Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Self Care for You, Reflexologist – 3

Reflexologists, body workers, healers, whatever the title…we all have days when the clients seem to be lined up outside the door in an unending line.

OR, one client comes in for an appointment and it turns out to be a challenging day.

So, whether it’s one client or ten..days can be challenging.

What is a reflexologist to do?

One thing I do, no matter what,  is take a power break.

A power break  manifests itself in many ways:

  1.  A short meditation of two or three minutes can completely change the energy –  not only in your space, but in you as well.  This meditation can stretch beyond the three minutes if your schedule allows.  Do you have even fifteen minutes?  Go for it!
  2. Take a clean air break and step outside for a moment or two.  Breathe deeply.  Enjoy the day – whatever it is.  It doesn’t really matter whether you step out into the most beautiful day of the year or walk out to greet a major storm.  The important thing is that you have stepped out of your space into the world for a moment.
  3. Find a quiet corner, lay down on the floor and prop your feet up the wall.  This posture, for two minutes can change your energy dramatically.  It can rejuvenate you for the rest of your day.
  4. Walk around your area for a moment and just do nothing.  Walk around aimlessly.    This will allow you to empty your head in a way no other activity can.
  5. Can you nap for two minutes?  I’ve learned to do this and it is very refreshing.  The ideal nap  is fifteen minutes or more but two minutes can go a long way if it’s all you’ve got.
  6. Give yourself a quick Reiki session.  A few  minutes of Reiki therapy will offer much rejuvenation.
  7. Cut the cords.  This is easy, quick, and very effective.  Whenever you meet with another person, no matter how briefly, you connect on spiritual and emotional levels.  When you cut the cords, you sever this connection.  This cutting of the cords is important at least at the end of each day.  Cutting the cords after each appointment is a positive move.  Think of these cords as different colored ribbons attached at each end to you and the other person.  Cutting them will offer a release for you which can be freeing.

Whatever you do,  choose an activity you can rely on for rejuvenation, relaxation, stress release.  Make this power break part of your day, every day.

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Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.

Book Cover designed by Sangi.

Reflexology blessings to you!

Thurman Greco



treeWhat is your body telling you? Listen!

When you  listen, all four parts of your self will tell you what you need to hear:  Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves will speak to you.

Are you tired?

Do you suffer from a sleep deficit?

Are you unable to sleep because you are burning the candle at both ends?

Are you deeply troubled?

Are you studying for an exam?

Are you trying to get a promotion at work?

When do you need to rest?

Do you need to play?

How long has it been since you just had fun?

What is your work situation?

We all have cycles.  What are yours?

When are you at your best?

Keep a regular, predictable schedule every day of the year.  Listen!  Your internal clock will develop a schedule of eating, sleeping, and exercising at the same time each day.  Respect the regularity of this schedule.

Schedule some relaxation time each day.  Give your brain a break.  Let it review the day’s experiences.  Allow your brain to turn events into memories.  This will encourage the learning process.  Allow your brain to refresh itself.

Listen!  Every part of your body stores emotions, memories, thoughts, based on what the body part does for you.  For example, your ears will store these emotions, memories, thoughts, that relate to hearing.  Become more aware of events that contribute to issues or diseases  in the particular parts of your body.

Find time to move your body at intervals throughout the day.  This means taking the stairs whenever possible.  Walk when you talk on the phone.  Park farther away from your destination and walk to your destination.

When we ignore our bodies, stress, tension, fear, frustration, depression, anxiety,  and disease set in.

As a reflexologist, you will improve both your life and your career significantly if you honor your circadian clock.  Take a break every couple of hours to check in with yourself and see how things are going.

When you begin to honor your clock, you will find yourself keeping a regular schedule.  This regular schedule is a tonic for some.  For others, it is a wonder drug.

Your body will love you for this because it loves predictability.  Stress is related more to lack of a schedule than to finances, marital problems, children, or work.

When you listen to your needs and  offer your body predictability, you invite homeostasis into your life.

If you are new to this blog, I wrote a series of posts in which I offered suggestions and guidelines about how to listen to your body and also how to communicate with different parts of your body to bring about healing and homeostasis.  You can find them in contents section of this blog.  They were in late 2014 and early 2015.  Most of the posts were entitled “Spirituality of……”

Teach your client partners about their circadian clocks.    You will then improve their lives and careers.  How cool is that?

Thanks for reading this blog/book.

I hope you found this guideline helpful.  Please leave your comments below and check out the other posts.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Art provided by Jennette Nearhood



A Guided Meditation – An Angel, a Gift, and a Safe Place

Page0002 (2)For this meditation, the first thing to do is get as comfortable as possible.  This means being in a comfortable chair, recliner, or lying face up on a massage table or other flat surface.

Straighten your spine, relax your shoulders, allow your chair, recliner, or massage table to support your body.

Now, make sure your clothes are comfortable.  Loosen anything that is tight or constraining.

Uncross your arms, legs.

Focus on your breath as you go within.  Gently , bring your awareness to your breathing.  Be aware of how you relax as you breathe in and out.  Feel your spine, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs relax as you breathe.

Use your breath to allow yourself to become more relaxed.  As you breathe in and out, use your out breathe to release tension.  Use your in breath to bring relaxation and appreciation into  your body through your respiratory system.

As you breathe in, continue to allow your breath to bring relaxation and appreciation to your entire body, ending with your feet.  Breathe deeply and relax with each in breath and each out breath.

As you become more and more relaxed, you realize you have a visitor,  a very special visitor in this space with you.  Quietly, as you breathe in and out, you see an angel close by.  This angel has come to visit with you for a few moments and to bring you a special gift.

Notice  this angel now.  How does this angel appear?  What colors do you see?

As you note the angel’s size, colors, and general appearance, you become aware of the angel offering you a special gift.  As you make contact with this angel and begin to communicate, you learn that your angel is giving you a beautiful glass bottle with a stopper.

You notice what this bottle looks like, how large it is, what color the glass is and what the stopper in the top of the jar looks like.  Your angel offers you this special jar and you are happy to accept it.

You begin to realize that this jar has a special purpose just for you.  You see that this jar is empty now and that it is waiting to be filled by you.

You know that your angel wants you to take your burdens and put them in this beautiful container.  So, you remove the stopper and begin to place your burdens in the bottle:  work, anxieties, apprehensions, stress, fear, dangers, questions, pain.

Continue to place these concerns and burdens in this bottle until you have filled it  with every concern you have.

Now, very carefully, place the stopper on the bottle.  As you are holding this bottle filled  with your concerns, you look around and see a  table nearby.  You gently place the bottle on the table.

You realize that by placing your problems and concerns in the jar on the table,  you are disposing of each and every one of them.

You know that, should you need them, you can return for them.  But, you also know that if you don’t need them, they are gone.  Thank you angel.

You thank your special angel for this wonderful gift.  What a lovely thing…a bottle especially created to hold your worries.

You now become aware of your breathing again.  You are ready to return to the present.  You breathe deeply for a few more moments and then begin to gently move your hands and arms, feet and legs.

You are back in the room now.  Rested.  Relaxed.  Happy to have visited with your angel.  Happy to have received the beautiful bottle with the fancy stopper.  Happy to have disposed of troubles.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

There are at Least 13 Benefits of a Reflexology for the Spirit Session

Reflexology for the Spirit provides instant relief to tired, swollen, itching feet.

It boosts the lymphatic system as it helps the body detox naturally as the practitioner works the lymphatic system.

Reflexology for the Spirit increases blood flow and can be used to improve circulation.  It helps the body to balance blood pressure.

It relieves tension, overall stress, and brings about a deep sense of relaxation to the entire body.

The benefits derived from receiving regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer an opportunity to observe physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes which create an ongoing atmosphere of body awareness, and a sense of healing. 

A strong feeling of well-being is created with regular sessions.

Reflexology for the Spirit deepens sleep and reduces insomnia when it is received over time in regular sessions.

Reflexology for the Spirit eases aches and pains as it relaxes the muscles.

Joint mobility is improved.

Women suffering from PMS, menopause, or other reproductive issues are offered relief.

Sufferers of indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive disorders can find relief through regular sessions.

Reflexology helps urinary problems such as cystitis.

Reflexology helps adjust emotional imbalances and increases nerve energy.

 So there you have them…13 benefits all lined up.

Thank you for reading this book/blog.  Our next post will focus on reactions.  Please contact me with any comments/questions you may have.

Hopefully you’ll be able to read tomorrow’s post as well.  As always, it will come to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco