease with a spiritual component. Reflexology helps.

Gout attacks people experiencing too much stress, worry, intense pressure.  People feeling the weight of responsibilities sometimes fall prey to this disease.  More men experience gout than women.  Gout can become a chronic condition.

Gout happens in people’s lives when they feel stuck in a situation and cannot release the past.  (This is one reason why gout is a disease of the elderly.  They begin to hold onto the past.)

Physical situations also contribute to gout.  Risk factors include kidney disease, diabetes, leukemia, radiation treatments, obesity.  Diet also plays a part.  People wanting to avoid gout should avoid asparagus, sardines, mushrooms, and organ meats.  These foods are high in purines which contribute to a uric acid build-up in the blood.

Gout usually begins as swelling, redness, and severe joint pain.  An episode comes on rapidly and lasts about a week.  After a week, the gout focuses itself on  the large toe, ankles, knees, wrists, hands.  There may or may not be a temperature.

Gout is a form of arthritis.

There is a chance of kidney damage with gout.

It’s important to get a diagnosis from a healthcare professional.

Diet and nutrition can help decrease symptoms.  Gout sufferers should avoid alcohol, lose weight gradually and restrict foods high in purines.  It also helps to drink several glasses of water daily to dilute the uric acid.

Homeopathy has proven to help alleviate the symptoms.  Some people  rely on Acupuncture treatments.

When offering reflexology of the spirit sessions to a gout sufferer, begin with the endocrine system with a focus on the pituitary gland and the adrenals.

Work the urinary system by focusing on the kidney reflexes.

Finish the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

Work the immune system with a focus on the spleen.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco





Nephritis – this inflammation can be either acute or chronic

Nephritis can inflame either one kidney or both.  People with acute nephritis usually recover.  Nephritis affects people of all ages.

Nephritis can be caused by drug allergies, immunosuppressent drugs, bacterial infection, exposure to a toxin, radiation exposure, hypertension, and sickle cell anemia.

Symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling in the face, edema, abdominal pain, and dark urine.

Treatment includes medication to reduce infection,  limit kidney damage and support the body’s overall good health.  Diuretics may be prescribed.  Dialysis may be needed if kidney failure occurs.  And, finally, a kidney transplant may be needed.

Diet is a consideration here.  Not only should a person consider what is eaten, but where it came from, how it grew, how it’s prepared, and how much is eaten.

A person’s physical environment is important here.  Eliminate as many toxins as you can.  Create a healing  environment to  enhance the healing aspects of homeostasis offered in reflexology sessions.

Relationships are important in kidney diseases, especially nephritis.  Be selective.  Be positive in your thoughts and actions toward other people.  Avoid draining relationships.

When offering Reflexology for the Spirit sessions to a person suffering with nephritis, work the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands.

Work the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidney reflexes as well as the bladder, ureter, and urethra reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system.

End the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and fool for all.

Thurman Greco


Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco